Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Trust and Validity Q: I have been experiencing some ill feelings this evening andŠ B: Yes. We were speaking to you. Q: Yes. I realize that. And thank you for what you shared. MyŠ B: We thank you for what you are sharing. Your willingness to explore and expand in the manner you are doing now, benefits all present. Q: Thank you. It's interesting how the energy has changed over the eveningŠ B: Yes. Q: Š because originally it started off as a mild case of indigestion. And as you started to talk this evening... as soon as you started to talk about communication, it became overwhelmingly painful, and I had to go out of the room. And as I was lying down in the other room, this incredible force of energy just started to feel like it was flowing through me, and it was like almost - like electrical. I felt it was trying to take me over. B: Not take over, no. Simply reflecting your own power to you. In your society, you have been taught that recognition of your own power is a fearful thing. That is what makes it feel as if it is "taking you over." But it cannot. For you are in control of it. You are always in control - even when you create a scenario in which it seems you are out of control. You are controlling that. Do you follow me? Q: I follow you. I don't understand how I'm creating this. That was my other question: I don't understand of what purpose the pain in the stomach area, and the gas, is supposed to be. Is it serving me... or what is in it for me? B: All right. The pain - all pain - physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain, spiritual pain - all pain is the result of the learned invalidations you impose upon yourself; the beliefs you buy into early in you life that you do not even know you are carrying with you. The pain you were feeling this night of your time was your ability to now recognize that as you expand your energy, and make connections within you, the pain lets you know you have been carrying beliefs that have been constricting you. That have not been allowing you to digest and channel through you, and derive sustenance and support and energy from more of yourself. But now you are opening those doorways. The pain, in a sense - to be colloquial - is only there because the doorways are rusted shut. The more you open them, the more they will flow, the less pain there will be. So trust is your medicine. Trust. The more you trust that the connection of energy you are making serves your purpose in choosing to be alive in this life, and allows you to avail yourself of unlimited energy to be of service - not only to everyone else, but to allow everyone else to be of service to you, and enjoy your life - then the more you trust, the more the energy will flow, and the more the flowing of the energy will lubricate the motion of the doors, the less painful it will be. All pain in your society right now is simply remnant habits of judgment and ritual that you have believed were necessary. You have been taught to believe implicitly in this life that there is nothing worth gaining that doesn't come with pain. So recognize you simply are now showing yourselves that you have those beliefs, and now because you recognize they are old beliefs, you don't have to believe that any longer. So any further changes you make, any further integrations you allow to occur within you, need not come with the invalidations that bring pain. Do you follow me? Q: Yes, I do. I see thatŠ that as this gentleman was talking about feeling incompetent this week: I had an experience with the exam that I had shared two weeks ago, that I was concerned about taking. I didn't pass it, andŠ B: So? Q: So I've been... I felt - and this has been since yesterday - a real sense of what I felt was a strong competence on my part, which was fooled, was invalidated by this exam saying: "No, you are not as competent as you thought you were." B: Ah! But only you did the invalidating - no one else, only you. You set up the expectation, and according to the result you created, you invalidated yourself according to the result. You set up the circumstances, designed the experiment, and predicted the outcome. Now! The reason, once again, that you are feeling the pain is because you are now re-integrating, and recognizing that all you require is a good dose of self-unconditional love. For what you have been experiencing in the idea of the so-called self-incompetence and self- invalidation, is the complete and total opposite of life, which is guilt. Worthlessness is the opposite of love, not hate. Guilt is the opposite of love. So love yourself - for whatever you have created. For recognize it has taught you something, and brought you to where you are now. Do you not remember and recognize that everything you have ever known in life - positive and negative - has brought you to where you are now? Q: Yes. B: Then do not invalidate any circumstance: for if you remove any stepping-stone in your path, you cannot proceed to the next one, because you remove all stepping-stones when you remove one. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: The idea simply has been for you to recognize that it is up to you to determine your validity. No one else can ever possibly design a test that will prove your validity to you. No one - except you. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. I designed the test. But IŠ and I answered the questions that I designed, and then the teacher - without my notes - wanted me to regurgitate that information. So, in a sense, I did design the test. B: Yes. But it is only to show you the ideas and the beliefs you are harboring within you about what you think is the most likely probable reality you can experience. It is simply your indication of to what degree you are willing to allow yourself to feel unconditional love for yourself - and All That Is. There is no need to continue to test yourself. You have passed with flying colors everything you have ever done. For everything you have ever done you have designed - and the outcome is always perfect. You can never be found lacking. When you allow each and every outcome to be its own reason for being - and do not continue to assume that there is ONE background reality against which to measure all other experiences for their validity - then your own life will be its own experience, and is not to be compared or measured against any one else's experience for its validity. You follow me? Q: Yes, I do. B: All you are doing is continuing to believe that you need to measure and test yourself against what society says are the expectations you have to live up to, and you don't. You are valid as you are, and you don't have to pass anyone else's test to prove it. You can't prove it anyway; it cannot be done. You cannot ever prove you exist to anyone but you. For all the other individuals you may be busily convincing of your existence - who all graciously nod their heads in acknowledgment of your existence - could all be hallucinations for all of you know. So you cannot prove anything to anyone but you. So there is no need to keep on trying. Then... then!... when you know you are valid, and you cease the idea of attempting to prove your validity to someone else, you will be able to "stomach" yourself. All right? Digest that. Q: So the incompetence scenarios give us a jab in realizing that we can view ourselves as competent? Is thatŠ B: It is an opportunity, in many different directions, once again. It can be that you may be using it as a comparison, knowing you are comparing yourself to other people's expectations of you, rather than living up to your own. It can also be an indication that - as we have said - what you are doing is simply not where your heart is, and that you can do something else in which you know you will automatically be completely competent. Because as you have said on your own planet: "A labor of love is no labor at all." And you do not have to live up to any expectation when you are enjoying everything you are doing. You are always doing it flawlessly, whatever you are doing. You will never "achieve" perfection, because you are already perfect. Every single thing that you do is a perfect manifestation of the thing you are doing, and has no business being compared to any other thing for its validity. Every other thing is not better; it is only different. Everything is perfectly valid for what it is, if you do not prefer it, do something else. But the doing of something else does not need to invalidate the thing you are no longer doing, as less perfect that what you are doing now. Q: Yes. Thank you. B: Thank you.

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