Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: He has discovered that the range of molecular motion in all quiescent masses is equal to one-third of their diameters, and that all extended range is induced by sound-force, set at chords of the thirds which are antagonistic to the combined chords of the mass of the neutral centres that they represent, no two masses being alike, and that at a certain increased range of molecular motion, induced by the proper acoustic force, the molecules become repellent, and that when the sympathetic centres are influenced by a vibration concordant to the one that exists in themselves, the molecules become attractive; that the repellent condition seems to take place at a distance of about ten of the diameters of the molecules, this distance representing the neutral line of their attractive force, or the dividing line between the attractive and the repellent. Beyond this line, perfect triple separation takes place; inside of it, perfect attractive association is the result.

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