Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: The Universe Always Supports You B: All right, I'll say: sharing. Q: I have some questions about marriage. B: All right. Whose? Q: Right now I feel so confused about it. Although it's hard for me to ask the questions, because I don't think I can. B: 'Tis all right. Simply allow me to remind you once again that confusion is co-fusion: fusion with more of yourself. It is a limbo state that allows you to view many more probabilities than the mind that you usually function as previously conceived were possible for you. So in confusion you unlock from previously held concepts, and allow yourself to examine new concepts. It is only a limbo state for a while, because you have not yet chosen to relock into any particular concept. But confusion is a very flowing, active, creative, energetic state in many ways; and so you can come from that point of view, come from that place of harmony, and allow yourself to recognize you will say precisely what you need to say. Q: I entered a marriage on the belief system that that could be a path for me to a much higher level of consciousness. B: And obviously in many ways, it was; because whatever it is you are considering now obviously resulted from what you chose to do then. And so if you are willing to let anything in your life serve you as a learning process, you can recognize you are now functioning in a different plane of awareness because of the situation you chose to create and attract into your life. Q: It's true. And I'm now experiencing a lot of daily things, which I would prefer not to experience. I would prefer to experience more peace, more ease. B: All right. Then all you need to do in order to create that in your life is be true to yourself, and not be responsible for other individuals -- which you cannot be anyway. You are only responsible to other individuals, not for them -- to them. You are responsible to other individuals by being the fullest representation of the individual you know you are; by functioning within your integrity, and knowing that as long as you are not consciously and maliciously doing something to hurt someone else, then what you do, according to what you know to be true for you, is what you need to do in life. And that doing is what will allow you to create harmony and happiness and ecstasy in your life, regardless of what any other individuals in your society may wish you to believe will happen -- within what they choose to experience in their life based upon what you choose to do. You follow me? Q: Um, yes. B: Um, well? Q: Well there seems to be an insinuation in your statement about what I could do to (- -?). B: What excites you the most? What would you prefer to do to create happiness in your life? Can you allow yourself to come up with something without putting what you accept as society's restrictions on the statement? What would make you happy? What do you wish to do? Keep it simple. Q: I've always felt that what would make me the happiest would be to live on the beach here and not have to work. B: All right. Recognize first of all that if you are willing to do, at any given moment, what excites you the most, it will always then open you up to attract into your life whatever will also support you in life, and be just as exciting. If you are, quote/unquote, working at something you do not enjoy, then you are not being true to yourself. And you simply may be creating your buying into the belief that if you are willing to do what excites you the most, it won't support you. But it can. Or if the immediate thing you do that excites you the most isn't what will support you, it will attract into your life what both excites and supports you. When it does work that way, nothing is too good to be true -- nothing! You follow me? Q: Could you repeat that one last sentence? B: Nothing is too good to be true. Oh, the one before. Q: Yes. B: Oh, thank you. Recognize that when you act upon your excitement, you are following in synchronous harmony the vibration of the path you chose to be. At any given moment, therefore, if you follow what excites you the most at that moment, what you have the capability of acting upon, you will then link up that situation with whatever other situation needs to come into your life to allow the excitement to continue to generate the momentum that represents your life, your path, what you chose to be. Excitement is what lets you know what is most true for you. It is your beacon of awareness to know when you are consciously in synchronous harmony with the path you chose to be, and therefore what you can do in life that is most effortless and will also be able to support you automatically -- without struggle, without strife, and without trying to make a living. Life and the universe supports you. You deserve to be alive; you are alive right now. The universe will always support you by supplying you automatically with whatever opportunities represent your ability to continue to be who you are, if you are willing to act that way. The universe always supports you - 100% in whatever idea you believe yourself most to be. Now, if you believe, "Well, I have to struggle in order to make a living; and I believe that nothing that does not contain struggle will work for me," then the universe will support you in that idea 100%. It will say, "Well, if that's the way you want it! Here are the situations that will reinforce the belief in your life that you have, that nothing will work for you easily, and that you have to struggle in order to live. Here are all the situations that represent the belief you have." These situations are given to you by the universe automatically to show you what your beliefs are. They are not to prove that you are stuck in anything; not to prove that you have failed in anything, but to show you beyond a shadow of a doubt, "Look, the reality you get is because that's what you believe to be true. If you don't prefer it, then change the belief." When you change the belief to: "I do deserve to create a reality of effortlessness and ease, and I will be supported," then that's the reality you will get; the universe will support you 100% in that direction. It will say, just as magnanimously and just as equally, "Well, if that's what you want, here it is. Because now that's what you believe." And as you believe, that's what you experience in physical reality. All you need to do is be willing to recognize that 100% trust in the direction you prefer will create the reality you desire to experience. Do recognize: we are not suggesting that you do something you are not already doing. You are already using 100% of your trust; but you are using 100% of your trust in a direction you don't prefer. So place the 100% trust in a direction you do prefer, and then that's the reality you get. It's simple mechanics and simple physics. You follow me? Q: Yes, I follow you. But. B: But. Q: Okay. Evidently I believe that in order to get my sustenance, I have to struggle, because. B: All right. But that was then. What about now? You're a different person now. Q: Yes, okay. So I heard your tapes, and I heard you the last time; I've been listening to it all night. I understand and I can say, "I believe that my life can be easy, and that." B: Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh! Listen; listen! "I believe my life can be easy when." ... I believe my life is easy. Do you follow me and see the difference? "I believe my life can be easy." "When?" "Oh, I don't know; someday. Who knows?"... I believe my life is easy now. Now! You are on the threshold of your believability. You are exploring that threshold, what you are truly willing to believe is possible for you. Listen to the language in which you put it; it will indicate where your threshold of believability is. As soon as the threshold of believability is squarely within you in the present, then you will experience the life you desire. As long as the threshold of your believability is still out there somewhere in the future -- no matter how close it is to you, if it's not in you, you won't experience it. So you are now exploring where your threshold of believability is. Let's do. Q: How can I.? B: Ah, we're getting to that, thank you. Let's do a little interaction that will assist you in recognizing where the threshold of your believability is, all right? Q: Yes B: Thank you very much. First of all, begin -- and each and every one of you can do this at the same time. First of all begin by creating for yourself, in any way that is comfortable for you -- it does not have to be very complicated; just anything at all -- that represents the so-called idealized way you would prefer to live. Have a picture of yourself doing something you would enjoy doing, and being supported in that life style. Not having a shadow of a doubt that you are supported, truly feeling that that's the way you live. That is the way you live, and everything is just fine. Have that picture in your mind with that idealized state. And then I will ask you a series of questions. All right? Q: Correct. B: Do you have that picture or that feeling? Q: Yes. B: All right. Now be very honest with yourself, and for now with me, in these answers. Do you really honestly think that within, oh say, ten of your years that will be enough time for you to be able to create that way of life? Will that be enough time? Q: Yes. B: All right. Five years? Q: Yes. B: Three years? Q: Yes. B: Two. Q: Yes. B: One year. Q: Yes. B: Can you live that way tomorrow? Q: Yes. B: Absolutely? Q: Yes. B: Then you will be. Are you being honest? Q: I know that I can be in that picture, and be comfortable with it tomorrow. B: All right. That's not what I'm asking you. I am asking you if you truly believe that that's the way you will be living tomorrow? Yes or no? Q: No. B: Thank you. Do you truly believe that that's the way you will be living in three years? Q; (Pause) I don't know. B: Do you truly believe that's the way you will be living in 10 years? Q: Yes. B: Do you TRULY believe that is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the way you will be living in 20 years? Q: No. B: Why not? Q: Because I have a picture of what's going to happen to the planet in the next 20 years. B: So? Q: So I don't think those conditions are even going to be available in 20 years. B: Understand it as the idealized essence of the way you feel about living. We are not asking you to have a picture that is absolutely structurally rigidized. We are talking about the life style in essence in the way you feel. In other words, do you believe that you will be living the way you want to be living, the way you prefer to be living, no matter how that is, in ten years? Q: Yes. B: Do you believe you will be living that way in a month? Q: No. B: Do you believe you can be living in the way you prefer to be living, no matter how that is, in one year? Q: (Pause) No. B: Do you believe you can do it in three years? Q: I believe I could do it then. B: All right. Are you sure? Can you really feel it -- a year? Q: If I put all my attention on just doing that, yes. B: All right. Why would you do otherwise? Why would you have to put your attention on anything you do not want to do? Q: I guess because I think I have to take care of a lot of other details. B: But understand: when you are doing what truly represents the vibration of your reality, all the details take care of themselves. Not that you will not be doing anything; it is simply that when you live the essential way; when you live in synchronous harmony with the path you chose to be, everything is already on that path in the format it needs to be, and will fall into place as it needs to fall to let you continue being the person you chose to be. So you will simply automatically and effortlessly and coincidentally attract into your life all the tools necessary to allow the details to be taken care of. It is all one package. You see, the difficulty you are having is thinking that your life is a series of separated ideas, rather than one homogenous event in which everything that simply needs to be done to allow you to be the person you need to be will be taken care of automatically. The things that don't get done, if you are truly being who you know you need to be, don't need to be done to allow you to be that person. You follow me? Q: Okay. I think what I'm getting, which is what I need to get, is that it's more a matter of feeling a state that I want to feel. B: Perhaps for you it is, yes. Taking it out of analysis. Q: Then an acquiring or attaining some outward form. B: Oh, yes, yes, yes! The outward form is only a reflection of the inner knowing. When you create and generate the vibration of the inner knowing, "This is the way I am!" then your outer reality shows that to you. You don't get the outer reality first before you create the inner belief. You always only get in physical reality what you already believe to be the most likely reality you'll get. And only when you choose to truly believe with your whole heart and soul. "This really is what I'm all about! This really is the way I prefer to be!" -- when you generate that feeling and that desire and that energy within you, then your outer reality has absolutely no choice but to reflect that inner feeling, that inner knowingness. Yes? And it is that simple. Letting yourself know that that vibration of truth for you is your vibratory frequency, the vibratory frequency that represents the being you chose to be, you will then tune yourself to that station. When you tune yourself to that station, and let your dial remain on that station, only the things that are pertinent to that station can be received by you. And you can't receive anything other than what the station is you are tuned into. But you must decide to tune to that frequency first. Otherwise you are listening to a program you don't enjoy. Change the dial, and the program will change along with it. All right? Q: Yes. Now, may l ask another question? B: You do not have to ask if you can ask. Q: Something else that has come up for me in my life is: some months ago I got guidance, let's say, to move from the islands because of the earth changes coming here. B: Our understanding -- and this goes for all such so-called predictions -- is as follows: Changes there will be; and there may be isolated events in which individuals may choose to believe they need to experience the transformation in catastrophic or disastrous ways. However, no one needs to experience the transformation in a negative way. If individuals are willing to wake up within themselves now, and recognize they deserve happiness without having to go through trials by fire in order to believe they deserve happiness, then they won't have to place themselves in a scenario where they are shaken awake. Allow yourself to simply recognize that any such information is only an opportunity -- not an absolute dictum; only an opportunity -- to be aware of the energy within you and what reality you choose to believe is more true for you. When you recognize that you do not need to experience that type of a tool, then you will find that even if you were to remain in a locale that did experience it, you wouldn't. And if enough individuals in your locale will understand they do not need to experience it that way, the entire locale will not. Do you follow me? Yes, no, maybe? Q: Uhh, yeah. Uh, not quite. B: "Uh yeah; uh not quite." The idea is to simply be in touch with the fact that the so-called future is always fluid. There are many probable realities; and when someone says, or you perceive, "Well, this is going to happen then, and it's going to be very catastrophic," it is simply one perception of one bandwidth frequency, one probable reality. Now that you are aware that there is energy behind that probable future, if you don't prefer it, you don't have to stay on that frequency. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to move. If you simply find that you are in any locale wherein the majority of consciousness insists on experiencing the transformation in negative ways, in catastrophic ways, in destructive ways, and you know you don't need to -- then whether you even try to or not, you will simply attract into your life automatically an opportunity that will remove you from that locale without you even trying. Without you even planning to. So if you find yourself following what is most exciting for you; and you simply find yourself not attracting a situation in your life to remove you from the locale you are in; if you do find the locale you are in is the most exciting locale you would like to be in in general, then take it as a sign that you will be able to remain in that locale, and that nothing will interrupt the path you chose to be. You follow me? Q: And if I find that (inaudible)...? B: Then go to where you find it to be more exciting. But recognize that that doesn't necessarily mean that you are taking yourself out of the place that will experience destruction. You are simply following the flow of your own path and going to where you are most excited to be, to surround yourself with the environment that is then conducive to the idea you are being. That is it. None of your planet has to experience the change in catastrophic ways; none of it has to. It depends on your willingness to wake up now. You follow me? Q: Yes. One more question. B: All right. Q: In planning a 40-day retreat of silence and partial fasting. B: Have a wonderful time. Forty days is the typical cycle for the complete transformation of a personality from one phase into another. Forty years for an entire culture. 7-7-87 will represent the 40th year from in your counting. Between that time a whole gate, a whole culture, has transformed into another culture upon your planet. You will recognize that from 7-7-47-- that was the beginning date that your culture, or at least parts of it, became aware beyond a shadow of a doubt that you co-existed with other civilizations in the universe. 7-7-87 will represent the end of the cycle wherein the majority of your world will be aware, at least as a possibility that other civilizations exist. And will become more and more aware that portions of your government also know that other civilizations exist. Forty years for the change of personality of an entire civilization; forty days for the change completely of the personality of an individual. Enjoy. Q: Is there any thing in particular that I could be doing.? B: Yes. Q: . that you have during those 40 days.? B: Be yourself completely. Follow your trust, instinct, and intuition. Learn to trust that the universe supports you. Q|: Thank you. B: Thank you. You have created that particular unique manifestation of your own sell-exploration. We thank you for choosing to be so bold. Thank you. Sharing!

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