it turns out that many prominent people known for something are complete
phonies.  Consider the following examples:

world sex symbol: Elvis Presley:   He was known as  the most sexy man alive for many years running, but it turned out that once his wife had a kid - he's only perform once a week.  And to think of the millions of woman in mass fantasy of how erotic it would be to be married to him.

relationship advice expert:  Barbara DeAnglis:  She's sold the rest of the world millions of books about how to make relationships work.  You ask, "well how well has she done?" - she's made a mockery of marriage with 6 divorces.  And media people fall all over themselves to quote her.  For that matter, the "Dear Abby" sisters don't quite have it all together too.

John Gray He was a go-fer for 20 years for the Maharishi and a virgin at age 40.  This effeminate guy married the above mentioned flaky broad and got divorced.  He repackages new age pphacthobabble for the female audience.

Building advice expert Bob Villa:  built a wall with out a building permit for himself and was made to tear it down.

Einstein did some great work on the theory of relativity, but spent his last 20 on nothing of any account because he couldn't accept major breakthroughs by peers. (I shouldn't call him a hypocrite - but he's overrated)

National moralist and condemner of others, Jimmy Swaggart hung out with hookers

Martha Stewert  gives out all kinds of advice on decor, manners, etc. - according to an unauthorized autobiography, she's a manipulative lying scum.

leading skeptics (in a story I hope to break ) have not only been conned by a prominent skeptic, but then covered the whole thing up to keep from looking bad.

famous pphacthic Uri Gellor has gotten incredible media coverage on his paranormal claims is unwilling to have his claims tested by people qualified to spot fraud.

black community leader/ roll model, Mayor Marion Barry  used to give speeches at black schools about how kids should be honest responsible and stay off drugs - and then steals public money to buy drugs to try to push a woman into an adulterous affair.  In the most bizarre example of "I vote my skin color" - this criminal was reelected.

morality talk show host, Laura Schesinger.  Told people they were slime for being unfaithful or untruthful and then tried to lie as part of a cover up provocative nude pictures that were taken of her while she was married to one man by her lover.

natural food/ health expert Euel Gibbons died of a heart attack at age 62.

leader of cult saying the world would end in 1992 was found by police with bonds maturing in 2002.

The worlds Smartest person Marilyn Vos Savant
 has made many mistakes as recorded in:  Record IQ holder, Marilyn Vos Savant's Mistakes,  - As of 6/15, legal action from Marilyn has shut down that site.  that sucks - I hate people who use lawyers to try to stop expression.

Werner Erhard.  Made big money teaching people to have integrity with the EST cult. He skipped the Country to avoid nasty tax problems and accusations of rape by his stepdaughter. (he also changed his name)

the world reknown saintly Mother Teresa Mother Teresa said: " I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot... the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people." She fought relentlessly against birth control.  Anna Sebba, a British author, and Christopher Hitchens, writer of the book, "The Missionary position"  says she failed to return stolen money, allowed epidemics to start and says there is no record of huge sums of donations.  (this personally hurts me, because I had always admired her and was thinking it would be a neat thing to give a week of time in service at her mission).

I've also heard that Baden Powell founder of world boy scouts was at least oriented as a pederast - but there is no proof he actually ever practiced.  I've heard that Mahatmas Gandhi was guilty of that, but I've never been sure if it was just a vicious rumor from his detractors.

this page by Eric Krieg who is a founder of Philadelphia Association of Critical Thinking