Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: The sympathetic acoustic impulses are: the DOMINANT - a diatonic third - the HARMONIC - the connective "sixth" - and the ENHARMONIC - or diminished seventh - which Keely calls a ninth - inducing "infinite trajective velocity" or "neutral radiation" from neutral centers. The relations of the components of the electric streams are: Dominant E flat, harmonic A flat, enharmonic C double flat. The keynote of electromagnetic sympathy in "transmissive combinations" is: THIRDS ON FIRST OCTAVE SUBDIVISION B FLAT DIATONIC SIXTHS ON SAME SUBDIVISION OF THIRDS OCTAVE HARMONIC NINTHS ON SAME SUBDIVISION OF SIXTHS OCTAVE ENHARMONIC Through concordant disturbance of molecular oscillations, the relations of the component vibrations of matter may be altered by sounding the third, sixth and ninth of the scale. Of these the third or DOMINANT, acting on a harmonically resonant mass, completely rearranges the modes of oscillation, either transforming the mass into its component initial forces or into some other form of matter. The sixth or HARMONIC, through reduction of the range of molecular oscillation increases concentration or solidification. The ninth or ENHARMONIC accelerates and extends molecular oscillation, causing molecular dissociation. This takes place when oscillation approaches, if not fully reaches, two-thirds of the molecular diameter. The properties of the third and ninth are only displayed after use of the harmonizing concentrative chord of the sixth. He states the "full harmonic chord" governs the magnetic flow and he infers from this that the magnetic flow moves in straight lines, free from molecular interference. "In trexar vibratory transmission, any chord on the dominant will induce sympathetic affinity by molecular differentiation, the phenomena of which are similar in many ways to magnetism, but without a trace of true magnetism being present." By means of the ninths, of which he was constructing an "infinite series" he believed he could perfect his "mechanical conditions" so far as to establish sympathetic affinity with pure, polar negative attraction minus magnetism. He writes "The infinite ninths I am now endeavoring to graduate to a sympathetic mechanical combination (his magnetic engine) will, if I succeed, complete my system and close my researches in sympathetic physics."

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