Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: WHAT IS CREATION? W-pII.11.2:1-3 "God's Thoughts" refers to us. We are the Thoughts of God, and Creation is "the sum of all God's Thoughts," the sum total of all beings of all time. The Course makes an amazing assertion here: "God's Thoughts are given all the power that their Creator has." In the Bible it is recorded that Jesus said, toward the end of his life, "All power is given to me in heaven and in earth." The Course says all power is given to us as the Sonship, not just to Jesus. What this is saying is that, what God can do, we can do. We are simply His extensions. Therefore, as He creates, we create also. The reason God shares His power with us is that "He would add to Love by its extension." In other words, we have power in order to extend love. One short definition of creation might be the extension of love. But the form of love we share in this world is not Love's reality; it is only a reflection of Heaven's love. Our earthly experience of love is always in the context of separate beings exchanging love; in Heaven is only the awareness of perfect oneness. We can only imagine what love is like in that context. We can have glimpses of it in a holy instant, when the barriers between minds seem to disappear. In that moment, there is an awareness that the other person is you and you are the other person. You are the love in 'you' extending to them; you are the love in 'the other person' extending towards 'you;' and you are the love in yourself loving yourself. It can be a disorienting experience because you literally start to lose track of who you are, in the context of individuals, while simultaneously you become aware of something much larger and more all-inclusive that is what you really are. Those experiences are wonderful, and asking for them is not discouraged in the Course. But the main thing to realize here is that Creation, as the Course talks about it, is not an experience on earth; it is an experience in Heaven. It is something that is always going on, and our dream of separation has not interrupted Creation at all. Nothing has been lost or stopped by our illusion of separation. That is why the Course can tell us, as in last week's topic [Last Judgment], that the final judgment on this world is, "It is meaningless and does not exist." If Creation in Heaven means the extension of Love, what is its parallel in our earthly experience? The Course says that the parallel to the extension of Love is forgiveness. I think of it as recognizing creation, rather than actually creating.

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