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Text: Energy Flow in Stressful Situations Q: Could we go back to the electro-magnetic energy shifts you've spoken of? B: All right. Q: I've suffered from headaches, periodically, through all of my adult life and just when I think I understand what causes them, I find out that that's not the case, the second time. B: All right. Q: And you mentioned that the stresses that build up in the electromagnetic atmosphere are perceived by some of us as headaches. Is that true? B: Yes. Q: Is that one of the causes of my headaches? B: Have you also been sensitive to the idea of visual or auditory manifestations that most individuals are not privy to? Q: I've expected that always... but no, I can't say I've enjoyed that, or that I've received that. B: What do you imagine would happen, should you allow yourself to do so? Q: I think I would grow. B: Why? Q: Because it... I would love to... because... B: Why would you grow from perceiving something which in your terminology - your colloquial terminology - is outside the normal realm of experience of life as you know it? Why would you imagine that you would grow from something like that? Do share. Q: Because I would see beyond the camouflage. B: All right. May I ask you another question? Q: Yes. B: Thank you. If you were able to, as you say, see beyond the camouflage, would you be interested in staying in the camouflage? Q: Well, for a time, I guess. I mean, I guess I would. B: All right. How are you being of service within the camouflage? Q: Well, I'm trying to be as loving as I can and trying to be... B: Trying? Q: I am being as loving as I can. B: All right. In what ways? Q: Practicing unconditional love. B: Practicing? When are you going to do it? Q: I am loving unconditionally. (Laughing) B: All right. Q: (Laughing) Okay. B: In what ways will you apply, physically, or have you applied, physically, this unconditionally loving service? What is it you do? Q: Respect myself as much as I can. I keep my vibration... B: For a living. Q: Oh, for a living. I'm an art director. B: All right. Do you enjoy it? Q: I love it. B: All right. Q: I love my work. B: Oh, very good! Very good. Now, may I ask you another question? Q: By all means. B: Thank you very much. Have you found that your so-called headaches have assisted in any way with your work? Q: I think that sometimes I relieve stresses around me through them. I think that happens. B: Do you feel that is the only way you can relieve stress around you? And why do you have stress around you if you love your work? Q: Well, sometimes there are like... when putting new things into the show that I work on... B: Yes? Q: ... there are stresses... B: Why? Q: ... that reach very high levels. B: Why? And why do they need to reach you? Q: Because I have to release them. B: You do? Q: Yes. B: Why? Why is that your job? Q: Because I'm concerned with the look of the show and that is what everyone is stressful about at that moment. B: Everyone else being stressful does not mean you have to be. Q: True. B: You do not have to pass those energies through you in a negative way. Can you not let them wash over and around you, and beyond? Being the bubble of serenity in it all; pulling all things together by allowing yourself to be an energy exchange system through which things can pass by allowing yourself to be transparent. Allow all things to blend, but allow them to pass through you, unobstructed. You do not need to, in a sense, manipulate them on the way through. You can allow them to flow through you unimpeded, and you will glean what you need to glean from them without trying to glean from them what you need to glean. These energies that come to you - you do not have to wrestle with them. Allow them to flow. Allow yourself to channel them in, and channel them through, and out, in ways that reflect the harmonious synchronous vibration that is a reflection of the unconditional love you experience in doing your work. You do not need to express or experience that energy in a stressful way. You do not need to process it in that way. Everyone else's stress is their choice. It does not have to be yours. Q: Thank you very much. B: Oh, thank you for expressing your creativity. Understand that creation is an act of joy, of love, of ease. It is a natural expression. It is like breathing. So take it in... let it out. And recognize that like breathing, the only thing it does while it is within you is refresh you, not cause you stress. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. Thank you. B: You are welcome. Q2: When you asked him if he had seen other things - could you explain what you meant by that? B: Simply that, many times, as you allow yourself to manifest an increase in your senses -- in your sensory awareness, your ability to perceive more than you are used to perceiving -- you extend your senses into realms of vibration that were previously invisible to you, or inaudible to you. Sometimes the desire for this manifestation of increasing your sensibility will - while you are fighting your own ecstasy, while you are blocking the channeling within you - will create the idea of pain within the centers of reception within the head. In your senses, in the brain itself, where all sensing lies. For recognize that you do not see with your eyes. You do not hear with your ears. You hear and see with your brain. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: It was simply an exemplification that there is an expansion taking place within his consciousness. He can allow himself to continue to expand in that direction by allowing the energy in his chosen work to be a joyful expression of his own ecstasy. And it can extend into his creativity to perceive more than he perceives in this moment. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. Thanks. B: Thank you.

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