Re: Gravity does NOT suck

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Jan 1998 23:34:03 -0800


You gotta be trolling me?? Right? <g>..

Hexslinger (helluva name, my family is Pennsylvania Dutch too!) wrote;
> How many here have heard the one about the Tibetan monks who levitated
> stones using sound (apparently inducing resonance)? Now my question
> being how in the name of hell can simple resonance induce weight-loss?
> [Jerry: You're far more familiar with Keely's work than I -- I presume
> his concept of the Neutral Centre and his atomic model would no doubt
> answer this easily. Care to comment?]

See for details on this

If I (or anyone else) TRULY understood the details, all of us would be
floating at our keyboard instead of sitting here reading or typing in
these comments...<g>...

My thinking for the past 40 years has been that gravity is indeed a
pushing favorite theoretician on this subject is Ross
Tessien.....the universe is pressurized...Keely's Neutral center is the
energetic hyperspatial link that absorbs this pressure, possibly passing
it through to a negative, vacuum universe.

I don't know where it goes and don't claim to...however, I do agree with
Keely's idea that all masses and the components that form them, on all
levels, have their own neutral centers which combine in a gestalt-like
fashion as the mass increases...

Aether/zpe flows into each of these and we are held onto the planet by
this force flowing into the earths larger combined neutral centers.

If that is the case, then you simply deflect the inflow to the earth from
around the object that is being held an umbrella above your
head to deflect rain....

Now, about how sound can control gravity....I think that if you create a
standing wave of sufficient intensity and at the mass resonance (possibly
more than one), you can blow it up. This is demonstrated with RIFE
frequencies blowing up tissue at their resonant frequencies, I have two
tapes of well as with the Memorex commercial singing into a
wine glass to blow it up and the new company that uses shock excitation
through standing waves to disintegrate garbage....I think you can
gradually expand the energy structure of a mass, making it now RADIATE to
overcome the inflowing forces that are suppressing and necessaritly
distorting it...I've been working on translating and building a file that
I think is quite fascinating on this subject...though its high time for a
working device!

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187