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Text: Q: "In the Bible it states that one should not listen to spirits and some people interpret this to mean the process of communication which we are sharing now. Could you help us to understand why that is in the Bible?" A: "Yes. There existed during that time the belief that evil spirits could inhabit the body of one brother or another. As this brother went about in what was termed to be a state of insanity, it was believed that those who were weak of will could be influenced by this insanity. And therefore, the custom developed to exorcise the demon or evil as it appeared to exist within the body. I would, additionally, have you know that I never engaged in the process of leading a brother to believe that his or any other body was in possession of a demon or an evil spirit. Then, as now, perceptions of my acts and my deeds will vary. They may, in some instances, be reflective of the true intent which I had, and they may, in some instances, not be reflective of that." [Dialogue on Awakening, page 119]

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