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Rauscher, Elizabeth A.

Text: Solitary waves, coherent non-dispersive solutions in complex Minkowski spaces. A complex dimensional geometry and associated twistor algebra has been developed. (1) A unique feature of this model is its non-locality properties. The metric for this complex space is real and real four space is represented by a slice through complex Minkowski space. (2) One can identify the imaginary temporal component term with a small coupled non-linear term and find soliton solutions. These non-dispersive, coherent waves are appropriate to define signals which exhibit non-locality or remote connectedness properties. (1) Phenomena which involve remote correlation of events -- such as Bell's theorem, Young's double-slit experiment and supercoherence phenomena -- demand non-locality. The properties of plasma coherent states or "instabilities" are describable within this formalism. (3) We speculate that this quantum model may give insight into the quantum measurement problem. Notes refer to: (1) Ramon, C. and Elizabeth A. Rauscher. Foundations of Physics. 10, 1980. (2) Rauscher, Elizabeth A. PSRL-1076 preprint, Sept. 1981. (3) Rauscher, Elizabeth A.Journal of Plasma Physics. 2, 1968. p. 517. Richmond Field Station, Richmond, California, University of California, Berkeley.

See Also: solitons, twistors, foundations of physics, plasmas.


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