Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Preferring to Have Positive Beliefs Q: I have many different symptoms, physical symptoms right now. And I do choose toŠ I have been choosing to be supported by the universe and whatnot, and the symptoms don't seem to be clearing, they just seem to be coming up. Can you give me insight on what's causing them? B: This is what I will say at first: allow yourself to cease believing -- if you know that you are acting upon that which excites you, if you know you are allowing yourself in this way to create the connection and be supported in, and of and by, the universe in that sense, then cease to believe that the so-called symptoms are something other than a reflection of what you know to be true that is supporting you. Begin by understanding that if you know you are connected, and if you know everything in your life is a reflection of your connection, include the symptoms in that, you follow me? Q: Well, how do I get rid of them? How do IŠ? B: You do not get rid of anything; there is nowhere to get rid of anything to. That is the whole point and the paradox. The idea is to know that if you simply have made the understanding and the decision that you are what you know to be true for you, and therefore you know that the only things that can occur in your life are positive reflections and manifestations of that knowingness, of that trust and of that conviction, then you will never assume that anything that occurs in your life doesn't belong there -- including what you may have previously judged to be negative. Understand that if you know you are an idea, and something happens in your life, then you have to trust and take it for granted that by definition that thing belongs in your life and is a reflection of the positive path you are being. As soon as you accept that it is, you will allow it to transform into a reflection that will show you how it is. And thus it will not be gotten rid of, but it will be allowed to transform into a positive reflection -- because you are now willing to allow everything in your life to be representative of what you know you are. You will know you cannot be interrupted. Thus you will not treat anything in your life as an interruption that needs to be gotten rid of. You will know that whatever happens is a part of the path you chose to be, and you will welcome it. And you will welcome the message it brings you, thus allowing you to transform into a positive reflection of that messenger. Only your judgment that those things don't belong in your life is what creates them to have a negative effect. Do remember: every situation is fundamentally neutral. No situation has built-in meaning. You give it meaning, and the effect you get in your life is completely a result and a product of the meaning you attach to a neutral situation. Positive meaning: positive effect. Negative meaning: negative effect. No situation brings meaning with it. They are all blank, you fill them in. If you find that the situation is creating a negative effect that is a positive service to you to recognize that you are judging the neutral situation to be negative. Thus it has very lovingly given you an opportunity to recognize that you have negative beliefs within you. So it is a positive situation because now you have recognized you have negative beliefs. Now is an opportunity, therefore, to recognize that you prefer to have positive beliefs. Therefore you can simply trust that you now have positive beliefs because you have been willing to see that the situation showed you that you had negative ones. Thus it has a positive service. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: Does that serve you? Q: Yes, it does. B: Then you can also relax. There is nothing outside of you, nowhere to get rid of anything to, just an infinite amount of room in which to transform anything into anything else. It will always be with you. What you have now you will always be, but it will change into other forms of the same thing. Do not forget, everything is the same one thing, manifesting in a multidimensional array of simultaneous occurrences, both positive and negative. But everything is the same one thing --because the universe is only one thing. You follow me? Q: Yes, mhmm. B: Thank you. Q: Thank you. B: Pleasant dreams. Sharing!

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