Gravity does NOT suck

Jerry W. Decker ( )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 21:19:52 -0800 (PST)

Hi all .. :)

How many here have heard the one about the Tibetan monks who levitated
stones using sound (apparently inducing resonance)? Now my question being
how in the name of hell can simple resonance induce weight-loss?
[Jerry: You're far more familiar with Keely's work than I -- I presume his
concept of the Neutral Centre and his atomic model would no doubt answer
this easily. Care to comment?]

Anyway... this all came up when I was piecing together my own
interpretation of gravity based on the works of Craig Gunnufson, Bearden,
and probably a dozen others I can't remember (those two just come to
mind). The idea was simple: gravity is a push, yes - but it's more than
that. Gravity, Time, and Inertia are all symptoms of Electromagnetics --
and all are related to the action/reaction principle of Newton.

In a nutshell: EM fields form the basis of time as we know it (causing the
basic state-change in atoms). When an EM field is emitted, it
simultaneously produces an equal and opposite EM field (re: inverted 180
degrees -- phase conjugated, in a sense). It is this opposing field which
PUSHES upon the atom, causing it to recoil. That's gravity. Lastly,
inertia is merely the sum total of all gravitational forces in your local
region which exert pressure upon you.

After piecing this together, it set me on a long gedanken experiment on
how this could possibly relate to resonance-induced levitation.

Well... any comments?

[Oh: Interesting factoid -- matter reflects frequencies matching its
resonance frequencies (and presumably weakly on its harmonics), while
absorbing others as heat. Why is that anyway...?]