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Text: Thinking in New Ways and Integration and Time Q: I'm very much interested in learning, particularly what you said about creating your own reality. B: Yes. Q: One of the things I notice in myself and other people -- a lot of the time when there's a choice to either grow or remain the same, a lot of times even though I want to grow, I find myself remaining the same very often out of habit. And I'm wondering if you could -- after having it come up several times this evening in your conversations with peopleŠ B: Yes. Q: ... I wonder if you could maybe talk a little bit about why is it that given the choice, so often of doing something "growthful," or staying with the habit, we very often go with the habit instead of the otherŠ? B: All right. Simply, basically, let me say that the type of reality you have created in which you have chosen to forget, has created a number of types of belief structures that have grown to the point where, when you are very little, you are beaten into learning the reality that you are expected to learn. Thus you buy into, very early, certain beliefs systems. Because you depend upon individuals around you for your physiological survival, you will buy anything they have to say. Therefore, it is ingrained in you, and in a sense because of the cycle of repetition that you have called reincarnation, it is also to some extent ingrained in your soul. And that is why it is difficult to break that habit -- but you are. Simply as evidence that you are even considering the thought, you are making the change. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: Or if you were not making the change, you would go on about your lives and never even know that such an idea existed. You would never hear it. So you are changing. Your habits are changing. The fact that we are here with you is proof of that. The fact that you are even considering that there are other civilizations is proof of that. You are thinking in new ways. The more you become integrated, the less time it will take to have even more new ways to think. For the process of integration is the shortening of the creation of time. That is why you have taken 25,000 years to explore the process of separation, but will only take approximately 2 to 3,000 years to experience integration. And then you will not need to reincarnate in the Earth plane anymore. For the idea of integration does not need time. Separation is what creates the sensation of more time. As you well know, when you are having a good time, times flies. Now again, this is not simply a fluctuation in your ability to perceive the passage of time, for the idea you call the passage of time is only an illusion. When you do not sense it, it is not because you have not been paying attention: it is because you have not been creating time. You follow me? Q: Mhmm. B: You simply are here; then you are there. And the action that you have been performing will take the timing that you have ascribed to it, and time will not be considered. Time is subject to timing, and obedient to timing. And timing is only you meeting yourself, you living the ideas that you chose to live. Being the event of your life, you can in a sense live forever -- for the idea of the cessation of felt time means that the more ideas you become while you are still in a physical reality, it will be the less time that your body will feel one experience. You will live your normal life span stretched out over many hundreds or thousands of years, simply because you will be living in the moment and will not feel the passage of time. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: You will simply wake up and it will be a thousand years later. And you have been having such a wonderful time. Thank you. Sharing!

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