Re: NAB? Telsa Purple Plates???

Geoff Egel ( )
Tue, 3 Feb 1998 18:10:41 +1100

At 11:35 AM 1/31/98 +1000, you wrote:
>>Geoff Egel
>Hi Geoff, Tesla sure was into health in a big way. From the info I've read
>on the man, he would connect himself daily to the output of a specially
>made small high frequency, high voltage oscillator claiming it had positive
>health benefits. Also he mentions that in the days of experimenting with
>X-rays he would sit reading, or whatever, with one of his X-ray tubes aimed
>at his head for considerable lenghts of time. Once again he claimed
>beneficial, energetic health effects. It should be remembered that the
>X-ray spectrum that Tesla was producing then was "soft" and "broad"
>compared with the convention of today.
>I do find it interseting that through the mountains of literature on health
>there appears a correlation between applied high (or low) frequency
>voltages to the body and health benefits, including: cancer remission, AIDS
>treatments, etc, etc. Hulda Clarke has explored this avenue extensively and
>has provided startling evidence in some excellent books. Lakovsky
>(spelling?), with his Multiple Wave Oscillator, claimed similar successes.
>The concepts of Homeopathy are based on an energitic field interaction, the
>resonant manipulation of which can lead a patient towards better or poorer
>health. Kirlian photography claims to be capable of capturing
>representations of the dynamic electromagnetic/organic field emanating from
>living organisms. Colour therapy. The list goes on and on. All this
>research overlaps on one major point - electromagnetic energies interact
>with living organisms. Applied in one way, they can heal. Applied in
>onother they can harm. Fascinating!
>Hi Bill
You seem to have uncovered a lot I was not aware of
Although I did hear of a Mechanical vibrating unit that was said to be
for a short time on it ,it is said made you feel good all over ,but if
you stayed
on it for a longer period as did Mark Twain , a close access to
toilet (john) was neccessary.

I think a unit along these lines produce enough stored vibration to shake
buildings ,makes you wonder if something along these lines happen at olahoma
many witness claimed to have heard a humming sound before the said explosion.

>>>Geoff Egel