Rauscher, Elizabeth A.
Text: "Conceptual changes in reality models from new discoveries in physics." Formulation of complex, multi-dimensional Minkowski space and associated twistor algebra. This geometry has an unique property of remote connectedness. An imaginary temporary component term is identified as a small non-linear term and soliton or solitary wave solutions. Other features of this model allow for the role of human consciousness, defining a connection between the observer and the observed. Coherent, non-dispersive plasma "instabilities" are describable within this formalism. Hence a design is suggested for overcoming these collective modes of excitation of a plasma and thus developing fusion technology. Furthermore, speculation is made for the possibility of developing approximately non-dispersive coherent technologies -- including more efficient energy transmission. Conclusions similar to those of scalar electromagnetics. Some extraordinary possible extensions of present electromagnetics. In International symposium on non-conventional energy technology. 1st, Toronto, October 23-24, 1981. Ottawa: Planetary Association for Clean Energy, 1981. p. 114-144.
See Also: relativity, quantum mechanics, history, unorthodox energy.