Re: Gravity does NOT suck

Bradley W. Scott ( (no email) )
Fri, 23 Jan 1998 16:32:07 +1100

At 21:19 22/01/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi all .. :)
>In a nutshell: EM fields form the basis of time as we know it (causing the
>basic state-change in atoms). When an EM field is emitted, it
>simultaneously produces an equal and opposite EM field (re: inverted 180
>degrees -- phase conjugated, in a sense). It is this opposing field which
>PUSHES upon the atom, causing it to recoil. That's gravity. Lastly,
>inertia is merely the sum total of all gravitational forces in your local
>region which exert pressure upon you.
>After piecing this together, it set me on a long gedanken experiment on
>how this could possibly relate to resonance-induced levitation.
>Well... any comments?

Hi there,

Here's a comment. Bearden talks about how transverse EM waves coupled to
the phase conjugate create EM longitudinal waves, even for ELF. Sound
waves are longitudinal. Tom's also developing a theory on matter-vacuum,
vacuum-matter energy transfer. Longitudinal EM waves play an important
role in this transfer. I don't know, but presumable you could think of
sound waves as being longitudinal EM waves, since the atoms and molecules
don't actually touch. Food for thought?



Bradley W. Scott
Centre for Water Policy Research
University of New England, Armidale, NSW Ph : +61 (02)67 73 2420
Australia, 2351 Fax: +61 (02)67 73 3237