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Ratios - Quantizing to One

Text: Music is based on numbers and ratios of those numbers related to another number. This relativity is designated by the use of ratios. For instance, Unison is expressed as 1:1 meaning 1 related to 1 is Unity or we may say they equate each other. The ratio for an Octave is expressed 1:2 or 2:1. The 2 is twice the value of 1 therefore an Octave is composed of two values one of which is twice the other: 2:1::1024:512. This expression is read: 2 is to 1 as 1024 is to 512. In other words the value of 512 is the same relative value as 1 to 2 when related to the value of 1024. This process of relating 1 to 512 is called "quantizing to 1". Any quantity or frequency can be so quantized to 1. This is in conformity with the Law of One. Any other quantity or frequency can then be quantified on the ratios of music when counting from 1. Thus if we assign 540 as the root which becomes 1; the Octave of 540 is then twice this amount or 1080 andwe still preserve the ratio of an Octave as 1:2.

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