Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Change The World By Changing Yourself Q: First of all I would like to compliment you on being here for us, and for your willingness to answer questions on the universe. B: We are only reflecting back to you what you already know in many ways. We compliment and congratulate each and every one of you in being willing to co-create such an interaction with us. So that, aside from many other things, day by day, bit by bit, your civilization and our civilizations become that much closer to being able to interact in many open and face to face ways. Q: Wonderful. When you first spoke this evening you mentioned that we were all ambassadors. B: Yes. Q: And that is an idea that has been coming to me strongly for some time, and it is exciting. B: Yes! I find it so. Q: Yes, it's great. But what also happens with me is that it seems like I am being catapulted into that position faster than I'm ready for it. B: Oh, no, no, cannot happen. You are never given anything that you are not ready to handle. Never. Only your assumption that you are not ready makes it seem as if you have to apply the breaks, as you say. But anything you receive is your signal that you are quite ready to handle it. Again, remember that the universe cannot do pointless and extraneous things, and neither can you, in that sense. Therefore, anything you feel is a sign of your capacity. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: All you need is the trust to believe in yourself, and you will find that you are more than capable of handling anything that comes into your life. Q: Okay. B: Nothing in a sense, is ever, not within its timing. You can create the assumption that it is not - and it is that assumption that may make it seem to be the experience that it is not - but only the assumption does so. And if you remove that assumption and assume that you can handle it, you will find yourself capable of doing so. They are self-perpetuating prophecies, that is all. Q: Okay. All right, I would like your advice on a few things. B: Yes? Q: I see... what excites me is communicating to the entire universe. B: Yes. Q: But the step I see exciting first is learning, before I take the step. It seems like my communicating is coming first... but I want to learn first. B: You are always learning and always teaching. Everyone is an equal teacher, and equal learner. It makes you an equal sharer. And you learn by doing - that is how you learn most quickly - by doing the thing you wish to learn about, in whatever way you are capable of doing it first. Q: Okay. The thing I want to do, and learn at the same time, is something coming strongly to me to ask you about this evening. I would like to be physically at a UFO station where I could get help in releasing different ego distortions... B: Where do you think you are now? (AUD: laughter) This format, for now, is what you refer to as that UFO station. Q: Right (Laughing) B: This is the way in which we can interface with your society at this time. When the timing comes for us to be able to interact with you in other more blatant ways, you will be involved with that as well. But for now you are at that UFO station. Although of course, since you know who we are, it is an IFO station. Identified friendly object. (AUD: much laughter) Q: Okay. Next on my agenda is, in Yugoslavia, Mary is appearing... B: All manifestations of the collective consciousness and the collective soul and the collective spirit at this time will begin to manifest out of the energy in which you create your mentality, because you are blending as one consciousness. And so you will create reflections if you will, in the electromagnetic energy, that will mirror back to you the blending, the love, the communication, that is now beginning to go on between all of you - among all of you. You are creating and attracting your own signs to represent the portions of yourself as a total collective being, made out of all the beings on your planet that you are. Q: Could you elaborate on that a little bit more? B: That identity you are referring to has its own consciousness, but it is also the product of all the consciousness upon your planet. And when all the consciousness upon your planet begins to wake up to the fact that it is ONE consciousness you will create signs to represent that - to reflect back to you, that awakening. To reflect back to you the portion of yourself you are integrating. The portion of yourself you are dealing with - the feminine collective consciousness of unconditional love. That is what that symbol represents. Q: Right, and I find that I'm trying to... B: Trying? Q: Well, I'm working on opening up... B: All right. Q: ... this feminine energy. B: You are opening it up. Q: I also want to match it in equality with the masculine. B: You will. That is what this whole idea is all about. That is what this transformational age upon your planet is all about. Q: Okay. And one of the things that I've been finding has been coming through to me, is that the way to get things in this universe is to ask for it, in a caring manner. B: In a sense, yes. Q: And I would like to ask... B: Go right ahead. Q: ... how would we go about having Mary manifest to us, here? B: Now understand something: you may or may not need that particular symbol. The idea you call Mary can manifest in many ways, and always the manifestation, or if you wish the womanifestation, (AUD: laughter) will be conducive to the symbols any particular culture can use and can understand most strongly. It will not manifest in the same way everywhere, because that is not what represents the different cultures. And it is not as if you have to ask for a specific representation in order to get the same energy - to create the same energy. Q: Well, one of the things that draws me to that particular manifestation is that the sun that comes down, heals, and I would like to... B: If you are attracted to that specific symbol, then go to the place where the symbol is apparent. You do not need, in that sense, to create it that way where you are. You can create it where you are, but it may not need to manifest in those symbolic terms. Those symbolic terms being more representative of the area in which it is appearing, in that way. It is appearing everywhere, but many of you do not recognize it because you think you need that type of a symbol to represent it by. The blending, and the attitude in your culture to blend the masculine and feminine energies within yourself, is also representative of that spirit, of that energy. It does not necessarily have to manifest in an externalized idea. Q: What I'm looking for is the quickest route to approximating... B: The quickest route is to allow it to manifest in whatever way it needs to manifest in any given area, and to accept that way in you. Or go where you wish to be, if you wish to experience it in some other way. Q: Do I need to go there to equal it? B: You do not need to, no. Q: To become that understanding? B: No. Q: And that love? B: No. No. You are the understanding, wherever and whenever you are. As soon as you wish to be. Q: Well, I wish to be now, but I... B: Then you are. All you have to do is act like you are. Believe that you are and act like you believe it. Q: What about the other beliefs that are outstanding? B: Which other beliefs? Q: Anger... hate. B: These ideas, if you are willing to integrate them, will no longer be experienced in that way. Q: I want to integrate them. That's why I'm asking to go on the UFO ship, that's why I'm asking for... B: No, no, no, no, no. You are asking for externalized ideas, but integration takes place within you. You must decide to integrate them, and it is that decision that allows you to experience all the things you say you want to experience. Those externalized ideas are not what will create the integration. It is the integration that will create those externalized experiences. Know that that is the idea you want - the integration itself - then integrate those ideas. Then you will lead yourself to experiences that are representative of the level of integration you are expressing. You have the power within you. None of that power will come from anywhere else - ever. Now, you may create a symbol, and when an individual creates a symbol it means that the integration and the power has already been expressed within them. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: Hate, anger: these ideas, if you know you are a centered being and a being of service, simply have no place in the definition that you are as an integrated being. They are the negative expressions of an energy you will still use, but you will use that energy in a positive way - unconditional love. Anger, more often than not, is simply your society's way of aligning. When you see a given situation, when you see a given circumstance and you have an angry reaction, that is simply your way of aligning with what you know to be true for you, relative to the situation you are seeing. Hate is, in a sense, the polarization of love in many ways - but it is also in many senses, an aspect of denial. It is a judgment, an invalidation that is placed upon love, in many ways. It is actually not the true opposite of love. It is a polarity aspect of love, but the true opposite of love is not hate, it is guilt. Because love is complete self-deservability. Guilt is lack of self-worthiness. Hate still implies you deserve something - even if you are intimating it in a negative aspect. So, hate may be the negative polarity of the idea of love, but it is not the opposite of it, in the direct sense. But these expressions will not manifest if you use the energy in positive ways. No one needs to hate anything, and your natural alignment that you call anger does not have to come out in a negative angry way, if you do not invalidate what you are experiencing that has allowed you to align. All of the negative expressions of emotionality come from invalidation of what you are experiencing. When you understand that all situations and all circumstances are for the purpose of allowing you to simply know what is true for you, and perhaps being able to reflect to other individuals what is true for you to allow them the opportunity to change, to blend with your vibration if they choose to - not that they have to but if they choose to - then nothing else in the world will affect you. Any time you feel the idea of negative anger or hate, in that way, you are simply choosing to buy into someone else's belief system. If they are expressing negativity, there is no reason why their expression of negativity has to affect your expression of positivity - unless you choose to buy into it. Look at the idea of the circumstances and situations around you as an offering. If you are offering positive reality, positive ideas, unconditional love, and they are responding with negativity, you can simply choose to look at it as a negative offering. And if it is not what you are all about, don't buy into it. No-one, no-one, no-one - any exceptions? No, none! No-one has the ability to force you to be any way. You must choose to agree to interact with them on their level. You must create anger, hate, rage, guilt, frustration, jealousy. You must choose to create those for yourself in order to feel them, because all feeling is a reaction to a belief that exists first. There is no such thing as a feeling without a point of view that creates the feeling. Q: Okay. That's the point where maybe I should direct exactly where I'm coming from. B: All right. Q: The back of my spine is smashed in - since I was seven years old. B: All right. Q: My father laughed at me when it happened. B: All right. Q: I've had my jaw dislocated three times. My nose broken. I've been hit by cars several times. B: Yes. Q: And its like self-destruction, and I haven't been able to find any way to figure out what the belief is. And that's why I want help, because I'm in pain everywhere I go. B: Oh, all right. Q: And I have trouble loving people because I'm in so much pain. B: All right. Q: I'm just angry at the pain being there. B: Yes, yes. Q: Angry at who might have caused it, or the stupid thing that I might have... B: Well, you did. Q: The stupid thing I did. Hating myself back then. B: All right now. Stop. Stop. Stop. If you are going to have experienced these negative expressions, the first thing you can do in in your favor is to stop rebuking yourself for having created them. Because you are only adding more negativity to them: "Look at all these negative experiences, I am stupid for having created them." That is compounding your difficulty. So first and foremost, from this point forward, the way to transform out of that is to let yourself be all right in having created it. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: Now, once you allow yourself to let it be all right to have created it that way, up to this point, then let yourself realize all of the things about having created it that way that you can realize about yourself. All the things you have learned, all of the ideas you have bought into. Examine them. Look at them. Discover what they were. Then simply understand you are now deciding, consciously deciding, that whatever message needs to be delivered to you by life, you are willing to receive in the most effortless way possible. You will now agree to be open to receiving messages and will refuse, no message. So that you will not have to beat yourself up to pay attention to what it is you need to hear. There are other ways to get your attention. You do not have to take yourself through these experiences of these physical joltings. Now, you may only have been taught to equate spiritual jolting with a physical jolt. It may be a reaction mechanism within you. You no longer need that. You can allow anything to come into your life easily, softly. Gently deliver the message to yourself. You do not have to smack yourself around in order to wake up. You can begin to know it is all right to treat yourself with the same unconditional love and respect that you know infinite creation gives you. There is nothing you have to do to earn the love of creation. There is no special thing you need to do to deserve creation's love - and that means your own love - nothing special. Just by being who you are is enough to deserve all the love in the universe: just because you exist. If the infinite creator believes you deserve to exist; treat yourself with the same kind of respect. Know you deserve to exist and receive all the knowledge you need to receive in life, in a way that lets you know that you are loved. But it begins by understanding that you deserve that love, and allowing yourself to love yourself. So that you do not, in that way, have to abuse yourself in order to learn what you think you need to learn. Now some of this idea, some of it, has been a carry-over from some other lives - a momentum that you are now winding up, so to speak. But you can wind it up any time you wish! Right now if you wish. The way to wind it up most easily is to stop looking outside yourself for the things that will allow you to be who you want to be. Be them - because you are the idea you imagine you can be. Act like you are what you imagine you want to be, and you will be it. And that will create the experiences outside yourself, seemingly outside yourself, that will represent whom you now are willing to believe you can be. You are only being rebounded from thing to thing, situation to situation, and bumped around, because you are looking for the answers externally. They are always going to kick you back into the center of your being, because that's where the answers are. Q: I can't hear anything when I go to the center of my being. It's just nothing. B: Oh, it is quite a lot. There is much information in silence. If you are willing to listen in another way. Now the reason you may think you are not hearing anything, is again, because of the way you have been taught to listen. You have been taught to place many strong expectations on how you think you need to hear it. Let us exercise your imagination right now, shall we? Q: All right. B: Are you sure? Q: Yes. B: All right. 'Tis up to you. I cannot force anything upon you. Right now, describe to me, if you were to go into the center of your being, in a relaxed and balanced and meditative state, how do you imagine you would receive communication? What do you imagine would let you know that you had received communication? Q: All my problems would dissolve. B: All right. So you are saying that your answer would come in the events of your life itself. Very good. However, listen to your terminology: "problem." A problem by your definition is a situation that is difficult to change. A problem is a situation like any other situation. Your belief that it is difficult to change is what makes it difficult to change. So if you wish to dissolve them, stop believing they are difficult to change, and allow them to dissolve. You see, you may be under the assumption that you have to make things change. All you need to do is allow them to change, because change is the only constant in the universe. Change is the most stable existence. You are far more stable when you are walking, than when you are attempting to stand on one leg. It is "staticness," holding on to a concept, thinking that you must make something change, applying force to the idea, which is what creates the situation to seem to remain the same. Because you are not being willing to get out of it what you can get out of it - using it as part of your path rather than an interruption on your path. Allow the circumstances to change by knowing you will now accept another way for the message to be delivered, instead of the way it has been delivered. You are now willing to be open to letting the messages manifest themselves in the daily events of your life. But you will not see them if you do not believe you are the person that is creating them. By looking for those effects outside of yourself, you are denying that you are the one that can create them in your life, by believing that's the way you want to be. And then being that way. In a sense, to put it in very pragmatic, simplified terms, you are saying that what society has taught you is that "seeing is believing." But it is "believing is seeing." That is how it works... Q: Okay, the person that I want to be and reach to... I seem to hit, like a limit, when I go to... B: You do not. If you are being that person you do not hit the limit. You are being different "you's" at different times. Q: Right. B: Define which you, you want to be. Define it - now. Q: The me I want to be is to look outside this window and know that nobody is abusing anybody over there. To read the newspaper and have it be all good news. B: All right. Q: The me... I would like to be able to say, where's the money that... if this whole planet operates on money why is there not enough money to handle all the abused children and all the abused parents who are abusing their children? B: All right. Q: Why are these things not being handled? Why is it that I cannot ask Mafu and yourself questions without getting told: "Well, you're not ready to hear that yet." And told it will come later. It's telling me that I'm still a kid and I'm not ready. That I'm still capable of doing the wrong thing, or something stupid... B: I have said you are ready right now. Q: I know it! That's what I'm saying. B: Yes. Q: And if I'm going to be ready right now, why is it that we're not being told very much that those people who are on the other dimensions and things know about, and us stupid people down here aren't being told about? B: You are being told. You are simply not recognizing what it is you are being told. Now, remember all those other people in the world: you are responsible to them but you are not responsible for them. And what they are choosing to be is their choice. The way you actually can assist them best is by fully being the person you wish to be, regardless of what you see externally. Again you are telling me that you are determining who you are, based upon what you are seeing outside of you. Instead of just being who you are, because that is who you want to be. Q: If I could be who I am, I would remember everything that I've been. B: Not necessarily so. Because it will not be necessary to remember everything you have ever been to be who you need to be in this reality. You will remember everything you need to know to be whom you need to be in this reality. Q: But who's deciding what I need? What my need is? B: You will. Q: I'm deciding that I need more. B: Your ego... Q: My ego. B: ... is deciding. Q: That's the thing that I want repaired. (AUD: laughter) B: Understand something: all you need is a basic trust that at any given moment you do need, and have, what you need. You know everything at any given moment that you need to know, to be whom you are being in that moment. As soon as you re-define who you are you will know the things that person needs to know. So, regardless of what you are seeing around you, paradoxically, the way to see the things in your world change quickly, is to change the idea of whom you are. Q: Do I have the ability to tap in, at some point in my evolution, to total God consciousness? B: You already are tapped in on the level in which you exist, as the total God consciousness. Q: Well, okay, a level. But I want to create the level... B: You, now, have the ability to access whatever representation of the idea is relevant to the realm in which you have placed yourself. You see, the idea of total knowledge of all things is not necessary for you to function in the physical reality you are in, and in fact would actually hamper your existence. Q: So maybe it's not so much knowledge that I want as the love that is there. B: Then feel it, for it is all around you. But feel it within you first, or you will never see it out there. If you wish to see anything in your world change - change yourself. Then you will be being a representative example to everyone else of what kind of unconditionally loving being they can also be. By allowing them to see the example that you are setting, regardless of what they are choosing. If you are buying into their reality and becoming frustrated and hateful and so on and so on, because they are choosing to be frustrated and hateful and so on and so on, you are only reinforcing the reality they are already living. You are not giving them an example, you are not giving them a chance to see any other way. Trust and be the life you wish to be. Act as if you are that way. We are not saying that you will ignore the fact that other people are choosing to suffer. But the way to assist them best, first and foremost, is to be the being that at least shows them that there is another way to be. Otherwise they cannot see an example of the way they can choose to be - loving to themselves. You must take the first step if that is what truly concerns you in life. To be the example of what being an unconditionally loving being, to them and to yourself, is all about. And trust that your love will make a difference and will create the changes that you desire to see. Because you will be taking yourself to the world, the Earth, that already exists in the way you desire it to exist. You will take yourself to the program, to the level of frequency that already is represented by the idea that your Earth is peaceful and harmonious, and which expresses abundance everywhere. That Earth exists now! You will never see it if you don't make the vibration of that world your own. All the programs, all the ways, all the Earth's, already exist. Q: Are there people existing... living there? Some of us existing on that plane right now? B: Yes. Q: Is there a way we can connect up and talk to them? B: Yes! Use your imagination. Be what you imagine them to be now. Pattern yourself after what you think they are. And then you will draw that energy into your present and radiate it into your present, so that others can see what it can be like. So they can also choose that reality and accelerate it. Q: Can we put a camera on their planet... and can we hear it? B: In time. Q: In time. B: But we are talking about a vibrational, dimensional difference. Not something that is physically "out there," once again. It is all right here, right now. Let's use the analogy you call the radio in your society. Now, you know that all of the programs are coming to the radio all at the same time. But the only one you hear is where your dial is tuned to. All those Earth's exist, right here, right now. The one you get is the one you are tuned in to. So create the image of the one you prefer. Live in the fashion you would live in that world and you will be the receiving beacon for their energy, so that that program can be broadcast in this reality. So that others can pick up on it and decide to tune their dial to that frequency as well. If they don't know that such a program exists - if there are no examples that such a program exists - no one will ever know such a program exists, and they will never tune their dials to that frequency. So if you have a way in your mind of how you would like the world to exist, then exist in your life as if that is the world for you - as if that is the reality for you. And that all the ideas of the suffering and the warfare and the hatred and the frustration - they are illusions, old programs that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt, sooner or later, everyone will tire of, and go looking for another program. Q: Right. (AUD: Laughter and cheering.) B: But you see, if you are not already tuned into that program, and they ask you: "Say, have you heard any good programs lately?" You will not know which station to tell them to tune in to. Q: I have trouble staying tuned to that because... B: Ah, ah, ah, ah... Q: ... my fears come in. B: ...ah, ah, ah. When you say you have trouble - that's what creates the trouble. Now maybe that's how it was in the old program, but this is day zero. Right now! Q: Okay. B: This is the idea of conscious commandment. Are you going to decide to continue that idea? Or are you going to decide to be the new idea, right now? And if you are the idea - the new idea - right now, you are not the person who can say: "I have trouble with this, and I have difficulty with that." You are no longer that person. It's not within your makeup. To say that it is, is to still believe you are the old program. Q: Okay. B: We are talking about full commitment here. Absolute, one hundred percent trust. Q: Okay. Can I see you in the physical and give you a hug? B: Within the next ten to twenty of your years, yes. Q: Okay. B: Please do not let that stop you from doing so in the astral realms of your dream realities. Q: Okay. (Laughing) I'm happy... I'm very happy with this discussion. B: Thank you for your boldness, and your willingness to explore all aspects of the creator that you are. Q: Thank you my friend. God bless you. B: And you. Sharing!

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