Text: Royal Raymond Rife [1888-1971] born between two (2) ages, contributed significantly to the furtherance and betterment of mankind by introducing a very interesting Œnovelty of fact¹ capable of discerning [ Œseeing¹ ] microbes and viruses in their actual [ Œliving¹ ] condition, thereby enabling him to Œanalyze¹ and Œdiscover¹ how to rid these Œorganisms¹ from animals and the human body. By observation, he discovered that these Œorganisms¹ had a Œcrystalline¹ structure and therefore it was possible to Œshatter¹ them by resonating a specific Œfrequency¹ reference Œadjusted¹ and Œtuned¹ to each Œorganism¹s¹ specific Œfrequency signature,¹ thus leaving the human cell structure Œintact¹. If you can recall the opera singer who sings a very high note, thereby shattering a Œcrystal¹ glass goblet. Dr. Rife¹s contribution was [incredibly] significant and indeed [ very ] Œnovel¹ because prior to his discovery, there was [ absolutely ] NO capability to Œcure¹ specific [recognizable] Œdiseases¹ because they could not be isolated and identified. Dr. Rife¹s inventions enabled him to Œidentify,¹ Œisolate¹ and Œstudy¹ the smallest microbe and apply Œspecific¹ frequencies Œtuned¹ to each Œindividual¹ microbe destroying [shattering] them where they lived. All of this was initiated during the Œhorse and buggy¹ era and brought forward into the 20th Century by very careful laborious study and due diligence under very stringent laboratory conditions and protocols. Let me explain the nature of the dynamics of Rife¹s Œnovelty of fact¹ and why it was a significant accomplishment. First, Rife acquired significant backing and financing, in order to properly finance his Œnovelty of fact¹ concept [the creation of a specialized microscope capable of seeing virus¹s and microbes in their [pristine] [normative] Œliving¹ state]. This was many decades before anyone knew about the possibility of an electron microscope, whose [electron level] instrumentation would have obliterated these parasites preventing Rife from viewing [studying] their crystalline structure [nature]. The Rife method was practical and preserved the structure of the viruses, so that they could be [studied] viewed as intact [living] organisms. This required him to dedicate many, many thousands of hours [a significant portion of his life] to first Œconceptualize¹ and then Œcreate¹ the Œmechanism¹ to enable him to reach his goal of achievement, the Rife Microscope. His microscope was Œcomplex¹ and required many hours of patient [fine] tuning to adjust it for light [reflection] and proper Œmagnification.¹ These were Œnovel¹ and Œcomplex¹ rigorous undertakings by a very dedicated and disciplined [persistent] professional, who starting [from scratch] with nothing but an Œidea¹, a Œnovel¹ concept, determined to create something that never existed before, in order to cure [rid] mankind of disease. Finally after having built the Œmechanism,¹ which required great skill, foresight and knowledge of [tool and die machining] mechanics and parts manufacture [remember this was an original one of a kind prototype built to rigorous specifications for specific [intent] use], he now had the Œability¹ to Œview¹ and Œexamine¹ the very viruses necessary for appropriate Œstudy¹ and Œexperimentation¹ as Œliving¹ parasites. He was therefore now able to test and apply the appropriate Œtuned¹ frequency of the specific Œfrequency signature¹ of each and every [type and category of] virus known. This was quite an accomplishment, a first, indeed a true Œnovelty of fact¹ created by a superb gentleman and dedicated scientist. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was a pioneer, a man who originated Œfirst thoughts¹, Œfirst principles¹, and ultimately laid the Œfirst foundations¹ in the discovery and ultimately the cure for all diseases. And his success rate was [astoundingly] significant receiving accolades from his peers and associates alike. He was a true genius, benefactor and a dedicated responsible doctor interested in curing mankind of communicable diseases. And he accomplished and achieved his ultimate goal [single-handedly] after decades of very difficult and laborious effort. Then the Œcontrol paradigm¹ ultimately took over, destroying his Œaccomplishments¹, ridiculing his Œdiscoveries.¹ Ultimately burying his name, concept, creation, and mechanism. Instead of a well-deserved reward for a lifetime of achievement, he was obliterated as a human being by a despicable Œprocess.¹ He ultimately drowned himself in alcohol in order to suppress the emotional pain of having his life¹s work trashed. He died in relative obscurity, until now. It is my hope and prayer that the young grad students, [new scientists, doctors, technicians] coming out of the Universities will ultimately Œcontinue¹ where Dr. Royal Raymond Rife ultimately laid the Œfoundations¹, so that his memory, his sacrifice, and his great work and his NOBILITY will never be diminished but live on in the hearts and minds of succeeding doctors and science professionals. All the Best, Leslie R. Pastor Research: Dr. Royal Raymond Rife http://www.medicaltruth.com/rife/sightings.html http://www.medicaltruth.com/rife/home.htm http://www.rense.com/general31/rife.htm http://www.rense.com/health/rife.htm http://www.bioelectric.ws/eng/c-virus.html http://www.barrylynes.com/rifepage.htm pictures http://www.barrylynes.com/barrypage.htm http://www.rifemachine.biz/rife-faq.htm http://www.stanleyjordan.com/Healing/BioelectricMedLinks.html http://www.a1-health.co.uk/Royal%20Raymond%20RifeFrame1Source1.htm http://www.davidicke.net/medicalarchives/unbelievable/rife.html http://www.trunkerton.fsnet.co.uk/royal_raymond_rife.htm http://www.healthresearchbooks.com/articles/rife2.htm http://www.healthresearchbooks.com/articles/rife.htm http://www.rifeconference.com/ http://www.emfsafe.com/rifestory.htm http://www.noguff.com/Royal_Raymond_Rife.html http://triballi.mybravenet.com/rife.html http://www.emfsafe.com/rife/deposition.htm http://healingtools.tripod.com/RR_pages.html http://healingtools.tripod.com/rifetapes.html http://members.lycos.co.uk/pjb123456/orion/rife.html http://www.navi.net/~rsc/rife1.htm http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rife/ http://www.industryinet.com/~ruby/rifepage.html http://www.excel.net/~jaguar/ http://www.angelfire.com/ca/blufalcon/rife.html http://groups.msn.com/Rife/_homepage.msnw?pgmarket=en-us http://www.aceguru.com/Health/rife.htm http://www.rife.de/links.htm http://www.rife.org/ http://www.cdromcsc.com/rife.htm http://www.electroherbalism.com/ElectroherbalismTopLevel.htm http://www.home.earthlink.net/~malibob72/Page_1.html http://www.geocities.com/freee80/rifepics.html http://www.industryinet.com/~ruby/rifeperspectives.html http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/rife.htm http://www.aboutroyalrife.com/ed/rife-history.htm http://rifecancersolutions.com/intro.html http://www.lewrockwell.com/wallace/wallace20.html http://www.sp.org/Health/Alternative/Energy_Healing/Rife/ http://www.dfe.net/RifeHist.html http://www.drninasilver.com/default.asp?contentID=705 http://www.rife.co.za/about_royal_r_rife.htm http://www.keelynet.com/rife/page4.htm http://www.luminet.net/~wenonah/history/rife.htm http://www.geocities.com/all_are_one.geo/hun/rak.htm [Hungarian] http://www.ewi4health.com/ http://www.phoenixascended.org/newtech/rife-2.html http://medicaltruth.com/rife/sightings.html http://www.aceguru.com/Health/rifeT.htm http://www.rife.de/interview/cwm.html http://categoryweb.com/Top/Health/Alternative/Energy_Healing/Rife&start_listings=1&show_listings=10&page= http://br.groups.yahoo.com/group/ALT_HEP_C/messages/601?viscount=100 [Spanish] http://www.excel.net/~jaguar/c-virus.html http://www.rife.org/dcalf.htm http://www.noguff.com/ http://www.essense-of-life.com/info/rifeinformation.htm http://www.holman.net/rifetechnology/acknowledgements_special_thanks.html http://www.phoenixascended.org/newtech/newtech1.html http://www.phoenixascended.org/new_technologies1.html http://www.sumeria.net/tech/rife1.html http://www.alphalink.com.au/~noelmcd/cancer.htm http://members.lycos.co.uk/pjb123456/orion/rife.html http://members.lycos.co.uk/pjb123456/orion/treatment2.html http://www.wauu.de/Health/Alternative/Energy_Healing/Rife/ http://www.dfe.net/links_rb.html http://www.cancerinform.freewebsites.com/cancerart.html http://www.sharinghealth.com/researchers/clark.html http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/history/rife.htm http://www.quantumbalancing.com/rife_&_cancer_virus.htm http://www.zerozerotwo.org/printable_order_form.html video http://www.cheniere.org/techpapers/rifemicroscope.htm http://www.thefinchleyclinic.co.uk/nojavascript/therapies/rife/history.htm http://www.theendofalldiseases.com/aboutthebook.html [very important book] http://www.euroamericanhealth.com/eav.html http://www.rifeenergymedicine.com/physicistb.html http://www.spiritual-healer.com/rife-faq.htm http://www.navi.net/~rsc/riferev.htm http://www.thefinchleyclinic.co.uk/nojavascript/therapies/rife/history.htm http://www.rifeenergymedicine.com/physicistb.html http://groups.msn.com/Rife/_homepage.msnw?pgmarket=en-us http://apricots.virtualave.net/rife.htm http://www.thefinchleyclinic.co.uk/nojavascript/therapies/rife/fate.htm
See Also: