Text: Edgar Cayce Readings, << 254-92>> alt="Readings 254"> READING << 254-92>> This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 16th day of December, 1936, in accordance with request made by the Manager of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., Mr. Hugh Lynn Cayce. Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Hugh Lynn Cayce. Time: 11:10 to 11:45 A. M. Eastern Standard Time. (Work and plans of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., in studying and presenting the psychic work of Edgar Cayce. We seek counsel and guidance in carrying forward this work. You will consider the affairs of the Ass'n under the general heads which will be presented and answer the questions that will be asked.) TEXT EC: Yes, we have the work of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Incorporated; and its plans and its endeavors in presenting the work, the psychic information as may be given through Edgar Cayce. First, as we would give, for general information and for study of those who may undertake in any way to present information of a psychic source or where it may be an influence in the lives of individuals: First, as a corporation, as an organization, the Association for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., presents a problem for consideration in itself. Know that all the laws as pertain to the activities are the same, and that what has come into materialization first has had its inception in the mental and the spiritual realm, and is as perfect a body in those realms (or the more perfect, dependent upon the basis of the inception or the desire that has brought it into being) as it is in the material plane. And, as has ever been given, those influences are the same in applying or in relationships to such organizations as about any individual or any individual organization. And the same laws apply in same. Thus in seeking information as to the conducting of the affairs and of carrying forward the ideals and purposes of such an organization, consider the sources from which such information may come and as to what and as to how they apply toward what is set as the ideal. And know there is only ONE ideal. But as has been given as respecting individuals, "He hath given His angels charge concerning thee, lest at any time ye dash your foot against a stone." It's just as applicable in any group organization as it is in an individual entity. Yet there becomes in the practical application more of a confusion unless the IDEALS and the purposes that are of a spiritual nature are held to. This is not intended to indicate there are individual souls or entities that have been set aside or appointed by a hierarchy of another realm to look after the affairs, as some would have others believe. Not that they do not, or cannot, but is that thy ideal? Is that THY purpose, that it shall become a personal thing? Or is it rather that it shall be a channel through which only the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man, the universal Christ-Consciousness may be applied in the lives and the affairs of individuals in every way and manner? For do not consider for a moment (for this might be carried on to an indefinite end) that an individual soul-entity passing from an earth plane as a Catholic, a Methodist, an Episcopalian, is something else because he is dead! He's only a dead Episcopalian, Catholic or Methodist. And such personalities and their attempts are the same; only that IDEAL! For all are under the law of God equal, and how did He say even as respecting the home? "They are neither married nor given in marriage in the HEAVENLY home but are ONE!" Hence the ideals and the purposes of the Association for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., are not to function as another cism [schism] or ism. Keep away from that! For these warnings have been given again and again. Less and less of personality, more and more of God and Christ in the dealings with the fellow man. To be sure, those phases of the activity of the Association, in the material plane, must take concrete evidence and present concrete evidence of its being grounded in mental and spiritual truth. But not that it is to build up any organization that is to be as a cism [schism] or a cult or ism, or to build up money or wealth or fame, or position, or an office that is to function in opposition with ANY already organized group. How did thy Master work? In the church, in the synagogue, in the field, in the lakes, upon the sands and the mountains, in the temple! And did He defy those? Did He set up anything different? Did He condemn the law even of the Roman, or the Jews, or the Essenes, or the Sadducees, or any of the cults or isms of the day? All, He gave, are as ONE - under the laws! And grudges, cisms, isms, cults, must become as naught; that thy Guide, thy Way, thy Master, yea even Christ - as manifested in Jesus of Nazareth - may be made known to thy fellow man! So, in thy considerations, seek ye to know more and more of how each organization has its counterpart bodily, mentally, spiritually, and guidance may be given thee. Ye have an organization then with a physical being, with a mental being, with a spiritual concept. And only that which is not merely idealistic but in keeping with God's, Christ's precepts, Jesus' anointings, may be that which may grow and become as a LIVING thing in the experience, in the bodies, in the minds; yea to the very awareness of the souls of men whom such a group, such an organization would serve. In the bodily functioning, then, the activities are to have due and proper consideration, to be sure. But let each phase of the Work present how not only mentally but spiritually there is a grounding in TRUTH, as is set forth in the Christ-Consciousness as exemplified by Jesus, as has been proclaimed by many of the saints of old. And then ye may be very sure that all of those influences from the spiritual realm are as ONE. For whether it be as ye have seen at times, the Lord of the Way [archangel Michael?] or the Christ Himself as Jesus, or others be sent AS an aid, depends upon whether ye hold that ideal that is One with the Universal Truth for and to man. Ready for questions. (Q) Memberships: It has been suggested that the Associate Membership be raised from $20 to $50 and include: a. one first physical reading and all check readings during the year that are needed; b. or one Life Reading and one check life during the year. On this yearly membership further readings for self or other members of the family would be $20. (A) It has been given again and again, and we would refer those to that as was given when the memberships were last referred to or built up. There has not been that conforming to those rules and regulations as respecting the Active Memberships, as to their contributions or their regular notifications of their dues where they have not been kept. But to increase memberships or to increase prices in this or that manner is to become money-minded, is to become rather with those inclinations for the considering of the material above the spiritual and the mental. As has been given, when there is the conviction in the heart of those that have received aid through these sources, these channels, and there is sought and there is given the opportunity to such for their contributions for the up-keep, the developing of all phases, this should come of itself; and not by a price set on a piece of paper that may be nothing or life itself! The increase should come as of God's work, and NOT of man's building up! For when it is put by price into such a position as to cause ANY to feel it is only for those who have been given something of this world's means, then ye are defeating thine own purpose and you have run away with the PHYSICAL without considering the mental and spiritual body of thine organization! This ye can see from the observation of an individual as a human being. If the body-mental, the body-physical and the body-spiritual COORDINATE, ye have a body that increases in wisdom, in stature, in the growth of material things - and well-balanced! These are the results of keeping each portion throughout some experience cooperating and coordinating. What is thy first lesson? COOPERATION! Then let each member, Active or Associate, cooperate. And if ye choose to make others, make them of a different character and not with a price upon those who are afraid, those who are seeking help, bodily, mentally, or even physically! Do not set prices! (Q) Would you advise then leaving the memberships as they are at present? (A) As they are set up, but we would at least be consistent with that ye would teach and do something about your Active Membership! For ye have an Active Membership that if ye would give them the opportunity to do that even you have had them promise, you wouldn't be worrying about so much of the realm of that activity for carrying on! And if you would create for those who are interested, those who find help, those that may seek for places, conditions that may give them an opportunity to put this world's goods to active service - impress upon thine associates and thy Associate Membership that the contributions to same may be subtracted from their tax. And if ye would then set yourself as making free from tax to contributors, would ye tax the poor fellow that hasn't the means to meet the daily needs? God loves him as well as those who have the millions. For each is as precious in His sight! But how readest thou the law? That thou hast promised, FULFIL - or it becomes a sin! (Q) Would it be wise to allow members of Active Study Groups to have the privilege of securing readings at lower fees than the Active and Associate members? The group unit membership with sponsored readings has not been successful. Please discuss. (A) Much of this lies in the fact that so oft those seekers, or that seek, are looking for a new coin, a new something to be handled, or handed them. It should never be that anyone that really seeks or desires is hindered by the price or by the payment of any fee. What said the Master to those that saw the poor widow cast in threepence? "She has given more than them all." But what? Let those that seek, where they are sponsored, not seek because they are ill or because it may be a miracle. The miracle must be in the individual seeking, not in those that bring same! Was Andrew raised above Peter because he brought Peter to the Christ? or did the bringing raise Andrew to that of being that upon which Peter continued to lean? So the MIRACLE that happens happens in the seeker, not the one that leads him to this. Then, the study groups or any portions of the activities that have failed to prepare the individual who has come have failed - rather than the individual that has come! (Q) Realizing that a number of charity and research readings must always be given, would it be better to provide a research member blank for such individuals to sign and leave them free to continue as they are able to the general work of the organization, or would it be better to establish a more rigid policy of sponsored readings on some Active or Associate Membership? Please discuss. (A) Ye have so many irons in your fire that ye lose sight - in the study of it - as to what the first principles are that have been set forth. If ye will conform to those principles in the considering of all those that seek, or those that undertake such activities, ye will find an easy way - as it were. As this: Groups, societies, organizations, are continually being founded that are called in some groups as clinical cases. They are the ones that are studied, they are the ones upon whom experimentations are made. Ye have in your own organization societies, colleges, such organizations. Ask THEM then to finance, ask them then to study, ask them to supply to the indigent ones not only the payment for your information but for that which applied in their experience may bring life and hope, spiritually, mentally and physically, into the experience of individuals. Hence it becomes then more and more the rigid sponsorship. For to have knowledge (as has been given again and again) and to do nothing about it, to all it becomes sin! (Q) How can we avoid making too great a distinction between the Active and Associate members? On our present plan and the proposed one, we give the Active Member more for less fees. (A) This is because there has not been the carrying out of the purpose and the ways that have been described. First then study very carefully, very prayerfully, that as has been presented. Set the purposes and the ideals in line with that ye have proclaimed and thine ideals; thy memberships, thy fees, thy publications, thy activities as ye call "for charity". But do not hinder ANY soul. We are through for the present. Three copies to Hugh Lynn Cayce Copy to Ass'n file REPORTS 12/36 HLC sent this ltr. with the Nov. 1936 Bulletin to the members. In the Nov. and Dec. Bulletin he quoted from EC's lectures MY SOUL [Given 11/17/29 at the Cayce Hospital], FATE [Given 3/01/31], WHAT IS SOUL POWER? [Given 2/03/35], and quoted the entire Work Rdg. << 254-92>> : To the Members of the Association: At this season of the year many of us are stirred more than usual by feelings of peace and good-will toward our fellowmen. Though we realize that in many places throughout the world men are destroying one another and that poverty and desolation are not banished from our very door steps, the spirit of joy and gladness of this season gives us new hope and stimulates new desires for service. Whatever your belief or creed we are sure that you will respect the ideal and principle which have been the foundation of the work of Edgar Cayce. Many of you have never met him, except through his readings and letters. Those of you who know him intimately will agree with us that he strives to live in accord with the great spiritual law of the universe so often mentioned in his psychic readings in varying terms: "Spiritual growth results not from studying and learning cosmic laws, but from daily application of that known." This Bulletin brings you a series of extracts from Mr. Edgar Cayce's talks which we believe will help you to know the man and his purposes a little better. The simplicity of his words flows from a deep spiritual understanding born of experience. His "philosophy" is expressed in his daily services. His power is born of undying faith. Thus we send you the season's greetings and best wishes for the coming year. Sincerely, THE ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH AND ENLIGHTENMENT, INC. 1/08/37 Hugh Lynn Cayce to Study Groups: Dear Friends: We stand on the threshold of a new year. As individuals it is a time for checking up on activities of the past year and for setting new goals for the year ahead, so in the group work of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Incorporated, it comes time for modifications in our program and the establishment of definite objectives for 1937. Some phases of the group activity that have proven unsatisfactory are being discarded, while other parts of our program that have proven helpful need strengthening. We are able to look back over 1936, knowing that marked progress has been made and upon the firm foundation of results build toward a fuller, more helpful program for the coming year a program that we hope you will help to carry forward. Before outlining briefly some of the new developments in the group work let us reaffirm the major purpose of all group activity as sponsored by the Association. The sole purpose of group work is for individual soul development through a study and PRACTICAL APPLICATION of the spiritual laws of the Universe. Stress is placed upon the need for INDIVIDUAL work which is necessary for any true realization of the existence and power of the human soul. A few definite changes have been made in the group programs in which you will be interested. Distribution of the work has been a keynote in the new plans. 1. Groups should not be allowed to increase beyond twelve members. 2. Every member should thoroughly understand and be in agreement with the Ideal and Purposes of the Group. 3. Organization A. Chairman - Conducts meetings and handles the business. B. Secretary-Treasurer - Keeps minutes of meetings and handles finances. C. Leader of Lesson Discussion - Leads the 30 minute discussion of the regular lessons. D. Leader of Bible Discussion - The following passages of scripture have been recommended in readings for careful study in Groups. Ten minutes of each meeting should be devoted to reading and discussing a short selection. Deuteronomy 31-34 Life of Joshua Psalms 1; 2; 24; 91; 23; 67; 150. John 14-17 Jude Revelation E. Leader of Research Study (Notes will be furnished). - Leads a 20 minute discussion for three months on one of the following selected topics. For each of those topics thorough outlines with references will be furnished. [Hugh Lynn Cayce] See Source File Key #254 for additional supplements re << 254-92>> .
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