Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Signature Vibrations and Interactions Q: I have been very curious about (many inaudible words) and the extent to which you recognize each of us. My feeling is that ( -- ?)... and that is just a feeling I have. B: In a sense we will pick up from time to time what we call a signature vibration. But recognize this: to our perception you are not a discrete personality, you are many ideas, and you are always becoming a new you. Q: Yes, I understand that, but at the same time there is some essenceŠ and a signature vibration. Is that mostlyŠ B: It is a combination of many things. Q: (Something about the essence) B: Yes, to a degree. But many times your perception of our interaction is simply based upon the type of interaction that is necessary with that individual. And not the idea of recognizing who they think they are, who we think they used to be, but interacting with them in the now as a new person. Q: I understand that, but it's a little disconcerting. B: Why? Q: Well because itŠ okay, the other thing along the same lines: you tend to take people very literally when you talk to us. B: All right. Now, understand this -- many times we do that because your people in your civilization do not realize that when they say a certain thing, they do not think they mean it literally. But many times they live their lives literally to the letter of what they say. Therefore, we simply give them an opportunity to hear themselves talk. For if they pay attention to the ideas they are sharing, many times they can automatically see the answer as to why their lives are the way they are. Q: That's true. It just that we (many inaudible words) and when we keep track of each other... and we know what to say to each other, we feel what to say to each other, and (--?) in talking with each other. B: All right. Now, one other thing -- recognize again that there may be other individuals who may share similar ideas with you of the feeling of the interaction. But what you are speaking of for now is simply your perception. Q: That's true. B: For you will find that there are other individuals who will have a completely opposite perception. They have said many times, "Bashar, no matter where I am you always recognize me." Just the opposite of what you are saying. It does not matter to us. And one other thing -- in a sense remember this: though we are communicating with you, and though we are connected in many ways, you are all your own expressions. I am also my own expression from my own civilization. In a sense -- not to mean that any is better or worse, more or less, but simply different -- your modes of thought are quite alien to me. My modes of though are quite alien to you. And more and more as we communicate, we find and create common ground. You follow me? Q: Yes. And how do you recognize yourselves? B: By the signature vibration. Q: Okay. Is each one different? B: Yes. But again many times to us it will not matter. The idea that an individual who shares an idea with us doesn't necessarily mean that we must make a distinction as to exactly who that individual is. For everything in our reality to us is real, and we do not put the validation or invalidation upon it of needing to know exactly who it is. It is simply a shared experience, a shared idea, and there is not the separation of individuals. You follow me? Q: Yes, I think so. It's a difficult concept for us. B: All right, but why do you need to make it difficult? Why is it an issue? Q: Oh, it's only an issue... (rest inaudible). B: By loving each other. Now understand you have upon your planet a phrase. You call it, "To know someone is to love them." On our planet it is, "To love them is to know them." If you love each other, you will know each other automatically. Q: Thank you. B: Thank you. Yes, sharing!

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