Quantum AetherDynamics Institute

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 Aether Blog


Identifying the Aether
rmfd Constant
Geometry of the Aether
Physics of Time
Eddy Current
4pi Spherical Constant
Aether Numbers


 rmfd Constant


BREAKING NEWS: We have successfully developed the electron binding energy equation, which accurately predicts the 1s orbital electron binding energies for all the atomic elements.

The value and dimensions of the rmfd (rotating magnetic field) constant are:

The rmfd constant is also the quantum unit of rotating magnetic field.

The rotating magnetic field applies to all particles.

The rmfd unit is also the Aether unit (Au).  RMFD is the prime quantum unit that describes the most fundamental unit of all material and non-material existence.  In addition to being the rotating magnetic field for each particle, it is also the unit of space-time involving Coulomb's constant.

In rmfd, the geometry of Coulomb's constant is modified by the geometrical constant of 16p2.

This is significant, as the geometrical constant of 16p2 is quite complex. There is a progression of the geometrical constants...

figure 1.  Progression of Curved Constants
(16p2 = constant for surface of a loxodrome structure )

To envision the tubular loxodrome structure, think of a toroid that is wrapped twice about the circumference of a sphere but split and stretched toward the poles.  There are two of these structures adjacent to each other.  The entire structure rests on the surfaces of two adjacent spheres (as in figure 2), joined at the poles (4p)2.  A real world example of this shape is seen emerging from this electric field animation at the military's HAARP web site.  

The tubular loxodrome structure was first proposed to me based on the Galaxy Model work of John Sefton.

It is from the Aether unit that subatomic particles derive their physical structure.   Unlike the circle, sphere, and toroid, the double loxodrome exists in both space and resonance.   The sphere is represented by two orthogonal frequency dimensions, and the loxodrome structure is represented by three dimensions of length.

The characteristics of onta (subatomic particles) exist at various levels of geometry.  Mass has circular geometry.  The electrostatic charge is spherical in geometry.  The strong charge (electromagnetic charge) has toroidal geometry.  Aether has a double loxodrome geometry.

The Aether unit can be compared to the graviton in the Standard Model.  The Aether' unit has 2 spin, as does the graviton.   Looking closely at the Aether unit geometry it is seen that 1 spin occurs over one sphere:

figure 2.  Double Loxodrome with Spheres

Two spin occurs over both spheres.  Half spin is one 360 degree twist going from one pole to another pole, as in figure 3.

figure 3.  Half Spin

Note that the half spin is a full 360 degree revolution around the sphere, thus 1 spin is 720 degrees around the sphere.  This observation agrees with Dirac's observations concerning half spin.

Also remember, these graphics appear in space-resonance.  From the perspective of space-time the 1/2 spin loxodrome would look like the cardioid image below:

The photon is a 1 spin "particle".  It is derived by the Aether constant (rmfd).

figure 4. Photon geometry

Some interesting speculations can be made about ancient technology from this model of the Aether and photon.

The loxodrome graphics on this page were made possible by Tom Gutman using MathCAD 11.  

Strong Force

The rmfd constant is the mediator of the strong force, just as Coulomb's constant is the mediator of the electrostatic force and the gravitational constant is the mediator of the gravitational force.  This is discussed in greater detail on the Casimir effect page.

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Last updated on Wednesday, May 02, 2007 01:08:51 PM