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Text: Edgar Cayce Readings, READING 911-5 F 24 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Va. Beach, Va., this 12th day of October, 1932, in accordance with request made by self - Mrs. [ << 911>> ], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mrs. [ << 911>> ], and her mother [ 2118 ] during the latter portion. Time and Place: 3:55 to 4:20 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Va. (Body & enquiring mind - Questions on physical, mental and material conditions) TEXT EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [ << 911>> ] - this we have had before. Ready for questions. (Q) Is it not advisable that [ 912 ] and I should separate permanently? Explain why this is best for both of us. (A) As has been given, each individual has its own duties and responsibilities, not only to itself but to those with whom it associates, as well as its relationship to that which is its ideal. As to what each individual here concerned has made its ideal, neither could very well define; neither could either tell just how much duty, obligation and hope may be found in their association or separation, until they have a standard by which such ideals of selves and selves' abilities, selves' duties, selves' obligations, may be measured; neither would or could there be given as to what EITHER should do! That the conditions at the present are basically an error would be evidenced by the fact that neither have found themselves, nor their duty or obligation to each. Then, as has been given, first each should find their selves; then they will be better able to know wherein they have failed and what their relationship should be. This SHOULD be decided by themselves, WHEN they have found themselves - see? (Q) How can I gain my parents' [[ 4163 ] & [ 2118 ]] full cooperation, and the recognizing that our person's welfare and well-being are worth more than social opinion and social convention? (A) By acting in a manner that would lead the mentality and mental forces of the parents to see, by that being gained, that self is correct in its judgment! but to give merely a theory or idea without LIVING it - is a very poor policy! (Q) Where is the most advisable place for me to go on leaving Va. Beach? Larchmont, Youngstown, Europe, or Los Angeles with Margot Keno [Queneau] if possible, or establish myself elsewhere? (A) That SHOULD be dependent upon that which is set by self as to what is to be the purpose, aim and desire of the body. These each, in their very name, their very environ, make for a very DECIDED change to be made in the entity's mental outlook upon life in order to bring ANY sort of even PASSABLE contentment! How to make the decision, then? As is seen, each offers something that is even impelling in its aspect. What has, does or will the body set as its ultimate goal to be reached now in its associations and activities? Then, has sufficient time elapsed so that self and companion have fully decided what is to be the status of their relationship, return to THAT environ. If self is seeking to FIND self in the environ of CHANGED conditions, as from a social environ that may be had in Europe, or if self is seeking to find an environ of spiritual atmosphere, or that type that may be had in Europe, then go there! If self is seeking to find self and to launch into that DEFINITE change that would be wrought by the association and surrounding in California, both in the social and the material things of life, then go there! but there may also be found there an environ that would be a most wonderful experience for the body, if it is seeking such. As may be said, what seekest thou? Then go where it may be found! (Q) Is it desirable for this body to have sex relationships other than that obtainable through a marriage, if it has its inception in the spiritual mind? (A) The relationships that come from that which is of the highest vibrations that are experienced in the material world are those that may be found in such relations, and are the basis of that which is termed the original sin; and hence may be easily misunderstood, misconstrued, mis-interpreted in the experience of EVERY individual; but these should be known - that the control of such, rather than being controlled BY such, gives that which makes for the awareness of SPIRITUAL intent and purpose. To overstep those conditions created by those environs in social relations and atmospheres that are brought about by such, however, is to take those leaves with self that may not be EASILY retained. Take not, give not, that that cannot be taken and given in the spirit of "HIS will, not mine, be done!" Each must judge such for themselves, in the light of THEIR understanding. Each has the right to say I will, I will not. (Q) Need I fear loving any man, or must I be calculating? (A) When self has found self, such relationships are the NATURAL inspiration of the spiritual. As has been given oft, know IN what and IN whom thou has believed. If such has its inception in constructive life, fear not! If such has its inception in the gratification of selfish interests, fear! for when fear entereth, doubt entereth; and he that doubteth is lost already! (Q) Is it advisable that my husband should come now to Va. Beach, in order to gain understanding in regards to us, to help him have a better conception and purpose in life, through a week of contact here, and gaining of religious knowledge? (A) If he chooses to do so, well! If he needs to be INDUCED to do so, no! (Q) How is this body progressing physically, [ << 911>> ]? (A) It is progressing as speedily, as fast, as the will to keep in accord is being followed out. The body knows within self just how far she is advancing, for the inner self is hard to fool, when there is the balance that is kept in activities. (Q) What should I do about my present abdominal and diabetic upset? (A) What has caused these conditions? This is known to self; this isn't outside of self's own ken, self's own activities. Then meet these in the manners that make for the balancing of those forces within the system to meet the needs, see? (Q) What changes do the Forces suggest in diet, treatments, insulin, medications, and daily mental and physical program? (A) For the next fifteen or eighteen days we would not change much from that line which is being pursued, save as to those alterations in the applications for the correction of those impinged forces, and the medications kept in the activity in keeping with that created by the impulse released in system, which is keeping along in those lines, see? and the change in the quantity of the insulin that is necessary to keep that even balance in the physical forces of the body. (Q) If I have so much creative energy, how can I best make it of value now? (A) By using it to help someone else! (Q) For how many months yet should [ 912 ] and I plan to lease the house, in order that I may be in Larchmont and able to supervise the moving and packing of furniture? (A) This depends upon what are the decisions of the bodies, mentally and physically. Be only in that attitude of being consistent in the activities, in everything one does. Are the mental and material things consistent one with another? Then, that necessary, the period of time to make for such changes or alterations, may be chosen or may not be chosen. Just be consistent! Do not tempt thine inner self, that brings those very conditions which create within self discontentment; for it is only fooling self, no one else! We are through for the present. Copy to Self Copy to File REPORTS 10/15/32 Mrs. [ 2118 ] asked how she could help her daughter, [<< 911>> ]. See 2118-1 , Par. 25-A. 10/21/32 Report by M. L. Richardson, D.O.: "Regarding Mrs. [ << 911>> ] whom I treated several weeks this summer under the direction of the Psychic Mr. Edgar Cayce. "The physical conditions and indicated treatment are given in this psychic reading, a copy of which Mrs. [ << 911>> ] carries with her. "Treatment was given by me at the indicated spinal centers. It was my experience that slow gentle relaxing treatment effected better results than quick sudden or harsh movements. "She was greatly helped by her stay in Virginia, both by treatment and by the psychic influence that gave her a better understanding of herself and her conditions: Her morale has been improved, she knows the futility of many remedies she has been taking with hope and disappointment, she now knows the worth and dependability of self help. She leaves here with a new fortitude and determination to do her part, and needs the help of sympathetic guidance and well apposed treatment to make further gain." 11/07/32 Mrs. [ << 911>> ] obtained a Physical Reading. See 911-6 .

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