Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Eternal and Infinite Beings B: Hello. Q: Well, I'm Daphne, and I've heard you a few times. I enjoy all the channeling that I've heard -- yours and others. And I've learned a lot over the past year in terms of getting into accepting and realizing abundance -- things you're talking about today. And I do feel that I'm able to channel at all times. I understand that idea. Recently I heard again about the idea of universes; and I guess my question would have to be about that, although there are a million things. B: There are more than a million universes. Q: Trillions. B: An infinite number. Q: That's it. Okay, now you're bringing me back to just whatever you like to share with us about the infinity and eternity of a universe, and possibilities and all that. I plan on sharing more -- I've lost a lot of fear, and I'm willing to experience a lot of things. And this has been going on for quite a while, but right now I just feel, you know, very much better about it. B: All right. Infinity: everything, all that is, all at once, right here, right now. Universes are simply different points of view of the you you already are in an expanded sense. You contain all the universes of all experience, and the experience of any particular universe is simply the shifting of a point of view. You already exist, not only in all universes, but as all universes; and therefore it is not, and does not have to be difficult for you to have the experience of many different ideas, many different locales. Because all it takes is realizing that you have nowhere to get to; that you are already there: that another version of you already exists there; and all you need is the desire to see through the eyes of the you you are there to be in another universe. Q: I understand. Thank you. That reminds me of us being mirrors for each other. B: Yes. And do not forget that every moment of time that you create to experience, you actually create yourself to be quite a number of universes anyway. You are always a different universe, no matter how slightly different you might be from the last universe you were. When one variable in the equation changes, the whole equation is different. Q: Yes. Well, since I've been a child, I've felt that I would always be taken care of. I mean, I've been called naive and a Pollyanna -- and stupid and everything you can think of. B: But you are also eternal and infinite. Q: But it's been true, though. I've never been so out of it. B: Out of what? Q: Out of what's supposed to be in... that I haven't found some type of salvation. B: Salvation! Q: Well, you know. I haven't killed myself or anything. B: Yes, you have. Q: Well, not recently. B: No. Although all of those lives are still going on -- simultaneously with all the other lives you have ever lived. Q: I understand that, too. I really don't believe in death anymore. I think there's a. B: It is simply transformation. Q: Yes. Okay, now would you just say one thing more about breathing? What do you have to say about breathing? Because I've discovered something in crying; I've found that. B: Yes. Centering! Energizing! Oxygenation of the system; crystallization of the cellular atomic structures. Breathing: breathing is the primary fundamental meditation. Allow yourself to know that when you breathe deeply in a relaxed and calm state, you are centering yourself into the idea of being at the center of all probable realities. Sight becomes clear in sight. Allow yourself to know you are regenerating when you breathe. You are actually aligning yourself with the very pulse of the particular universe you are in at any given moment. You are going with the pulse with that breath, a deep relaxed breath, at whatever rate represents your normal relaxed rate of breathing. Anytime you find yourself in a situation where you feel anxious, all you need to do is replicate the breathing cycle when you remember yourself having been in a relaxed state. Use your imagination; invoke that breathing cycle, and it will always bring you back to center -- always. Q: Thank you. B: It is your energization symbol, your energization tool. When you breathe in that way, you may also find yourself sleeping less and eating less, because you are drawing sustenance from the primal energy of creation itself. Thank you. Q: Very good. Okay, thank you. B: Thank you. Sharing.

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