Eric Krieg's Holocaust Remembrance page last updated 05/03 available at:

High among my personal ethics is being anti-human suffering, especially that which is intentional caused - and especially involving high quantities of human life.  Most people link of the word holocaust with the Jewish holocaust at the hands of the Nazis. However, it's important to be aware and open about all major violations of human rights. When Hitler was asked about the problems of early persecution of Jews, he replied, "no one remembers the Turkish slaughter of the Armenians". As a cyber-memorial to the uncountable souls vanquished by evil ignorant people, I offer the following summary of the largest recent mass slaughters of people:

·  1901 - 1919 1 million Armenians as part of ethnic cleansing by Ottoman Turks (lack of accountability of this inspired Hitler for his holocaust)

·  1950 - 1974 30 million chinese by communists (the same people who recently slaughtered their own students)

·  1925 - 1940 25 million members of the former soviet union by Stalin's communists

·  1940 - 1945 20 million citizens and soldiers of the former soviet union by Nazis

·  1941 - 1955 5 million Germans as a result of W.W.II Many of these were solders who had to be killed, but many were POWs slaughtered by the Soviets and Citizens intentionally bombed by the Allies as part of a campaign that included more than Military targets.

·  1939 - 1945 6 million Jews by Nazis across most of Eastern Europe. This is considered the most offensive act in History since it targeted one group so "efficiently". There are people who deny that this occurred, but if you check out this response by the Skeptics Society you'll see that the holocaust did occur. (unfortunately, hate groups posing as non-PC researchers are spreading the lie of denial to a growing percentage of Americans)

·  1939 - 1945 6 million other peoples (gays, resisters, catholics, etc.) by Nazis in death camps

·  1952 - 1960 .5 million Hindus and Moslems by each other during separation of India and Pakistan (tensions still remain)

·  1968 - 1976 2 million Cambodians by communists

·  1969 - 1984 2 million Ugandans by a series of tribal wars

·  1960 - 1996 2 million Hutu and Tutsi tribe members by each other.

·  1989 - present 1.5 Sudanese Christians and animists by northern Moslems (this area is also afflicted by slavery)

·  1971 - present (this is controversial) around 90 million people in third world countries are thought to have died of malaria because the effective anti-mosquito agent DDT has been banned due to unscientific "proof".  (of course this slaughter by Greens is indirect and unintentional)


There have also been scores of other smaller conflicts inflicting 10's of thousands of casualties in the world. Some People consider the Tobacco holocaust to have claimed the lives of some 200 million victims world wide. Others consider abortion in America to have killed 31 million babies
I for one consider 3rd trimester abortion to be sickening murder for convenience - but am undecided on the rest
I feel that slaughtering different groups of people is an evolutionary advantageous trait which can eventually be corrected!
I anticipate probably about 2 billion people (mostly poor) killed by intentionally released viruses starting in about 2 decades.  I have no proof this will happen, I merely think it highly likely.  Unfortunately, many oppressed people are not against repression - they are only against being oppressed.  (think about it).  Many people feel it is a natural (yet immoral) out growth of evolutionary psychology for one group of people to wipe out another.  Even tribes of lions or monkeys do this to competing tribes.

Another better Holocaust site and

·  United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
and Eric's response to anti-Jewish rumors
 debunking false reports of a Indianapolis Death or Extermination Camp
 Antrax FAQ could it be the next holocaust?
 Did the west do enough to stop the holocaust
 A Cybrary of the Holocaust

·  This is maintained by Eric Krieg     , ,   rants and feel free to sign up for  Eric's email lists


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