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Rietdijk, C. W.

Text: "How do 'virtual' photons and mesons transmit forces between charged particles and nucleons?" Examines action at a distance. Virtual photons and mesons transmitting coulomb and nuclear forces do not arise from temporary violations of energy conservation, as commonly accepted. They involve negative energy transmission, and traveling backward in time. Of considerable importance to scalar electromagnetics researchers. In the second Bedini device, experimental evidence of negative timespace energy and negative time effects has been obtained. The motor cools instead of heats, accelerates to a very high rate if its leads are shorted, and increases its speed as the external load is increased. As the battery is charged with negative energy and negative time, the Dirac sea negative energy states progressively become inverted, emptying their electrons into the operating circuit. After being charged for some time in this fashion with negative timespace energy, placing the battery on a conventional charger is enlightening. The battery now appears to "eat normal electricity" from a conventional battery charger for a time, to fill its emptied Dirac sea electron negative energy states, before accepting a normal charge again. Foundations of Physics. 7(5-6), June 1977. p. 351-374.

See Also: foundations of physics, virtual particles, virtual photons, action at a distance, quantum mechanics, scalar electromagnetics, negative energy, negative time, Dirac sea.


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