Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 00:49:26 -0700 On the one hand Keely talks about musical intervals - on the other hand he mixes in references to the orders of matter and energy, volume and divisions of chords. Which is which and when? To me, the above does NOT refer solely to musical chords. I've said this before. But instead represents a wider view of order, dynamics and structure. For instance if we view the nine strings of the CEG chord as three sets of three vibrating on 1, 2 and 3 octaves we get the possibility of the first third of the WHOLE NINE STRING CHORD being octave one, the second third being octave two and the third third as octave three of this nine string chord. The nine string chord is seen to be composed by thirds of the whole. These represent the molecular, atomic and etheric realms or levels of the matter and energy scheme being three major thirds of the whole of nature. Therefore the first third is the enharmonic (earthy earth; i.e.; terrestrial) the second represents the harmonic sixths (Russell's fulcrum?), and the third third represents the infinite ninths (celestial). Rotation is the result of a conflict between the first third (terrestrial) and the third third or ninths (celestial) as given above. I've included below quotes from Keely on his rotating sphere. If you've read Russell you will see DIRECT correlations between the two men expressing the SAME concept of rotation occuring in this manner - and ONLY in this manner. If you have not read Russell you may not see this. This being the case the CEG chord is the centralizing chord to the center (fig. 1) while the BfDG chord is the dispersive chord (fig. 2) - each chord representing the in and out FLOWING STREAMS (fig. 5) to and from the center. Keep in mind the dynasphere represents a faithful micro/macrocosm of the universal forces as depicted on the "Universal Cosmology - Genesis" page I recently put together. The 24 resonators, tuned to musical thirds, placed in eight triplets around the Ring of Resonation are coincident to each of the three-sided corners (fig. 17) of the cube of celestial dispersion realm (fig. 2) while the second ring of resonation inside the sphere are tuned to Bf keynote of the earth or spherizing element in nature. So much more needs to be done yet with all this but we are hot on the trail. Dale.

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