
Bill McMurtry ( weber@powerup.com.au )
Tue, 03 Feb 1998 17:16:05 +1000

Hi All,
where you all at? Must be the quietest bunch of 70-odd opinionated folk
I've come across.
Just out in the latest Nexus magazine is a very interesting article on the
work and research of one James E. Bare. As we all know (don't we?) the work
of Royal R. Rife has dropped off the face of the earth. At least the
technology has. I've read lots about the man and his woes with the
"establishment" (shit I hate that word, not accurately descriptive really).
Nowhere have I found any good technical information on the Rife "ray"
devices. James Bare has a book out that provides construction plans and
accompanying theory. He uses a CB radio, driven by an audio input I
believe, the output of which is amplified before ultimately driving a
plasma tube containing an argon/neon gas mix at the correct pressure and
ratio. In his words the transmitter is modified to produce a "pulsed,
overmodulated, wide-bandwidth, amplitude modulated wave". He states that
the output of the plasma tube is producing what he calls a "plasma wave"
which is not easily shielded by the usual electromagnetic means (faraday
cage, etc.) Remarkable effects and health benefits are claimed with, he
states, over 1000 units having been constructed and operated by various
people to date. I emailed James for some contacts here in Australia - very
prompt reply (I like that) with Australian contact details of a person who
has constructed the device and is "pleased with its operation". I am
presently awaiting reply from them.
James E. Bare can be contcted at: Email: rifetech@rt66.com Address: 8005
Marble Avenue, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, USA. Telephone: +1 (505) 268 4272
James' book sells for US$25, availablr directly from him. He also has a 100
minute video tape out on unit assembly and experiments with unit.
I am not receiving commission on any book sales or the like - James Bare
probably would'nt know me from a bar of soap after only two short emails.
This info. sounds very promising though. Cancer cure anyone?

Jerry, you might want to follow this one up.
