lessons learned from World War II updated 2/99

military lessons: political lessons: little known historical facts:
  The following response was offered by someone:
thanks for referring me to your web page on World War II.  From my perspective, you are almost 100% on target!  In addition: (
1) many Russians welcomed the Germans, and volunteered to fight with the Germans against the Communists - but rather than accept this help, the Nazi party was so hung up with ideas about "racial superiority" that they turned potential allies into enemies (only late in the war was this policy changed, but then it was too late);
(2) at the end of the war, many Russians who had fled to the West to escape Communism were forced back to the Soviet Union, where they were slaughtered - thanks to FDR.

As you point out, the Wehrmacht was defeated by the Russian Army -- if Hitler had not invaded Russia, but had invaded Egypt, then Saudi Arabia, avoided his stupid racial policies, and offered reasonable peace terms to Britain, we might be living in a very different world today..

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