Text: From my introduction http://groups.yahoo.com/group/alfenergy/message/778 regarding the Time equals Energy Flow, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/intalek/message/1200 in which I link the works of Antoine Priore, N. A. Kozyrev and A. E. Akimov into an interesting Œfabric¹ regarding the connective-collectiveness of the Œsystemic¹ properties of ŒTime¹. The ŒControl¹ paradigm is an immortal Œintelligent¹ control that utilizes ŒTIME¹ as a Œfactor¹, Œreference¹, Œtool¹ and Œdevice¹ to Œlocalize¹ PLANETS and their inhabitants. Sources regarding my theory: [http://twm.co.nz/paradcon.htman and http://www.december.com/cmc/mag/1994/dec/shift.html and http://www.paperboat.com/calliope/paradigm.html provides suitable Œmethodology¹ and structure. There are three (3) very important significant Œindividual¹ source references that seem to back up my Œtheory.¹ N. A. Kozyrev, Akimov and Antoine Priore have provided varying aspects and references regarding this Œcontrol¹ characteristic. Time is the single most important component regarding their [individual] Œresearch¹. For the average Œlayman¹ it is necessary to focus upon understanding the structure of time from the standpoint of simplification: http://www.welloftruth.org/time.htm Kozyrev believed that Œspiraling energy¹ was the true nature and manifestation of ŒTime¹ and just like Bearden¹s bi-directional wave pairs, Œtime¹ also exhibits similar Œcharacteristics.¹ Indeed without Œtime¹ there is no Œfunctionality¹ or Œsystem¹ regarding Œstructures¹ or Œproperties¹. If the flow of Œtime¹ were to Œcease¹, the very Œstructure¹ and Œnature¹ of the Œconstruct¹ [Universal Creation] would Œcease¹ to exist. Thus the Œproperties¹ of ŒTime¹ and more specifically the rate of time flow is essential in understanding Œsystemic¹ creation. Research: N. A. Kozyrev: http://ascension2000.com/DivineCosmos/01.htm http://www.chronos.msu.ru/seminar/eretroabstracts.html http://www.chronos.msu.ru/EREPORTS/arushanov_geophys_effects/arushanov_geophys_effects.htm http://www.chronos.msu.ru/EREPORTS/shikhobalov_fundamentals/shikhobalov_fundamentals.htm http://alexfrolov.narod.ru/kozyrev.htm http://www.rialian.com/rnboyd/transverse-waves.htm http://www.alliancelink.com/users/avalon/kozyrev.htm http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/freenrg/tors/tors.html http://www.faraday.ru/gradient.html God And Time: How can God be in the past, present and future: All in the same Time. http://www.welloftruth.org/time.htm Reference: http://www.astrologer.ru/article/ggstt.html.en http://www.snezhinsk.ru/asteroids/abstracts/ae94076.htm Apolinar Villa photo - Silver Bug Project [UFO] Schauberger Donner [diamagnetism] http://www.mypage.bluewin.ch/Bizarre/InertHistory.htm http://www.systron.com/ Systron Donner http://www.technodata.com/gyro.html Victor Schauberger http://www.tdf.it/english/neoumanesimo/Viktor_eng.htm http://www.lightnet.co.uk/frontier/viktor.htm Sub Reference: http://harti.topcities.com/over.htm http://www.explorepub.com/articles/beardon/footnotes.html http://inventcreat.com/science2/2p3en.html A. E. Akimov: discovered Œtorsion fields¹ http://www.amasci.com/freenrg/tors/ as having dynamic Œspin¹ properties http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_5_11_2.html that are distinct and separate from Œknown¹ energy propagating Œsystems¹ that seem to parallel Faraday¹s Œaction at a distance¹. Thus Akimov¹s discovery provides http://www.rense.com/general20/voicesAL.htm interesting Œmaterial¹ and subject matter as stated http://www.spinor.kiev.ua/english/other/akimov.html in his own words. The interesting fact is that Œrotating¹ objects tend to demonstrate a loss of gravity and/or weight loss depending on their ratios [direction of rotation] and rates of increasing progression http://www.keelynet.com/interact/archive/00001925.htm relative to their angular velocity. Kozyrev explained the observed effect as being the manifestation of some "physical properties of time" We now have a completed link, http://www.faraday.ru/dna.html from Tesla we learn that longitudinal waves propagate inside the vacuum of space via an Œaetheric¹ flow, because there exists significant appropriate [causal] Œproperty¹ [time and space] in the form of Œbi-directional wave pairs. This is possible because Œcause and effect¹ exist simultaneously in the realm of Œtime as energy¹ field. Immortality and eternity therefore are simple attributes within the Œcontrol¹ paradigm of space/time. There is no dimension outside of the Œconstruct¹ of Creation, it only exists because Œwe¹ [the created] exist. For the ŒCreator¹ there is no Œspace/time¹ only the perpetual Œnow¹ and ever present ŒBeing¹ of the ³I AM². Being finite has its drawbacks, especially since we are the Œeffect¹ looking for the Œcause¹ or conversely the Œcause¹ looking for the Œeffect.¹ And since they exist simultaneously within Œtime¹ we have difficulty Œdiscerning Œreality,¹ merely observing Œsnapshots¹ as we progress within Œtime¹. We effectively are Œcontrolled.¹ Research: A. E. Akimov Now come Torsion fields: Hal Fox http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_5_11_2.html Torsion Field Research: Donald Reed http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_6_1_6.html Vacuum Spin Fields: Bill Beaty [Source documentation] http://www.amasci.com/freenrg/tors/ Torsion Fields and Their Experimental Manifestations http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/freenrg/tors/tors.html The Torsion Field Fraud: Konkretny [Akimov] Detraction http://www.skeptik.net/mirror/professor/tffraud.htm http://www.skeptik.net/mirror/professor/main.htm Kozyrev Detraction http://blake.montclair.edu/~kowalskil/cf/93kruglyakov.html Hal Fox on Akimov ŒModel¹ [fraud refutation] http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Comments/c3-1.pdf. Torsion Fields: Nachalov http://www.centurytel.net/tjs11/hist/shipov.htm Interaction of Torsion Fields with Substance http://ru.ipms.kiev.ua/Departments/Dep-51/tors12en.html Subtle Connections: Erwin Laszlo http://www.goertzel.org/dynapsyc/1996/subtle.html Torsion Fields and Spin Torsion Interactions [Russian] http://www.prometeus.nsc.ru/eng/partner/zarubin/torfield.ssi Visualization, Processing and Analysis of Torsion Information on Space Image Media http://www.maik.rssi.ru/cgi-bin/search.pl?type=abstract&name=patrec&number=4&year=96&page=764 New Ideas in Natural Science http://www.mountainman.com.au/news96_k.html Theoretical Basis http://www.amasci.com/freenrg/tors/tors3.html pdf section: About Strange Effect Related to Rotating Magnetic Systems http://www.rexresearch.com/roschin/pitkanen.pdf Reference: http://www.newphys.se/elektromagnum/physics/St.-Petersburg/petersb-book.htm http://www.rense.com/general20/voicesAL.htm http://www.astronet.ru:8105/db/msg/1187681 Russian [non Cyrillic] http://www.amasci.com/freenrg/tors/doc17.html http://www.centurytel.net/tjs11/hist/shipov.htm http://www.chronos.msu.ru/EREPORTS/parkhomov_the_problems/parkhomov_the_problems.htm Antoine Priore discovered how to cure cancerous cell structures in animal and human life forms by Œturning back time¹ literally. His discovery was so profound that he received significant funding from the French Government. His discovery involved the Œreversal of the time wave¹ controlling the Œcell structures¹ of all living entities within the Œcreation.¹ Priore found a unique way in which to tap into the bi-directional Œtime-wave¹ that sustains the ŒCreation¹ construct. Antoine Priore discovered http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/priore.htm what appears at first glance, a Œreversed-time¹ wave Œsystem,¹ capable of Œrestoring¹ human cell-structure to Œoriginality.¹ To be able to restore a Œcancerous¹ cell into its original Œpristine¹ condition was an astounding accomplishment. To be able to cure the human Œcondition¹ by just Œtime-reversing¹ [going back in time] and forcing the human cell to re-originate was a marvelous accomplishment. It frightened the known medical establishment, bewildering and confounding their Œlimited¹ knowledgebase. Their reaction was ridiculous and tragic from our modern viewpoint. The restoration of human cell structure and thus the anatomy of humans meant that mankind had discovered Œimmortality¹ and the capacity to Œcontrol¹ the very power of Œtime¹ itself. A complete understanding of James Clerk Maxwell¹s [entire] quaternion equations [totaling some http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/ch4.htm#Maxwell's%20Lost%20Unified%20Field%20Theory 200] is required to familiarize you in the concept of Œunification¹. Maxwell not only unified electricity and magnetism giving us a completed understanding of the properties of Œlight¹ waves, but he gave us an entire [completed] unified field theory, enabling a completed Œunderstanding¹ of how the ³Creation¹ functions and more to the point, why it functions in its precise manner. The Œliving¹ cell structure appears to be Œliving¹ deep within the Œvirtual¹ state as was demonstrated by http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/ch5.htm#The%20Cell%20Also%20Lives%20and%20Functions%20in%20the%20Virtual%20State Royal Raymond Rife. We are a Œcreation¹ that is apart from Œtime¹ and placed within Œtime.¹ We have the potential of being Œimmortal¹ with Œeternal¹ qualities. Research: Antoine Priore and His Reverse Time-Wave Device for Healing The Fantastic Story of Antoine Priore http://www.priore-cancer.com/txtpriore_uk.htm http://www.priore-cancer.com/txtpriore_fr.htm The Bordeaux Magnetic Machine http://www.sumeria.net/canc/bordeaux.html Background Info: http://prioremachine.tripod.com/machine_Priore.html Antoine Priore [Tom Bearden] http://www.cheniere.org/priore/index.html http://www.cheniere.org/priore/ The Case of Antoine Priore http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/appendixI.htm The Priore Machine and Phase Conjugation http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/priore.htm The Priore Machine http://www.cheniere.org/books/excalibur/priore_machine.htm Dossier Priore http://www.cheniere.org/images/dossier%20priore/ French Language document http://hometown.aol.com/ccapt2001/decouvertes.html The Bordeaux Magnetic Machine http://www.sumeria.net/canc/bordeaux.html The Priore Patent http://www.rife.org/priore32.htm The Priore Machine http://prioremachine.tripod.com/machine_Priore.html Patented Devices [German] http://www.bourbaki.de/A/A3.html Discussion Group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pap-imi/ The Seventeen Medical Test Results of the Priore Machine http://www.papimi.gr/bour02.htm Bio Energetic Frequency Charts http://educate-yourself.org/nch/Freqchart1.shtml http://educate-yourself.org/nch/Freqchart2.shtml Apparatus: Inert Gas Pressure, Purity, Mixtures http://members.aol.com/dmboss1021/NEWPH/Page18.html Early Electrotherapeutic Devices http://www.papimi.com/bioenergy/earlydevices.htm US Navy Report on Priore Device [Office of Naval Research] http://prioremachine.tripod.com/machine_account_USA_OoNR_1978.html Original Pictures: Priore Device http://prioremachine.tripod.com/machine_original_pictures.html History of Antoine Priore http://prioremachine.tripod.com/machine_Priore.html Evolved Technology http://home.earthlink.net/~projectspark/documents.html Alternative Science [Covert] http://www.beyond-the-illusion.com/files/New-Files/951031/hypsppht.txt Scalar WarsŠ..email message http://syninfo.com/ian/PRIVATE/2003/02/10/2003021009355809.html The Original Priore Machine http://prioremachine.tripod.com/machine_original_pictures.html Five Reports by George Bourbaki http://www.papimi.gr/bour02.htm Excalibur Briefing Tom Bearden http://www.raven1.net/excalibr.htm French Document on Priore http://hometown.aol.com/ccapt2001/decouvertes.html French The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens http://www.luminet.net/~wenonah/new/naessens.htm References: http://www.priore-cancer.com/index_uk.htm http://web.wanadoo.be/zone/rife.html French So what does this entire Œresearch¹ mean, but more specifically, where does it lead. If you refer back to my introduction: There comes a time when mere analysis regarding subject matter, whether, intuitively arrived at, or just pure speculation, must be put aside, and cold, hard justification and pure thought, regarding evidence and documentation must be presented to clarify REALITY. For me, REALITY entails proofs, sources, documents, evidence, but most prominent, personal experience, including primary source documentation. Speculation and reflexive logic regarding Œobservation¹ of Œstructured¹ laws and standard Œprinciples¹ will not suffice, when one is attempting to describe a significant Œparadigm¹ hidden from Nature, and nature¹s Creation. The significant Œparadigm¹ that eludes most Œobservers¹ of Nature¹s Creation is special Œcontrols¹ hidden from prominence and objective Œthought.¹ There IS an imposition of Œsecrecy¹ about the ŒCreation¹ that mere speculation will never suffice. The Œfacts¹ appear to have been hidden, and all objectivity suppressed. So let us begin regarding Œcontrols¹ that encompass REALITY. There is a control Œparadigm¹ that is just as real and absolute as any Œstructured¹ system. This Œparadigm¹ has remained Œhidden¹ in plain Œview¹ of the entire ŒCreation.¹ And it is Œannoyingly¹ transparent and full of caprice, robbing us of Œtruths¹ and Œevidences¹ needed to justify our observation of the very REALITY that we ALL seek and understand to be REAL. We instinctively KNOW that we are a ³CREATION.² That we are Œapart¹ from a dynamic Œsystem¹ that WE have lost control of. Can we regain Œcontrol,¹ having lost our Œoriginality¹ and Œunderstanding¹ when the very knowledge that we seek remains Œconsistently¹ elusive? That is THE question that I hope to answer in the following paragraphs. Antoine Priore, N. A. Kozyrev, and Akimov have Œstumbled¹ upon very interesting Œformative¹ evidence that together may provide Œsubstantive¹ proofs regarding the Œintent¹ of the Œcontrol¹ paradigm. All three (3) of these have provided an aspect or variant of TIME as an Œenergy¹ source. Tesla referred to the Œwheelworks of nature¹ as a primary [direct] source of Œubiquitous¹ and Œabundant¹ [free] energy. Laithwaite referred to the nullification of Newton¹s laws. Sutton referred to a ŒView¹ of the phenomena of 4-Space. Countless Œothers¹ have provided numerous and abundant Œnovelties of facts¹ that presented Œclear and convincing¹ docu-drama, and supra-data in support of the [hidden] control phenomena. Reasonable Œdoubt¹ has been overwhelming overridden by factual content and documentation by numerous credible sources and respected individuals. My postulate regarding the Œcontrol¹ paradigm and Œover-unity¹ physics is clear-cut and forthright. Both are Œlinked¹ and Œinseparable¹ having Œimmortal¹ qualities and objectives opposed to Œfruition¹ and freedom of the human race. This quality of Œcontrol¹ appears to be Œimmortal¹ and Œabsolute,¹ with Œintelligent¹ intent and Œintelligent¹ thought. Apart from allegorical and historical reference, involving Œspiritual¹ contention, there can be only one hypothesis regarding the discovery of Œenergy¹ abundance, and that is, that the powers that be, WILL NOT ALLOW this planet to acquire Œfreedom.¹ And so help me, I wish it were otherwise. So let us begin with our Œproofs¹Š Antoine Priore produced a Œreversed¹ Time wave machine that was able to restore an individual¹s unique cell structure to its original pristine condition. He and his device were suppressed. N. A. Kozyrev produced evidence that Time was an energy source that affected ŒAll¹ of Space and everything Œwithin¹ Space. Akimov produced evidence that Torsion fields exist that control the Œfunctionality¹ of Space, and that energy is derived from these Œfields.¹ Everything within the Œconstruct¹ of Space Œrotates¹, Œspins¹, Œvibrates¹, or Œoscillates¹. This source of Œmovement¹ and Œactivity¹ is contained within a framework and a reference of an overwhelming and overpowering Œenergy¹ field described as an aetheric flow that permeates and immerses everything within the Œconstruct¹ of universal Space. Just like Œaquatic¹ life living within the emersion of ubiquitous Œseas or oceans¹ of sustaining life-giving water containing its own Œsystem¹ of regulatory controls, human activity follows suit in principle within its own references. Both Œsystems of life¹ are contained and encased by Œhigher¹ references, both equally joined by ever increasing dynamics encompassing a totality of principles that are linked into a singular Œcreative¹ principle of life fostering LIFE. And while the Œelectrons of life¹ spin, the orbits of planets circum-navigate the stars that rotate within a sea of galaxies traversing the vast expanse of Space, which itself appears to rotate within a Œcurvature.¹ The obviousness of a Œsystemic¹ principle abounds throughout. These Œprinciples¹ were recognized by Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell and Nikola Tesla and recently updated by Thomas E. Bearden and Randell L. Mills. But the overwhelming nature of the Œcontrol¹ paradigm has consistently fostered the negation of a continuity and creativity of Œthought¹ regarding the ultimate Œunification¹ of Œprinciples¹ enabling us to reach the Œimmortality¹ that we ALL crave. It is my belief [theory] that the ŒCreator¹ and the ŒController¹ are very separate entities, having separate Œqualities¹ and Œcapabilities,¹ and while we are subject to the Œcontrolling¹ entity we are not required [limited] by the ŒCreator¹ to do so. Just as David Hamel proved that an ever increasing [acceleration of] rotation by a magnetic field creates continuous and accelerated [nullification of gravity] lift providing Œinfinite¹ ratio of movement. We also know via Eric Laithwaite that this same [gyroscopic] Œaction¹ provides a nullification of Œweight¹ upon physical mass. In essence we now have the capability to Œdirectly¹ [control] affect Œtime and space¹Š.. as well as our own condition by applying Œprinciples¹ and Œprocesses¹ that are clearly within our Œcapacity¹ and Œreach¹ The limitless [acceleration] directional rotation of a Œfield¹ determines the [+ or -] Œvalues¹ within that Œfield¹. The ultimate questions remain: Where will we go? When will be get there? Why will we go in the first place? Who will we ultimately encounter and how will Œwe¹ relate? David Hamel http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/hammnu.htm http://members.aol.com/overunity/html/hammnu.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/dhpicts.htm http://www.keelynet.com/gravity/bedham1.htm http://www.entrenet.com/~stevend/hamlshfs/hamlshfs.htm http://geoffegel.tripod.com/hamel.htm http://geoffegel.tripod.com/hamel3.htm http://members.tripod.com/~geoffegel/hamel2.htm http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/bp/16/magnetic_experiments.htm Eric Laithwaite : http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/mainbiographies/l/laithwaite/1.html http://www.alternativescience.com/eric-laithwaite.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/laithwaite_eric.shtml http://www.keelynet.com/gravity/laithobi.htm http://news.softpedia.com/news/2/2003/September/4896.shtml http://www.padrak.com/agn/PENDTESTS.html http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_5_9_5.html http://www.padrak.com/agn/AGPAPER99.html http://www.niester.de/p_technik/laithwaite/laithwaite.html http://www.rense.com/general42/genius.htm http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/jan2000/948303982.Ph.r.html http://mejac.palo-alto.ca.us/leica-users/v20/msg00346.html http://www.waveenergy.dk/wave_patenter/base/4300871.htm http://www.energyscience.co.uk/2000/ES2005.html http://archive.anomalies.net/Keely-Net/Gravity/LAITH1.ASC http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/061903.htm http://www.suttononline.org/suthishov.htm http://antigravitypower.tripod.com/stirniman/stirniman15.html Where Electrical Science went wrong: Bruce DePalma http://depalma.pair.com/Absurdity/Absurdity10/ElectricalScienceWrong.html http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/bpp/ComnErr.html NASA: Laithwaite Eric Laithwaite won a $1 million contract from NASA just before his Death http://www.sussex.ac.uk/press_office/bulletin/05dec97/item8.html Books: http://www.opengroup.com/sabooks/052/0521441064.shtml http://macmillan.co.nz/books/getbook/0333399285/showbook Ref: http://www.roma1.infn.it/rog/group/frasca/b/bj2.html All the Best, Leslie R. Pastor PS: Can a circuit be created incorporating just Œfluid¹ having opposing and equal charges? Mercury http://www.xyroth-enterprises.co.uk/mercmetl.htm is a metal, is fluidic, and has charge. Research: Negative Time Flow Research: http://www.keelynet.com/zpe/negistor.htm Negistor and Negative Resistance- http://www.cheniere.org/books/excalibur/negtime.htm Does Negative Time really exist? http://www.geocities.com/theadamsmotor/negativepotential.html Time Negative Voltage http://www.intalek.com/Index/Projects/SmartNEGISTOR/Research/NegativeResistanceEffect.htm http://www.amasci.com/amateur/elecdir.html Which way does electricity really flow? http://alexfrolov.narod.ru/source.htm Source of excess energy? http://alexfrolov.narod.ru/techprop.htm Time Rate Control http://www.chronos.msu.ru/EREPORTS/shikhobalov_what/shikhobalov_what.htm Conception of time. http://www.rexresearch.com/articles/kozyrev.htm Time has Energy http://ascension2000.com/DivineCosmos/02.htm Aetheric Quantum Mechanics http://ascension2000.com/DivineCosmos/01.htm [N. A. Kozyrev] Immense power of the Aether. http://ascension2000.com/DivineCosmos/04.htm Sequential Perspective & The Electromagnetic Wave http://www.totse.com/en/fringe/gravity_anti_gravity/gravscal.html Reciprocating Current [RC] vs. AC/DC http://www.centurytel.net/tjs11/hist/shipov.htm Torsion Fields: Time & Rotation are closely interconnected. http://www.svpvril.com/svpweb42.html The Neutral Center Domain http://www.mindtech.com.vu/Anomalies.html Anomalies of Nature http://www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/general/enc-q.htm time and frequency http://lhuwel.web.wesleyan.edu/wescourses/2003s/phys162/01/Assignments/HW7/Answers_7.html T. Reverse? http://lhuwel.web.wesleyan.edu/wescourses/2003s/phys162/01/Assignments/HW7/PS_7.html Time Reversal? Sources: http://www.geocities.com/a2509/chernetsky.htm http://www.eskimo.com/~bilb/freenrg/frolov6.txt http://www.chronos.msu.ru/EREPORTS/arushanov_geophys_effects/arushanov_geophys_effects.htm http://www.stormingmedia.us/cgi-bin/master18/category72-1.php http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/presentations/portout.htm
See Also: