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Text: Positive Transformation Q: Last Friday night I put my hand through the glass pane on the front door and cut my hand and my arm. B: Yes. Q: And my roommate and I spent a very interesting evening in the emergency room of the local hospital. B: Yes. Q: And I was wondering how I had done this for my benefit? When I first did it I didn't feel it , and then when I saw what I had done, I had cut my wrist, which to me was symbolic of suicide? B: All right. Q: And, uh, I haven't really found a satisfactory understanding for myself. B: All right. There is no need to be impatient. Once again first of all, before we proceed with this idea, do recognize that many of you if you do not have the answer right there within the very next second will say: "Well I can't get it." Recognize that many things will fall into place always if you are simply willing to trust that they do have a place to fall into. Now, where that will be is very different in every given situation. But simply understand and trust, first and foremost, that all situations have a reason for being in your life, and whether it is a reason for fitting into what you already understand has already happened in your PAST, OR, whether it will fit into something that has not yet happened, it will fit within the entire scheme of your life span. So recognize, let us say, a given situation may not manifest understandability on the conscious level until perhaps, because of the timing, many years down the road. But then, when you arrive at that point, then you will say: "Ah, now I understand why that fit in, and I understand why I could not have understood it any sooner." You follow me? Q: Yes. B: However, in this case, you can always allow yourself to recognize that it is, at least as far as we perceive your energy, one way of showing yourself that you are passing through barriers. But also showing yourself that you still believe that the passage through those barriers has to be painful, and has to result in the idea of a death of a portion of yourself in a negative way, rather than a positive way. You follow me? Q: No. B: A portion of the you - in that sense, the you that you were - has died, and you are no longer that you. You are different, you are literally a new personality. In this way, simply, what was being shown, at least on one level, is that you had within you a belief, an inherent belief, that you had been taught and had bought into that: transformations of a drastic nature always requires some sacrifice on your part. Q: The same as committing suicide, is that what you are saying? B: In a sense. The idea that the old you has died, but also that your idea of any transformation, any death which is a transformation, has to be the idea of a negative one. Now, you can recognize that one of the things that this has served is to allow you to know that you are no longer that you. You have in fact died. You are now reborn, in a sense. And you can allow yourself to recognize you are no longer the you that has to go through any transformations in a negative way. You do not have to shed your life's blood; you do not have to go through trials by fire in order to know that you can allow yourself to go to the next level. To go through your barriers. You do not have to crash through them. You can merge with them and be on the other side smoothly, without shedding one drop of your life's integrity. You follow me? Q: Yeah. B: Integrity is the key. Integrity. Allow yourself to know that you are an integrated being, and that everything around you is you. You are a part of it; it is a part of you. You can merge and BLEND with the symbols; you do not have to CRASH through them. You do not have to break them in order to feel that you have PASSED to another level. They do not have to break you. You do not have to RENDER and RENT the membrane that you consider to be the membrane between your inner and outer self, your skin. You can allow the inner and the outer to be one thing, and then any transformation you make will be a transformation of ease, of blending, of merging. It does not have to be shocking, shattering, tearing. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: Also for you it was a symbol of a manifestation of a past life. You have now completed a cycle because in a past life you chose the idea of suicide. And you have now reached that point and surpassed it. You have gone beyond. That represented the point at which, if you had followed the same path as you did in the previous life, you probably would have committed suicide again. But you did not. You have taken responsibility for your life and therefore you have created more life to live. You have passed through an idea of yourself, and are no longer the old you at all. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: Doorway upon doorways in your dream reality, and in your physiological reality, will now begin to open. Enjoy them. Enjoy allowing your physical reality and your dream reality to merge. Enjoy living your dreams. We thank you. Q: Thank you.

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