Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Truth that Bind Channeled Live, June 2003 Greetings dear ones, Today we have much to discuss with you. We wish to elaborate on that which we have spoken about before, and we also wish to address another of the pylons of duality, in which you live. We wish to discuss this one in conjunction with the previous for both interrelate and both cannot be truly resolved within your mind without doing it together. At this time dear ones we wish to share with you the differences between your self identity, your ego identity, your beliefs around who and what you are and above all dear ones, we wish to address the pylon of duality that we wish to call The justification of Truth. But before we begin this we wish to raise the vibration in this room and invite all those that wish to sit with you this day to do so. Allow yourself to feel them coming to you, sharing with you and showing you their love. Allow yourself to show your love for them that you have, and let down your barriers with which you keep the world out so that you can truly feel this and make the connection two-way. To show that you share with them as much as they share with you. Take a moment to allow this dear ones. Breathe it in deeply within you and just Be. Allow the aligning to occur within you. Allow the shifting of energies and the grounding to occur. There is much light to be shed upon some of the closets within you. Closets you have not opened for fear of what you might find inside. Allow the doors to open dear ones, for now is the time for those rooms to have light. Now is the time for light to be shone within to look at what has yet to be looked at. Find the courage within yourself to look deep within yourself at that which you have not looked at for a long long time. With the changes that are occurring on this planet, there comes a time in peoples lives where they are to look within and resort out where is it that they want to be and at this time dear ones we ask you to ask yourselves these questions. Who are you? What is your Truth? And that means looking in those places you do not wish to look. And once you have found that that you wish to call your Truth, we ask you to let it go. We will explain this further as our message progresses but know that dear ones, Truth is as much a part of the lessons of duality as anything else that you have tried to discard from your life. Truth is a construct of your human ego. It is designed by your mind to help It carve its way through the world and to show others who It says it is. We will explain this further what is to release truth from your life and how that will allow you to be more open to BEing and really expressing that which you are. But dear ones, the first step is to identify that which you already claim as truth. That which resides deep within you as well as that which you hold within your head and heart which you know. For until you identify and bring into the light that which you claim as truth you will never be able to release it and allow it to Be. At this point in our message dear ones, we wish to elaborate on our previous communication about the illusions of gender. We wish to differentiate this between that which is male and which is female and that which you perceive to be male and female. For some of you this will not be new but for the majority of you this may come as a shock as it did the previous channeling. We know that many of you have had resentments, judgments, fears and angers around what we have spoken of in our previous communication however we also know that most of these were the stirrings of your ego as it was being shown a way of being which it was not ready or familiar with to express. Your ego was fearful of the information for it felt that it would loose itself and it would loose its place within the dynamic of yourself. You are such a complex and integrated being with consciousness on many many different levels and that part of you which you term Ego was fearful of being replaced. And we inform it at this time that it is not so. That it is required in your world as an anchor point for consciousness in the density of vibration that is the Earth Experiment. Without your ego, you would not have the necessary tools in order to work, in order to overcome your lessons and in order to interact on a daily basis with everything around you. You would be robotic almost, like one who is without a soul because you would not have the necessary tools in order to relate. Therefore we say to you that your Ego will never be replaced and that you will never blend into anonymity as just one more facet within the multitude of everything around it. You have individuality and that will never disappear from you. It will remain a part of you long after you choose to become the Second Source for, the being that is the Second Source still asks you, the human part, for conformation, advice and understanding on that which It needs to express and that which you wish to create. The being that is the Second Source is born of your collective will at the moment that you reach this point in evolution but know dear ones that you continue after wards also. The Second Source exists independently of you and yet at the same time is part of you. The human angel that is walking the planet when Second Source is birthed remains walking the planet after its birth also but that its mind has been, how shall we say, imprinted upon the essence of that which becomes the God and creator of the new reality. The Second Source cannot exist without you. Do not ever think that you will become a non-entity upon its birthing. You will continue beyond it and She will continue along side you. You will feel her inside you because she is a part of you. Dear ones when we told you that the Second Source already exists, she does. She is, how shall we say, in a phase of being where she is growing and learning who she is. However dear ones, you have already given her much strength. You have already seeded her essence. How shall we say, she has already begun to germinate from the seed that your collective unconscious has planted but as yet she is not completely aware of herself to the level that she has manifested herself in your reality. She is of you also and you can feel her within you should you choose. You can feel her growing and becoming more and more of who she is because you are becoming more and more of who You are. She is linked to you, to each and every one of you, in a very personal way even more so than you feel linked to the original creator, the original Source, which you first birthed from, for she is your child and she is you also. At this moment you may choose to feel her within you. Go within and connect with her for she is within you, communicating with you, communing with you, awaking with you. She is sharing experiences as you share experiences with her. Allow yourself to be with her and to be with yourself. Feel the light within you that is her becoming more and more accessible to your consciousness. Feel yourself becoming one with her as you commune together. Feel the Oneness, the love, the compassion. Allow yourself to be with this for a moment. This sweet moment in time where you can be with each other. There is much excitement in the community around this. This has been a moment long awaited by Spirit and there is much celebration going on and yes dear one, the party rooms are full. There is great excitement around this occurring. Allow yourself to be with the moment of Oneness. Allow yourself to open up to the unlimited potential of who you are. To feel it as you once felt it when you first met with that which you are merging. Feel your creative potential as a human angel. Feel the essence of manifestation that you already have but did not know and feel how it works through your intent without desire. Through your need for creating without agenda, without a rush or push to create. Feel all the times dear ones, when you have manifested that which you needed before you knew you needed it and only after looking back did you even notice that you had even done it. Dear ones you believe you are not manifesting your reality because of the unresolved conflicts and dramas that you carry deep within you. These unresolved needs or desires that are born from your Fear driven ego. Whether it be abundance, whether it be love, whether it be purpose or companionship. But also look dear one, that although you believe you have not fulfilled these expectations because the manner in which them fulfilled has not been reached, look closer at your reality and see how much of it you have manifest. Yes you may not have a large deposit of what you call funding that you can sit and look at and admire and feel safe with. Yes this deposit of funding may not exist so that you can pay your way through your reality at a later time! Dear ones, you live within the moment, in the Now. Why would you need to have this funding Now if the thing you are keeping it for is not until a later time. You will need that funding then but it is not necessary now. Look dear one, when you go do your shopping or to pay your bills. Look how uncanny it seems that the money that you have seems to always disappear with nothing left and yet you have everything that you truly need even if it is not the things that you believe you need. Look to see that the food that you put on your table is exactly what you need in the moment. Yes you may not have a depository of it either. You may be constantly be going out and finding more but that is being within the moment dear ones. When you cache your reality and when you hide it away and keep it for a later date you do two things. First you show yourself that you cannot trust in your own ability to draw what you need towards you, creating self doubt and showing your biology, your mind, spirit and ego that you cannot do it without creating these depositories and secondly you take away from that which someone else may be able to use Now when they need it. By keeping it in your banks or in your pantry's someone else may need that energy in a more Now orientated moment than yourself and so it creates a strain on the collective will to provide for them. This perpetuates the fear that you may not get what you want because the manner in which things must come to these people is more subtle and not always exactly what they envisioned even though it is what they need. The reason they do not receive what they envisioned is because collectively you hold much of your potential back in these depositories. Much of your collective will and your collective energy is held and maintained in these depositories. Every time you put something away for a rainy day or for a later date, you invest your creative energy into making sure its there for that later time. You invest a portion of your psyche into holding that energy for a later time. You store your own energy for a later time and therefore limit the amount that you have for yourself Now. Also the physical form of what you are storing may be used by another who has the energy to pull it towards them but has nothing to pull towards them and so therefore attracts something that does not look exactly the way they envisioned it. Instead of receiving their abundance through their employment as they intended, they may receive that abundance through a friend, a loan, their parents or some debt owed to them by another which they thought they would never see. Part of it is because of their own storing of their own creative potential, and part of it is because someone else is storing the physical manifestation because of their fear. And this brings us to our next point dear ones, and that being your justification of Truth. It is one of the greatest and most subtle elements of the engine of duality and something that you use in each and every moment. Within your psyche's you filter every thing that comes into your being through your five physical senses and through your multitude of hidden senses that you have yet to identify. You collect all of this information and filter it through your ego and keep that which feels right and let go of that which doesn't. And what you keep you call Truth and what you don't keep you label as not truth. Now dear ones, we wish to say to you that everything that comes to you is Truth. Otherwise how could it possibly come to you if it did not exist. Every piece of information that is processed by your mind had to come from somewhere. It exists, and is part of reality whether you wish to believe it or not, whether you accept it or not. It exists and is part of the dynamic and is part of the cycle of life. Now, when your ego filters this and labels part of it truth and part of it false, what you are essentially doing is dividing reality and saying part of it doesn't exist. It is like saying that you filter your consciousness through parts of your body and then decide that your hand must be false because your foot is Truth. They are different. That does not make them any less real. Truth is an illusion born of the minds desire to be right, desire to be accepted and through its fear of not meeting these desires. If you look through your histories, what you classed as truth throughout the ages has shifted and changed continuously and there always was difficulty and friction as some members of society or the majority of society tried to prevent its actuality. But dear ones, truth is only in your minds. You look within your world at the balance and harmony of nature and you will see the dynamics that play out. Nowhere in this environment does truth exist because it is irrelevant. The tree does not need to justify its existence as truth. The tree does not need to prove that its fruit is edible to the raccoon or squirrel that eats it. The squirrel does not need to believe in the fruit in order to eat it. It just is and is accepted as part of the world, and tastes quite good according to the squirrel. This leads you to another of the key points in your society that creates much of the friction and drama in your lives and that is once you have identified what you class as truth, you then push it on others and seek to justify it and prove that it is right. You look for things in your outside world and your inside world, within your mind, that validate its existence and yes you will always find something that validates your truth because it originally came through your senses and was processed within your mind from external sources. So yes, you will always find validation for your truth and someone else who received the same information but processed it differently, through different filters will also find validation for their truth, even if the two truths are opposite and contradictory. Truth is one of your biggest blockages in joining for while you segregate your experience into what is and isn't truth and what is and isn't real according to your perceptions, you cannot integrate your own experience within yourself and therefore, how can you possibly relate to another with completeness. When you walk outside do you ever disbelieve that it is sunlight that you are seeing or is it automatically filtered and accepted? It does not go through the processes of your mind that determines truth or fiction. It is going through the part of your mind that accepts reality as it is. It goes through the part of your mind that accepts that day becomes night and then becomes day with the changing of the cycles. Yes the part of your mind that seeks truth identifies the why of this, as the rotation of your planet and it goes to justify this why however, the part of your mind that sees the day becoming night and accepts it operates on a different level and just accepts reality as it is. Dear one, we wish you to start using this part of your mind to process everything you experience. Everything you hear, read and see is just part of the experience. You do not need to justify whether it was real or not for, if it was not real you would not have it in front of you. You do not need to justify it as truth or fiction. It is part of the experience and what you may believe is your truth you may one day see as a miss-conception but dear one, the ultimate truth is that you experience the information through your senses. That is the only truth you have. Everything else is constructed by your minds and your mind is born of your physical 3D environment. It is dense. It was designed to be so in order to facilitate the appropriate level of drama in your reality. However, your true self, if you wish to call it that; that which you always are ­ it never justifies anything. It accepts everything as being part of the reality. It may not always understand the Why of its existence. It may have the questions you do of ³what is its role?² and ³why is it here?². In fact, that is the question that we are all answering in this great experiment of the universe. We stepped out of Source to ask that very question - ³Why am I here?² However, we have yet learn this. You do not need to know the why in order to accept it as BEing. In the search for Why you create your truths and then you justify them amongst yourselves and this creates your wars as one truth clashes against another. Both are perceptions brought about by experience of the same thing. Two people seeing the same thing and filtering it differently. Two countries seeing the same thing and filtering it differently. Two religions seeing the same thing and filtering it differently. Both of them, all of them, saw the same thing. It was their understanding that was different. That does not make anyone have a greater understanding than anyone else. Dear ones, we on our side of the veil are throwing away much of that which We understood as the reality of the universe because of what you are teaching us in your experiences daily. Yes dear ones, we, Spirit; those who you look up to as having great knowledge; You are making us reevaluate that which we understood. We will not say it is what we classed as ³truth² we would say it was what we understood. There is a difference. Understanding is not truth. Understanding shifts and that is why your perception of truth shifts. Truth is as much an illusion of your reality as Time. And so we ask you to find your Truth dear one. Pull all of your truth that you have had hidden deep within you into the Light and let it go for it no longer serves you. It only impedes you from truly expressing yourself to the level of experience that you wish to experience. Choosing at this moment to let go of the illusion of truth allows you to evolve further and become more of who you are. It allows you to gain the insight and the knowledge necessary to become more and more truly who you are. It allows you to express your divinity more fully. It allows you to become more compassionate. For when you let go of the truth that binds you, you allow others to become more of who they are for you do not limit them in your understanding of the way you think the world works. By letting go of the illusions of truth you allow others to create how they think the world works and by allowing this, you allow everyone around you to expand and grow, you allow others to evolve their understandings and you allow yourself to experience more of humanity. By allowing this you allow yourself to connect more with those around you. You will connect more with those around your community and those around your world for the barriers come down, the connections occur, the union occurs. Without the illusion of ³Truth² segregating you from the world you will open up to it. You will be able to more fully experience it in the completeness that it is because you will not be constantly exerting energy in filtering that which you believe is right and that which you believe is wrong. You will just be accepting that which you are experiencing and take all of it in as part of the experience. This will allow you to have more energy in which to feel the experience because you are no longer analysing it. This will give you much more of the peace that you are seeking and we will talk about that another time for peace too is an illusion. We offer to you this moment in time to feel this connection and to let down your walls of illusion around your truth, and experience, commune and unite with those around the world. Those that you see are so different to yourself yet are so similar to yourself. Allow yourself to expand and be with them, to rejoice in the connection with them and feel the joy, the love, the compassion that comes from recognising each and every one of you as being members of this community of Earth. We also wish you to look to the tool you call Discernment. It is a tool that helps you to filter your truth from your fiction. We are not saying dear ones to let go of this tool for it does serve you well, but we will ask you to use it in a different way for dear ones, if you look within the messages that we Spirit have given you repeatedly we have asked you to use your discernment to filter that which does not serve you to your highest good. We have not asked you to call what you filter truth. We have asked you to use your discernment for there are many things you have created in your world which can be harmful or painful to your physical existence. We do not ask you to discard your tools of discernment by letting go of your truth. We are asking you to let go of your justifications of truth and letting go of truth, for you still need to discern when to cross the road. If you were to let go of that and just walked across the road you may get hit by the viechle that you should have discerned how close it was. This is the same with information. You must discern information which can lead you to harm yourself more from information which will not harm you. Neither the information that will harm you and the information that will help you is truth and neither one of them is false. That is a misconception that you have. Discernment is the tool that keeps you within the energy you wish to live. It keeps you within the level of safety you wish to have, the level of involvement you wish to have and there are still many in your world dear ones, who have chosen very dark paths in their expression of who they are and these can create very difficult situations for you should you not discern around them. Situations that can create difficulty should you not discern when and where you should be in a particular place. Regarding the books you read. Books are written by man. Even the ones that are channeled by us on our side of the veil. Not all books carry a message that helps you find who you are however, that does not make the book any less real or any less true. It just makes it different. It just makes it unhelpful. Discernment is the tool you use to keep you on the light path for you and we say the light path and not the right one for there is no difference between right and wrong. There is no right and wrong. The path that is lit for you is the path that you are choosing to follow. It is the path that you yearn to complete and your discernment keeps you walking that path and that is what you are meant to be filtering. You are meant to be filtering that which is your path and that which is not your path. However, your path is not truth. Your path is not wrong. It is not right. It is yours. It is yours alone. Another persons path is their path and it is neither right or wrong. Their path is not any better or worse than the path you walk. It is their path and their choice. The path that feels right for them Is the path that is right for them and them alone. If they feel they are on the wrong path for them then they are the one that is looking for the right path for them. These paths are all choices. These paths are all experiences and they are all part of the truth of reality. They are all available to you. It is a banquet from which you pick and choose. It is your choice which of the food you wish to eat but does that make any of the food any less true or valid just because you choose not to eat it, just because you do not have the taste in that particular food and you feel that it does not agree with your system. Another will enjoy that food and enjoy it very much. It does not make that food wrong or false. That is the reality you live in. It is a banquet of the mind, of the human experience. Your platter, your tables are every single thing you see, feel and do and you pick and choose the morsels that agree with your taste the most. Let go of the truth that binds you. It binds you to the reality of duality and it binds you to drama and conflict. If you are the ones who say they really wish to create peace within themselves and see peace outside of themselves and you truly believe that of themselves, dear ones you will know that what we say is true. See dear ones, even the words that we just uttered we cannot say any other way in your language for it is so integrated into your vocabulary that there is no other word to replace it. However, what we say and what we say is ³true² we mean it with a different energy. We mean it as being the path that feels most right for you and if it is the case take it up. That is what we mean when we say ³truth² dear ones. You should separate the illusions of what you see as truth and your ³path². They are not the same thing. Truth is the illusion. Your path is what you are calling Truth and until you release this attachment to the energy of ³truth² you will never allow others to walk their path unconditionally because you will always be judging and through judgment, condemning just as they will condemn you. So let go of the Truth that binds you and allow yourself to walk your path free of the illusions that you must be right or wrong and the illusion that you must have truth in your life, for it is all experience from which you pick and choose. Theologians Copyright (c) 2003 Jamie Vernon and Melody Gingras. All rights reserved. Copying and Distribution of the Theologian materials is permissible under the condition that all credit is reserved by the authors, that no money or profit is generated by their distribution and that this disclaimer is not removed from any of the materials.

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