Re: NAB? Telsa Purple Plates???

Bradley Scott ( )
Tue, 03 Feb 1998 17:15:13 +1100

At 06:10 PM 03-02-98 +1100, you wrote:
>>Hi Bill
>You seem to have uncovered a lot I was not aware of
>Although I did hear of a Mechanical vibrating unit that was said to be
>for a short time on it ,it is said made you feel good all over ,but if
>you stayed
>on it for a longer period as did Mark Twain , a close access to
>toilet (john) was neccessary.
>I think a unit along these lines produce enough stored vibration to shake
>buildings ,makes you wonder if something along these lines happen at olahoma
>many witness claimed to have heard a humming sound before the said explosion.

Check out the Nexus link on KeelyNet and read the article on Bright Skies,
part 5.



Bradley Scott
Saltbush Software
Agricultural Business Research Institute
University of New England, NSW
Australia, 2350.

Ph: +61 2 6773 3555