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Tesla, Nikola.

Text: "On light and other high frequency phenomena." Complete text of Tesla's St. Louis lecture, and lecture before the National Electric Light Association. Electrical Review (London). 32(811), June 9, 1893. p. 682-684; 32(812), June 16, 1893. p. 714-716, 720; 32(813), June 23, 1893. p. 755-757; 33(815), July 7, 1893. p. 22-24; 33(816), July 14, 1893. p. 51-53; 33(817), July 21, 1893. p. 81-83; 33(818). July 28, 1893. p. 110-111; 33(820), Aug. 11, 1893. p. 153-154; 33(821), Aug. 18, 1893. p. 192-193.

See Also: Nikola Tesla, lectures, history.


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