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Text: 11/20/02 Hi Lui; Since you are in UK where homeopathic practitioners can do their job without being persecuted by govt. you should take advantage of this freedom! In the meantime here are some things you can do: a) freshly juiced cabbage (YES LOWLY CABBAGE!) mixed with a little celery and/or carrot juice heals ulcers rapidly! This is a proven remedy! b) about 80% of all stomach ulcers are triggered by bacterium Helicobacter Pylori . The best medicine for that is Golden Seal Root Powder, (studies show it is more effective than antibiotics!) in capsules, as Helicobacter abhors it. It may be taken with Slippery Elm capsules which soothes the inflammed membrane. c) the bacterium thrives in stomachs that do not produce sufficient ammount of HCl/Pepsin which, in turn, is often caused by tension held in the stomach area. This is the emotional connection. Love Nina Hi all, being new here I hate to contradict someone (and perhaps I'm not... ?), but I've been following the 'blood type' way of eating for a few years now, and since Lui has an ulcer, I rather suspect he's blood type O. (Which is most susceptible to ulcers..) I grabbed my pocket size 'Blood type O, food beverage and supplement lists', and see that goldenseal is an Avoid. Slippery elm is beneficial, however. Cabbage is neutral. (From the book "eat right 4/For your type" by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, web site: This of course only applies if you're an O, Lui. Also wanted to share this from the book: "Licorice: The high stomach acid typical of Type Os can lead to stomach irritations. Type Os also have a susceptibility to ulcers. A licorice preparation called DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) can reduce your discomfort and aid healing. DGL is widely available in health-food stores as a pleasant-tasting powder or in the form of lozenges. Unlike most ulder medicines, DGL actually heals the stomach lining in addition to protecting it from stomach acids." -and- "Bladderwrack (fucus vesiculosis). Bladderwrack (from kelp) is an excellent nutrient for Type Os. This herb, actually a seaweed, has some interesting components, including iodine and large amounts of the sugar fucose. As you may recall, fucose is the basic building sugar of the O antigen. The fucose found in bladderwrack helps to protect the intestinal lining of type Os--especially from the ulcer-causing bacteria, H.Pylori, which attaches itself to the fucose lining the stomach of Type Os. The fucose in bladderwrack acts on H. Pylori much as dust would on a piece of adhesive tape: it clogs the suction cups on the bacteria, preventing it from attaching to the stomach." (And another couple sentences about its being an aid in weight loss for Os.)

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