The most stupid things I have ever heard 

I heard a friend named Jim say, "I've just started noticing the condition of tires on other cars while I drive - If I see a car with bad tires, I stay away" my response is "I'd want to stay away from a driver concentrating on other tires".

I have a cousin in law who heard someone ask if her kid had a  tetanus shot and she said, "oh no - it's not important - he's never been bit by an animal". - this woman later became a nurse!

My grandmother in law upon hearing someone make a joke to my wife about my wanting sex said, (and I'm telling the truth here) - "Just give him money and send him out"

After I got done explaining the facts of life to my then 9 year old daughter, she said with a look of fear on her little face, "well, have you and mommy done that"

My grandfather after telling me that I'm way smarter than my wife - told me "don't worry about your kids - 90% of genes for intelligence are passed through the father"  I remember thinking , "well maybe I'm in trouble".

My younger daughter once asked,  "Dad how do you spell dumb?"

Our neighbors to the

One of my favorite stupid things to say is actually an attempt to start my own urban legend, as I go through a check out line, I but a perplexed concerned expression on my face and stare at the laser code scanner - then after the last item goes by I say in a thick Philadelphia accent (one of the dumbest sounding accents I've heard), "Duh, if like . . . if they turned that on to FULL power, could it blast your hand off??".  Then I try to keep a straight face while they usually explain that it's a low power laser.   But if you ever hear some one say "a friend of a friend knew someone who knew someone who got their arm chopped off by a malfunctioning . .. ." - I started that one.

  One of the most amazing stories I heard of stupidity is a friend in Mensa told me they had a dowser speak at their meeting, no one questioned the evidence for it and at the end went enthusiastically around the room thinking they were locating water pipes.  By the way, there has never been any significant evidence dowsing works.

other sites on stupidity:
Eric's Crackpot site.. This is a personal study on the insanity out on the internet.
Eric's list of hypocrites
pillars: Stupid People
Morons of the World Home Page
people accusing me of being stupid
Marilyn Vos Savant claims to be the smartest person alive - here's a list of her stupid mistakes

send me your stories about the idiots in your life to
see more of my rants