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Text: The 9th Hebrew letter, Teth (T), literally a serpent, and as 9 is the highest of our single numerals and the serpent is allegorically an emblem of great and universal importance in the history of human regeneration - because all that the serpent stands for must be lifted up by a transmutative process in order that regeneration may be completed - much value is attached by Kabbalists to this letter. The Greek equivalent letter, Thaita, meaning a servant, truly explains the rightful place of the reptilian element in human economy. All that the serpent connotes must be rendered subservient to the higher principle in humanity, and when this right relatedness is accomplished the serpent-force, which works so much havoc when dominating or uncontrolled, becomes a valuable and necessary base upon which a glorious superstructure of noble character and high achievement can be upraised.

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Source: 72

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