Re: NAB? Telsa Purple Plates???

Bill McMurtry ( )
Tue, 03 Feb 1998 18:41:00 +1000

>>Hi Bill
>You seem to have uncovered a lot I was not aware of
>Although I did hear of a Mechanical vibrating unit that was said to be
>for a short time on it ,it is said made you feel good all over ,but if
>you stayed
>on it for a longer period as did Mark Twain , a close access to
>toilet (john) was neccessary.
>I think a unit along these lines produce enough stored vibration to shake
>buildings ,makes you wonder if something along these lines happen at olahoma
>many witness claimed to have heard a humming sound before the said explosion.
>>>>Geoff Egel

Hi Geoff, the mechanical vibrators that Tesla constructed would not have
caused a building to EXPLODE but rather the resonant vibrations would have
increased over a period of time before destructive effects set in. By the
way, I received a HUGE package of info on the "M-L Converter/Testatika"
machine from your US contact. And very interesting it is too! Have not had
a chance to thank him yet - do you have his email address? (post me
directly if you don't want it on this list) Q: did Tesla invent the
vibrator? :)
