Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: HOW TO BE A TEACHER & AN EXAMPLE OF INFINITE WISDOM ON EARTH TODAY Your World today is very imperfect. There is much evil an much ignorance. This is because the true spiritual values which should exist on the Earth, which should be taught and exemplified, are missing. Man has passed through the Dark Ages and from them has emerged a God-less society, a society which is bent only on material advancement to the exclusion of all things spiritual. Because of this, no matter how correctly Man may have advanced along his material path, imbalance has resulted since you cannot have the one without the other. Life in the physical body today presents many problems of those of you who are evolved enough to understand the nature of spirituality in Man and to appreciate how life should be led. If you lead the lives that, you believe to be correct you are almost unique, and you stand out as one in a hundred thousand. You are the ones who are not 'normal'. It is difficult to flow against the stream, but that is what you have to do. Throughout the history of Man, as he has struggled to evolve on this planet, it has always been the case that the true disciples of the Light, of Infinite Spirit, have stood alone. If Man was leading a truly spiritual life there would be no need for Infinite Spirit to send down onto the Earth Masters and Teachers to exemplify the way in which Man should live, for Man, being aware, would already be in contact with them. He would already be listening to them, learning from them, and following his true spiritual pathway. But once this link was broken, and Man became ignorant, then it was only by these Masters incarnating into matter on Earth and exemplifying Infinite Wisdom by word and deed that it was possible to present to Man the way that life should be led. If you intend to stand as true examples of spirituality you must become accustomed to standing alone. What you say will be different. What you think will be different. You will behave differently from the next man. Condition yourselves to the fact that you are not going to be 'one of the crowd'. This is the first lesson for anyone who seeks to walk the true path and exemplify Infinite Wisdom. You must prepare yourselves for a solitary life. You will have your friends, but you will have few true spiritual friends. Most of your friends will be only passing ones who will come and go at frequent intervals. You will find that they have little in common with you, or you with them. No matter how you view their behaviour, their habits and their customs, you will find it difficult to accept them into your homes, for they will exemplify the very things that you have rejected. You will find that, as you evolve, your circle of friends will become smaller. You will no longer be able to relate to and communicate with the people with whom once you Could, for as the path gets narrower and steeper so the numbers walking it diminish. Having chosen to walk that path and having prepared yourselves - and by this I mean the soul-consciousness preparing the personality-consciousness for what is involved - the next lesson you have to learn is how to present what you know as Truth to the rest of Humanity. Obviously, you must always speak the Truth as you know it even if it is going to offend someone dear to you, for, after all, what is it that you are offending? Is it not purely their personality? It is certainly not their soul-consciousness, because that can never be offended by the Truth. Moreover, what is it in you that worries about giving offence to another but your own personality! You must not agree with what people say if you, in your heart of hearts, know it to be wrong, to be a falsehood. That does not mean that you deliberately go out and seek to argue and put forward your point of view. It merely means that as you meet with people and converse, as you come into contact with people in your everyday lives and as situations or problems arise, you do not for the sake of peace and quiet deny what you know to be true and remain silent. State what you know. You do not have to say how or why you know: you have to say that you know. That is all. You have to exemplify Truth, as you know it, not only by your speech but also by your actions. You have to lead the life which you know to be correct. You will not convince anybody if you say one thing but do the opposite. It is no good saying in public, for example, that all men are brothers and should live in peace and then going home and fighting with your wife, for that convinces no man. You must demonstrate by example. That is the way you will convince people. Because, over many lives, Man has been deceived by falsehoods he has built up within himself, within his soul, a protection against the speech of his fellow-men. Throughout his evolution unevolved Man has communicated through the means of speech. During higher phases of consciousness, when the Earth was more evolved, speech was not used, but for most of the time Man has communicated through speech and, as such, much of the wickedness and evil of Man has come through his mouth. So Man has an inbuilt resistance to speech but he cannot resist, his soul cannot deny, Truth when he sees it. If he sees Truth with his eyes his soul sees it, and there can be no denial. One deed is worth a thousand words. If you really intend to walk the path, pay particular attention to your deeds. Every time you are going to do something get into the habit of thinking most carefully about it first, especially when it affects your fellow-men, so that your actions, when you perform them, are the result of careful judgement and not quick personality decisions. Man remembers you more by your actions than by your words. So many of the basic principles of life in your World today are wrong that you will find yourselves in conflict with them in almost every aspect of life. You will eat differently. You will drink differently. You will live differently. You will behave differently. You will think differently. You will feel differently. In all these ways you will become different from your fellowmen. It is therefore very easy to create conflict and to antagonise people. What you must ensure, however, is that people do not antagonise you. Your actions, if they are correct, will produce different responses in people according to their soul evolution. If a man recognises the Truth in you sometimes it will annoy his personality, and he will dislike you for it. That you will have to accept. It is the reason why you are here. Eventually, as he continually sees the example before him, that man will change. What you yourselves must guard against is that you do not become antagonistic towards your less evolved fellow-men. If you see a man kill, if you see a man steal, if you see a man tell falsehoods, even if you see a man trying to destroy the Truth which you have established, you must not feel antagonistic towards him and create evil thoughts because of what he is doing . This is a most difficult lesson to learn. Remember that you are the evolved ones, and the first duty of evolved souls is that they are here to be of service to their less evolved brothers and that, with the power of their evolved thought, they can easily create a greater force for evil. So be tolerant of your less evolved brothers who do not think and feel like you. It is, for many of them, merely that they are the products of the Age, of the falsehoods that have been taught and passed down from generation to generation. Remember the difficulties that you yourselves have experienced in changing your ways of life and in expanding your own consciousnesses. You, perhaps, may have had a more favourable environment and received greater help than your less evolved brothers, and therefore you are in a position to help them. You can never force a man to believe in something. You may force a man to do almost anything else: the history of your Earth has proved this, but you cannot force a man to believe in something in which he does not believe. He may pay lip service to a belief, but he will not believe if he does not want to. You cannot force his soul. The other great lesson which you have to learn is to know how, and when, to teach. Remember that you have not been sent to convert the World! Most evolved souls incarnate for a specific reason, with important destinies and tasks to fulfil, but the one vital thing which you must learn and understand, if you are to be teachers, is to know when to teach. The sole criterion that applies to this is that you teach only those who wish to learn. By this I mean that it is no good talking to people who do not wish to hear you. It is no good going out onto the streets and trying to convert people to what you believe. You should teach only those who willingly come to you, who ask you, and who seek to listen to you through their own soul initiative. When people have come to you, the difficulty then is to know what to teach them. Again, it takes the wisdom of your soul to decide what you should say. You have to judge the nature of their soul-evolution. Are they capable of understanding the higher or the lower teachings? How much should you tell a man at one time so that he will understand, and so on? This you will learn with practice and through experience. All teachers have to pass through this stage. Remember it is better to talk to the least evolved souls in an audience and know that they, and therefore every one else to whom you are talking, fully understand than to pitch your talk at such a high level that only a few can understand and the rest are baffled and perhaps begin to lose a little faith in why they have come to you. Remember that it is the people to whom you talk and teach who have to discover for themselves. We, of the Hierarchy, on our level of existence, are always saying that there is only so much that we can teach you, there is only so much that we can reveal to you until you are ready. The rest must come from within yourselves. The basic lesson which you will teach will always be: "Look within yourself, for there is the Kingdom of Heaven". You will be getting Man to look within himself, to listen to his own soul and to follow his own consciousness. Remember that what is correct for one man will be incorrect for another. All men are different. All men will think differently and will act differently. Do not judge. Do not say that one is right and another wrong. All you can do, as every Master exemplifying the Christ Principle has done when he touched the planet Earth, is to set the example and then let Man follow and imitate. That is all. One of the greatest temptations that exists for an evolved soul who is a teacher is to succumb to the power of his own ability as a teacher. When he reflects and speaks The Truth and convinces many, and when he sees the results, it creates a deep feeling of power and majesty for what he does. Some of the greatest teachers of Infinite Spirit have forgotten that they are only instruments, that they are not the source of the wisdom, and that they too are souls learning and fulfilling a destiny. You must, of course, resist the adulation of the people who will cling to you, of the people who will even worship you for what you say and do. That, again, is a difficult temptation to resist. You must always be saying that you are merely an instrument through which the Wisdom flows from Above, and that it is not you that people should look to and thank, but their Creator. Finally, do not look for immediate results. Do not be hurt, or surprised, if you speak to an audience and at the end of your lecture not one person smiles, or seems to understand, and they all appear to go away looking confused. Although they may not understand at the time, the seed will have been sown and later on what you said will begin to germinate in their own thought processes. They may not even remember that it was you that sowed that seed. It does not matter. Do not worry if even in your lifetime you can see no tangible results for your efforts. Remember the life of the Nazarene. To stand in the role of a spiritual teacher, to exemplify Infinite Wisdom, is a testing incarnation. It requires that you watch your every action, your every word, so that you are an example to others. It requires that you in no way mislead a less evolved brother. If you establish yourself as a teacher be sure that you walk the path, for if by example or intent you mislead or harm a less evolved brother then great karma is involved. So before you begin to teach, before you begin to say, "I believe, I know and I will demonstrate," look within yourself and ensure that there is a true reflection of Infinite Spirit. Copyright: The Ramala Centre. From The Revelation of Ramala, pp122

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