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Stone, Robert B.

Text: The secret life of your cells. Research of Cleve Backster, polygraph authority, indicating how plants and human cells express "feelings" and express biocommunications and ability to "read thoughts". Experiments conducted with lie detectors attached to leaf of plant or to leukocyte (white cell) solution derived from saliva. Popularized account of Cleve Backster's cell biocommunication research and its replicability and support by credible colleagues. Extent of cellular biocommunication is vast and reveals characteristics of scalar electromagnetics, tachyon phenomena. West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380. Whitford Press. 1989. 192 p.

See Also: Action at a distance, biocommunications, biofield detection, biofields, cellular communication, extrasensory perception, foundations of biophysics, intercellular communication, inter- cellular transmission, psychotronics, scalar electromagnetics, tachyons, unorthodox medicine.


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