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Text: Harmoniously Reflecting Individual Truths Q: My relationship with my mother is filled with much disharmony. B: Ah! Repeat after me: Yes - Yes... My - My... relationship - relationship... as - as... my mother - my mother -- (Pause, and some audience laughter) Q: Did I miss something here? B: If you are also your mother, and your mother is also you, why have you co-created the idea that it is disharmonious? Q: Well, I don't know, butŠ B: In what way do you perceive it to be disharmonious? Q: Well, generally whenever we get together for communication, it tends to be full of strife. B: Do you mean: because you are accepting the belief system that you must convince them of your point of view, and that they must convince you of theirs? Q: I would say that some of that is going on. B: All right. Simply: as you are a reflection to other individuals, if you know what is the vibrational truth for you, be that. Whatever they wish to offer you in return, take it as an offering, and say, "Thank you; no thank you." That is all there is to it. There is no need for disharmony in that way. And the more willing you are to simply reflect that you are being what is true for you, the more opportunity you give to another individual to also recognize that they can simply choose what is true for them. And that what is true for them and what is true for you are both "real" realities. There is no background reality, no one real reality against which other realities are measured for their degree of accuracy or truth. Q: Okay. B: "The" truth is composed of all truths. So simply it is your opportunity to recognize that what you hear from her are other truths in the truth. If some of them vibrate according to your truth, then integrate them, if they don't, don't. Q: Okay. Great. Thank you. B: Thank you! You can still be unconditionally loving because she is presenting you with opportunities to view that many more ways that All That Is has of expressing different truths. So it "rounds out" your ability to recognize other points of view -- and to let them serve you and to serve them in return. Thank you!

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