Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Predictions - Unity - Zero Rest Point (1985) Bashar Q: Last night I spent a few hours with a friend of mine who's a well- known economist. And he was telling me that there's a rather major possibility of an economic depression about to happen in our country, because of the national debt. Now he says it will probably occur between the next 6 and 18 months. Do you perceive any change in that idea? B: Are you asking me to make a prediction? Q: No, just any information you might have regarding that. B: All right now, understand that to a degree it will shift and vary quite a bit more than your friend has perceived at this time. Understand that it will also represent another remnant cycle in which you will, within the idea of 30 to 50 years of your time, allow yourself to understand that what you now perceive to be your monetary system will undergo quite a drastic shift. A little bit more toward the idea that we have expressed to you, a little bit -- not a lot -- a little bit more toward the idea we have expressed to you that each individual, and the service that they provide, is in and of itself, a guarantee of the stability of any interaction on an economic basis. Q: Okay. B: What is your second question? Q: On the 15th we were supposed to go though a mass consciousness change on this planet, and I didn't perceive a whole lot of change going on. B: All right. Perhaps that is because you assumed you were supposed to. Q: I did. I did. Something happened I didn't know about? B: You will know. Q: When? B: When you allow yourself to know. Again understand that that level of expectation will always form the idea of a specific limited viewpoint. Do not feel that you are not in step with the entire mass consciousness and its own creation of that doorway through which it allowed itself to pass. But simply understand that you are still experimenting with many ideas of specific focus for the unfoldment of your own purpose. And as such understand that you have absorbed much of that transition in ways that will make themselves manifest within your reality in ways that you will allow them to. Based upon your still expanding understanding of the purpose behind which you have created all those different limitations of focus. Again it is a matter of simply allowing yourself to know -- to know, know, KNOW, KNOW!! -- without necessarily needing to analyze exactly what -- that there will be an effect upon your reality if you simply allow yourself to identify with the idea of the effect, rather than needing to know the cause first. Q: Oh, I don't want to know the cause necessarily. B: All right. Q: I just want to see the realization. B: You will. Question. Q: I've got a question on. B: All right, one moment. Yes? Q: Have you ever heard of a book called -- or the concept of -- The Law of One? There was a guy named Ra that channeled it. And there were some beings that I believe he talked about from Orion, and. B: We will discuss that later. Q: When? B: Question. Yes? Q: Did. what Steve was speaking about, the question just before this one that was asked... does that effect have something to do with unity? B: In a sense. In the sense that there will be -- with the creation of the limited focus -- perception facing away from the direction of the integration of the self. And as such there will be, with the creation of that specific focus, more of a reaction than an action involving the event itself. And as such there will be more a move to what is perceived to be the outside of the self -- that is the physical universe which seems to stem from outside the self. And as such there will then be the separation from the self and that integration, more toward the separation of self from that integration. Therefore the reinforcement of the self within the time track, but without the perception of the momentum involved and therefore the creation of the question, "When?" AUD: Whenever. Ha, ha, ha. B: Do you follow me? Q: No. Yes, I. B: Would you like to explain to those individuals who did not follow? Q: Well, my perception of that is that with an exteriorization of oneself from the physical body, there will be the creation of a lot of movement in the physical universe, and actual confusion in people who don't understand what's going on with themselves and their body. And there is actually a unity being created with beings getting to know themselves and that which they really are. But the confusion comes from being separated from the physical universe and that being new to them as an experience. And. B: And the focus upon time. Q: Thank you. The focus upon time is part of the physical universe, and brings people back because that is like. the focus upon time is an old method of telling a being where he is. That's like the one thing that he clings to, to orient himself. B: All right. Very good. Q: So he comes back to that and says, "When?" so he has a point of reference. B: Very good! Q: Thank you. B: Understand that your understanding of that idea took place without time. You follow me? You simply understood; you knew. The feeling involved that you were perfectly oriented within the equality of the vibration of the idea we were discussing. You follow me? Q: Thank you, yes. It feels wonderful. B: Yes. Exciting. Q: Very. Very much so. B: Thank you. And understand then that that excitement, once again, is your physical signal that you are channeling equally the vibration of the idea in which you are immersed. Q: Hmm. Yes, I felt that as well. B: Therefore, understand that if you are channeling that vibration, that excitement of that idea, and you are, in your words, therefore in tune with that idea, then that idea becomes your reality -- really without regard to having to pay attention to exactly when -- since you feel it to be right now. Again: it is the same idea as when you attempt to propose the idea of what you perceive to be purpose upon All That Is. Simply: All That Is does not need a purpose, since it already is, and comes before the idea of purpose, in your terms of before and after. Therefore the question of purpose, like the question of time, of "when," simply is a separation from the initial knowing state of the Self that it is already right now. Thank you. AUD: All right! Q: Thank You. B: Now, with regard to the idea of Orion energy, you will find that there are many ideas being undertaken at this time with respect to the idea of the fulfillment of your cycle and the integration of what you term to be positive and negative energy, so that you may make your transformation in a positive way this time. Rather than the negative choice that was made last time -- so as to fulfill the completeness and the polarity of the cycle. To a degree some of the ideas expressed within that work that you have mentioned, through the ideas you call Ra, will exemplify the acting out of being the valve which will channel both the positive and negative light. And allow them to be viewed in a way by your consciousness at this time, so that you may integrate the two in a way beneficial for the overall transformational energy now being expressed by your mass consciousness at this time. Question. Q: I have a statement. B: All right. Q: This is a basic reality that I not only understand but I live, and it has to do with the economic situation that Steve was talking about. There are various ideas about what the economy does or doesn't do -- or is, or isn't. And if you will look back on past history, you know those things. B: Whose? Q: Well I say, of this particular civilization. B: All right. Q: There have been times when the, quote, bottom, has fallen out and we've had depression. But during those times there have always, always been individuals whom it didn't affect. B: All right. Q: And that will continue to be the case. The ones who. B: You mean in a negative way, as you perceive it. Q: Yes. But they didn't lose anything. B: Realize, no one does. Q: Right. But it's like the suffering of losing everything and having a depression didn't ameliorate any need that they have. B: All right. Understand something else, however: what you term to be depression, or losing everything -- as you feel, reaching the bottom of your barrel -- when you reach that idea, then you realize in the creation of that idea -- having nothing left -- all the way down at the bottom, nowhere to go, no way out -- realize that that may be your first impression, but really when you arrive at that point, you have at that moment completely unlimited options, because every single option is equal and viable. Q: Right, yes. B: Do you follow me? Q: Oh, I sure do. B: And therefore there will be that analogy within those depressions, to emotional depression, where you withdraw within yourself to go where you know the answers must really be. Q: Mhmm. B: To allow yourself to reach that zero rest point where every option is equally valid. And then when you re-emerge, you are quite a different person, having realigned yourself to a completely new reality. One which you now have given yourself the opportunities, through the experiencing of that depression, to try. Because when you have reached that point, you finally realize the validity of: "Well, why not?" Q: That's a beautiful expression. I enjoyed that very much. B: Yes. You have created a beautiful creative way to experience many ideas, which you initially judged to be negative. But again look at the results and where it has taken you. Q: Right. But actually I really enjoyed that. B: Thank you. Q: What I was expressing didn't particularly have something to do with that, although I loved what you said. What I was saying was that economists often get the idea that that particular scene of depression is going to affect everyone, but we can see that there are people who are not affected by that negative. B: Yes. Each reality will always maintain its own reality. Q: Right, yes. Does that mark then, the end and the beginning of a cycle, as you see it? B: Within those individuals who choose to experience the reality of that cycle. Q: Right. B: Again: there will be many different cycles overlapping, even within your overall mass consciousness. And individuals may or may not feel the effects of a cycle as strongly as other individuals. Q: Uh huh. B: . because that is not their reality. Q: Right. I have another question. Can you describe what it's like when. you talked about being everywhere instantly, yet being completely fulfilled? B: All right. Now, again realize that for the purpose of the feeling of your own creativity we may simply use the analogy to describe the effect of yourself at the zero rest point, of yourself as the creator. In the sense that as you create space and time, and therefore the idea of movement within space and time, then you have created the idea of what we may term to be infinite momentum. And as you are everywhere at once, being, having, infinite momentum, then you are also at the same time standing perfectly still -- since you are already everywhere that you need to be. Understand that to a degree, from time to time, there will be back and forth some physical effects emotionally within you that represent either of these two polar views of yourself. Within both you may simply always be assured that in the creation of these polar shiftings back and forth between the idea of very rapid momentum and pure peaceful stillness within yourself, that they are expressions both in their own way of a vast creativity with which you are channeling to create your reality. And as such, within every idea expressed as a polarity, you will always find yourself exactly at the center of that creation. Therefore always reminding you within your physicalness that you are always projecting from the center of yourself. And that in reality you never really go anywhere. Q: Mhmm. B: You follow me? Q: Yes, I do. Thank you. B: Thank you.

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