Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Surrender to Peace B: All right I'll say, good day to you this day of your time, how are you all? Once again, we take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for allowing this transmission to occur through this particular method on this day and in this way. Once again, each and every time you allow our civilization to communicate with your world in this manner, it strengthens the bridge and the link between our respective worlds, and allows there to be the creation of a third reality, that is a combination of both realities, in which we can coexistŠand communicate, and shareŠand create. So we thank you for this opportunity. We would like to begin this transmission, this link in the following way: We have recently been talking about the ideaŠthe notion, which we consider to be very important for the manifestation of your reality in a joyful way: the notion of "surrender". Many of you have used this word in your language many times, and by surrender, of course, we do not mean that you are giving up, in any way, shape or form...your validity. But the idea of surrender is really the opening up in total vulnerability to the understanding that you are created, to use your own words, in the image of the Infinite. And in that you were created as a reflection of unlimited possibilities, then to surrender your limited personality structure, to let go of your worries...your thoughts, your ideas of what you should be, and to simply become that which you are, that which you were created to be, will allow physical reality to reflect back to you, because it is a mirror, the unlimited possibilities that you are... since you are made in the image of the Infinite. which is, of course, another way of saying: "Unlimited Possibilities". We have been talking about many forms and ideas of surrender and this day of your time we would like to talk about the idea of "Surrendering to Peace". There has been, for countless generations upon your planet, (well yes, you can count them but we know you like that phrase, countless generations, means long time, long time on your planet)... the idea of warfare. And now you have recently experienced the idea of the willingness of factions that have been warring for quite some time, to have talksŠwhat you call peace talks, and you have had peace talks at various times in your history. But the idea has always been, in a sense, more often than not, that one side shall surrender something to the other side, give up something in a way that they do not really prefer to, in a way that they view or label as a loss, a diminishment of what they consider their power to be. But if you can begin to communicate to your people that the act of surrendering is not so much the act of surrendering to each other, nation to nationŠperson to person, but surrendering to peace itself, then both can understand that their wishes can be fulfilled, their fundamental desires can be manifested. Because when an individual, or a groupŠor a nation surrenders to the idea of peace, than what they are saying is that they are expressing a willingness to explore the idea that there is enough for everyone, which there is... that anyone can live their dream, which they can... and that to do so, will, by definition, not conflict with anyone else's truth, anyone else's dream, anyone else's natural expression of creativity. The only conflicts that are created are when individuals and nations are trying to be something they are really not, when they manufacture for themselves an identity, in a sense, that is false, that is made up, that is not representative of their truth...then you have conflict. Because, that which you are not will always, by definition, bring conflict with it, and resistanceŠand struggle...and strife...and pain. But that which you were created to be, that which you naturally are, fits automatically, with everything else that naturally is. Because the universe is a whole is one thing, therefore all the pieces in their natural form, by definition, must fit. So when you surrender to peace, you are surrendering to be your natural selves, and surrendering to the idea and the understanding and the wisdom that everything that allows itself to be natural will automatically find a way to fit, to harmonize, with everything else that also is willing to be natural. And in that act there will be enough for everyone, and everyone will be allowed to be who they wish to be. The holistic system will be seen to support all of its parts and all the parts will be seen to support the holistic system, by definition... automatically. Getting this notionŠthis idea, this definition of surrender across to the nations is one of the great ideas that you can do - one of the great tasks and actions that you can perform and teach . Not surrender to each other in the sense of loss, but "Surrender to Peace" in the sense of gain for all. © Copyright Darryl Anka All Rights Reserved

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