Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Edgar Cayce Readings, 281-63 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 6th day of March, 1943, in accordance with request made by those present. Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Ruth Denney, Helen Ellington, Jane Williams, Beverly Simmons, Grace Premo and Mae Verhoeven. Time: 4:00 to 4:35 P. M. Eastern War Time. TEXT GC: You will have before you the enquiring minds of those present in this room who are studying the Book of << REVELATION>> in relation to the human body; also the information already compiled and that which may be acquired, including the chart which I hold in my hand. These individuals seek an understanding of all the attributes and influences that go to make up a living, moving, human body. You will answer the questions they submit, as I ask them: EC: Yes, we have the enquiring minds of those present in this room, those seen and unseen; the information that has been given respecting the application of the study of << REVELATION>> in reference to the human body. Ready for questions. (Q) Comment on the chart, [See 281-63, Par. R1] give corrections and value of it as a key to this study. (A) As interpreted in the minds of those who have put the chart together, this in the main is very good. As to the varied centers, their reactions and activities, these - to be sure - become more individual. But as we have indicated, and as will be the experience of individuals in the study of this chart, these will necessarily respond to that consciousness or awareness that has been attained by the student - or the individual entity. And these should be a helpful influence in the minds of those as they attempt to apply same in their own experience and relationships. To be sure, as given, and as may be the experience of those as they study the outline indicated from the chart, - there will be times when individuals will interpret correctly. There will be times when there will be doubts - until a practical application of same is made in the experience of the individual entity. (Q) What attribute dominates the X and Y chromosomes found in the spermatozoa and ovum? (A) This is dependent upon purpose and attitude of individual entities that produce or bring about the uniting of same. If this is from those conditions that have had those activities which cause any deteriorating effect, it produces then that value of the cycle about the center of the positive and negative forces. What produce same? Attitude! (Q) What influence dominates the activity of each of the 3 distinct divisions in the cell that produces the sperm? (A) The life experience of the individual entity, as a whole; as related to the spiritual ideal of that entity - which may be indicated in that He gave, "Ye do not gather grapes from thistles." (Q) The ovum? (A) The same. (Q) Why are the divisions unequal in the breaking down process of the cell producing ovum? (A) That is the activity of the negative and positive force as related one to another. Just as in the current in electrical energies the electrons by activity are broken down, as dissipation takes place; unless there are boosters in the connections in same. So, in the production of the cell in its unity, if there is activity upon same by an ideal or purpose in the act itself, then there becomes variations in its centers about which the vibration begins. (Q) What influence does the individuality of each of the polar bodies have on fertilization of the ovum, and development in the nucleus? (A) Each supplies that individuality which in its union produces a personality. This then would come to this: What is personality and individuality, as related to the sex relationship in the act itself? These determine, then, much of that activity that is the dominating influence in that brought about, by the contact of or the piercing of the ovum. (Q) How are the chromosomes from each of the polar bodies used in cooperation with the 24 from the sperm and 24 from the ovum to bring into manifestation the 3 types of cell layers - ectoderm, entoderm, mesoderm - in development of embryo? (A) These are as the factors in that of anatomical rebuilding of influences or force upon the body produced. These each, then, have their relationship to each layer as related to that which brings about the individuality or the sex activity of the body, in the activity of the ovum in this relationship. (Q) What power does the centrosome have, and what is its relative to in a living, human body? (A) The emotions as related to the CENTRAL forces in the eventual activity within the lyden gland itself, or that ability to reproduce within its own self. (Q) How many genes are contained in the chromosome, and what is their relative activity to various portions of the human body? (A) These are varied in their activity in the body building force, by the relationship of the individual entity that has the controlling force upon the developing of the foetus in its activity, see? For, as the first activity is the reaching out by the very force of the numbers of the cellular force in the various layer in that activity, these bring their relative relationships upon each center from and through which impulses arise in the body forces themselves. One is active upon emotions, one upon the reflexes, one upon the centralization - or coordination of the reflexes with this activity in itself. (Q) Why are the Y chromosomes found in some of the spermatozoa and are lacking in all ova and their polar bodies? (A) This is the variation in the very nature or character in the spermatozoa and the ovum activity itself. These are the natures of this. For, one was created first and the other came out FROM same. (Q) What is the difference in quality between an ovum fertilized by a sperm containing an X chromosome and one containing a Y chromosome? (A) The ability of the reflexes, as just indicated, as the nature or the activities of same in their relationships to one another. (Q) Is our chart valuable in tracing disease from result to cause? Please give an example using chart. (A) This as a tracing of heredity in disease may be valuable. As for that of other natures, not so good. These would give, as by the very nature of the chart activity, how the activity of the chromosome upon the ovum shows whether the body would be susceptible to one or another character of disease. (Q) Please give a pattern outlining how the 12 major divisions [See 281-29 and 281-30 on 10/28/36 and 2/17/37 in re 12 major divisions] of the body are set up through the endocrine system in the nucleus? (A) This has been given, as to how they pass from one influence to another, in manner in which the mother in its application of thought, of food, of mind, carries those activities to the various centers making the body-building, the nerve and blood building, the emotions, and the very natures to which the pattern will be formed in its relationship to that with which contact is made. For, oft - as may be demonstrated in individualities - there are those who are geniuses an yet are so very close to the border that an emotional shock may make a demon of a genius. There are those activities in which a spiritualized cell, by environment, may make of the demon a saint. (Q) Would the history of the Jewish race from Abraham to Jesus parallel the development of the embryo from conception to birth? (A) Rather would the history of man from Noah to Abraham; while that from Abraham to Christ would be the mental unfoldment of the body. For, that which leads to the Christ is the mind. And the mind's unfoldment may be that indicated from Abraham to the Christ. (Q) Please give others we may parallel. (A) Such activities as just indicated give the parallel or pattern through which it may be indicated at the birth of an individual entity as to the direction it will take. (Q) Please give definite direction to [ 2175 ] present in this room, for future study and fuller understanding. (A) As indicated, knowledge without the practical ability to apply same may become sin. For, it is knowledge misapplied that was the fall - or the confusion - in Eve. In the application and study, then, of all influences that go to make up the developments, - as the entity may find, as indicated to the entity in that just stated, the unfoldment of the mind as may be paralleled by the history of the communication of spirit, or God, with individual entities from Abraham to Christ, may be seen in thine own children. For, this is the manner to make same practical, - that knowledge ye have gained in not only watching but aiding in the unfoldment of their minds. Do not put off questions asked too long to be answered. And have an answer when the question is asked. We are through for the present. BACKGROUND Subject of 281-63 - "Glad Helpers." REPORTS The following reports were originally supplementary material: THE REVELATION - Chart prepared by Helen Ellington and Gladys Davis, based on their study of [ 281 ] series, Bible Dictionary (Smith's) 1895 edition Holman & Co. meditation, etc. [See 281-63, Par. R1--R4.] 281-29 , Par. 33-A; Rev. 7, Rdg. 10/28/36, Par. 33-A: 281-30 , Par. 14-A; Rev. 7, Gen. 49, Rdg. 2/17/37, Par. 14-A: 4 Corners of the Earth (Body-Jacob) (Influences) 12 Tribes: 12 Major divisions: SPIRITUAL (Hail-Water-Sea): 3 Attributes Light............Zabulon........Digestive Soul (Love)...........Joseph.........Covering Will.............Benjamin.......Bone Structure MENTAL (Fire-Heat): 3 Attributes Desire.............Simeon..........Organs Choice.............Levi............Glands Conscious..........Issachar........Membranes HEREDITY (Air-Blood): 3 Attributes Life (Sensation)...Aser............Lymph Opportunity........Nepthalim.......Nerves Power..............Manasses........Elimination ENVIRONMENT (Earth-Physical): 3 Attributes Preservation.......Juda..............Assimilation (To Mental Material-Spiritual) Perpetuation.......Reuben............Blood Circulation (Keeping Alive) Attraction.........Gad...............Cells (Construction) EXPLANATION OF ABOVE CHART Spiritual is the life, Mind is the Builder, Physical is the result. The body is a physical pattern of the spiritual. Consequently, each major division of the Body must be complete in itself. No one organ can be a major division as it is only a result or a channel thru which the three major divisions work; namely, Cells, Blood Circulation, Assimilation. Without either the Construction by Attraction of Cells, the Keeping Alive by Perpetuation of the Blood Circulation, the influences to the Mental Material-Spiritual by Preservation of the Assimilation, a Physical Body could not - and would cease to - exist. It could not Attract other Cells so as to Perpetuate its own kind and Preserve the Mental-Spiritual Influences inherited from the beginning, and thus rise to the next step - the Power of overcoming, through Elimination of the dross. When reaching that Power, all the Nerves of the Body become aware of greater Opportunity to have Life. The Nervous System gives us so many opportunities to express, to choose, Life. Without the Nerves everything would be sort of Dead. (See Dan, the Serpent - left out of the 12 tribes because he represents Death; and through rising to the Power and the Opportunity of Life we do not find Death as an Attribute of the Body. The Serpent-Satan cannot express in flesh save through the Environment we give him.) Lymph means "water". Water means spirit, that from which all things sprang. Consequently, Lymph means Life - we have just come to the realization that our heritage is Life eternal. (An interesting point here is that the Lymph vessels with the lacteals form the absorbent system for Assimilated fats, and it is the only channel of assimilation that does not empty into the liver. Remember, the liver, and kidneys are the positive and negative poles of the Physical Body.) Consequently, we rise to the MENTAL influence, realizing that Mind is the Builder and we must do something about it; hence our conscience becomes Active. Conscience is the nearest dwelling place in our bodies of the holy of holies, the spirit of the Master. Thus it must be represented in the Physical by the Membranes that are skin-like tissue covering parts of the body, lining cavities and canals which communicate with the external air, lining cavities which have no external communication. (It is interesting to note here that if a certain kind of membrane fluid is secreted in excess, one has a dropsical "water" condition. Probably one dries up and dies if there is too little secretion.) Then, having been pricked by Conscience, one has a Choice to make through the seven spiritual centers, the 7 glands about which so little is known in the Physical. (See chart of the 7 Churches, and Rev. 1 to 7.) We can choose to express through the Glands and open the 7 spiritual centers, or we can Choose to leave them closed and just be Physical. We are always making the Choice, consciously or unconsciously. Choice is governed greatly by Desire; and Desire would attract Organs through which to function in the Physical Body. It was Desire that caused man to come into a Physical Body, and the Organs have to function in order to manifest or express Desire. Choosing and Desiring then to go upward toward our Source, we come to the SPIRITUAL Influence, with its Attributes. In order to attain stability and be able to STAND in the presence of the Most High, we must exercise Will; that factor which can make us strong, positive, and upright. Consequently, we have selected Bone Structure as the representation in the Physical for such a strong Attribute. The Soul could not express very well in the earth without a Covering; so it gradually took onto itself a Physical Body. Hence in the present Body our Soul shines through or is expressed through our outer Covering. (See similarity here to our MENTAL Attribute of Conscience, represented in the skin-like Coverings called membranes.) The highest SPIRITUAL Attribute is Light. The first creation was Light. If our Soul continues to follow the light, we will get back to our Source. The first thing a Body does when it is born into Light (Physical) is to start Digesting. Consequently, we have put the Digestive System as the representation of Light in the Physical Body. We must properly Digest all the Attributes; that is, spiritualize them, and return them to their Source in Spirit. Then we each will be as a complete Cell (Corpuscle) in the Body of God (Spirit), throbbing, pulsing, CREATING, CO-WORKING with the Whole, yet realizing ourselves to be INDIVIDUAL. So, before Creation there was Spirit. The Spirit comes down through Influences, through the Attributes, into the Physical Body; and returns, starting from the Cells, to build through the Physical to the Spirit again. With this picture we see exactly what was meant in Group #1 Reading on Spirit when it said Spirit was the beginning and the end of all steps for a soul's development, in the earth. Also we understand the Spirit of Jesus Christ saying in the vision to John, "I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the first and the last." Notice the SPIRITUAL Attribute of Soul being represented in the Physical by the Tribe of Joseph, who became Jesus, the Christ. The meaning of the name Joseph is "he will increase", and he is the purest character known to history except Jesus. Read the story of Joseph and his brothers with the Chart in mind, fitting each one into his place. Notice how closely allied with Benjamin the brother Joseph is, and how beloved Benjamin is. The Soul without the Will would be lost indeed. Joseph was the eleventh son of Jacob (Body) but the first son of Rachel. Probably this means something, and also Rachel - which we have to figure out. Benjamin (fortune) was the twelfth son of Jacob (Body) and the second son of Rachel. There's the weakness and the strength in the 2. The Soul and Will united makes the Triune of strength. Benjamin had the affection of his brothers, and received their favors as a matter of course, and was not very positive, but a quiet, gentle spirit. The Will without the Soul couldn't do very much. The TRIBE of Benjamin was always of least consequence. The tribe was almost destroyed for violating the rights of hospitality (Judg. XIX, 20), 600 only escaping to the rock Rimmon - which they held for four months against their enemies (Judg. XX, 47). The Benjamites seized the "daughters of Shiloh" and preserved a tribe from extinction (Judg. XXL, 19) "at an annual feast of the Lord." The first deliverer of Israel (from Moab) in the time of the judges, was Ehud, a Benjamite. The first king of Israel was Saul, a Benjamite; and Saul (Paul), the apostle, was also of this tribe. It is interesting to note also that in Jerusalem (temple body) there is a Gate called Benjamin. Also it is interesting to notice that when Jacob (body) blesses or gives the message to his sons, he calls them in order of their birth: but in Revelation, according to the Spirit, they are given their place according to spiritual merit. Simeon and Levi, being Desire and Choice, must certainly be closely united. Simeon (harkening) and Levi (to adhere) killed a whole tribe because of wrong they considered done to their only sister, Dinah (Gen. 34). Here it might be worth while to note that there are 12 Openings in the Body of Man, and 13 in the Body of Woman. Perhaps this Dinah (acquitted) has some reference to "Daughters of Men" and the Desire and Choice which caused so much trouble in the beginning. Nothing is recorded as to what became of Dinah. She was a 13th child of Jacob (Body) - the only daughter. Simeon was the 2nd son of Jacob (Body). Here's the weakness of 2 again, and only becomes strong with the Choice added to Desire. The only great name of the tribe on record is the widow Judith, the heroine of the apochryphal Book of Judith, where she appears as an ideal type of piety, beauty, courage and chastity. There were 18 cities given to Simeon, including the famous well of Beersheba. A part of the tribe (500 men) took possession of a district in Mount Seir, where they were still living after the return from the Captivity (I Chr. IV 42, 43). Levi, 3rd son of Jacob. Levi's descendants, among whom were Moses and Aaron, were made the ministers of religion and the representatives of the national faith. Jacob prophesied that Levi should be scattered among his brothers, which was fulfilled in the distribution of the tribe among the 48 Levitical cities, which were scattered throughout the whole country. The tribe displaced the earlier priesthood of the first-born as representatives of the holiness of the people. They guarded the ark, and were reckoned separately as the host (of the Lord), and were not counted in the army. (See GLANDS under this in Chart - spiritual centers). Their special duties were the daily sacrifice, and the work about the tabernacle (and Temple), in a certain appointed order (Num. III, IV, VII). (See division in Bible Dictionary of the tribe into 3 separate branches according to their functions (Ex. VI 16-25). So MUCH is given about this tribe that seems to have a peculiar significance to the Body-Physical-Spiritual, and Jacob's saying "I will divide them in Jacob (body), and scatter them in Israel (seekers)." Issachar (hire), 9th son of Jacob, 5th son of Leah. He is not mentioned again as a person, only as a tribe. (Interesting, considering this to be Conscience.) Its land was and is now the richest in Palestine. We are left to suppose that the tribe fell into idolatry, because there is nothing recorded in favor of its religious history. In the order of march in the desert, Issachar's place was on the east of the tabernacle, with Juda and Zabulon. Notice "A strong-boned he-ass, couching down between two hedgerows," apparently the missing link - or connecting link - between the Preservation of the Physical (Juda) and the Light of the Spiritual (Zabulon). Since Conscience is not very tangible in the Physical Body, it is easy to see why the tribe apparently passed out of existence. Aser, 8th son of Jacob, 4th son of Bilhah. The boundaries of the tribe are extremely difficult to trace. (Imagine trying to trace life in a Physical Body, or measure the 8th step - after the 7th gland-seal is opened.) It is only known that the boundaries were N. of Carmel (Park - fruitful field), on the Great Sea (7 glandular centers leading to Spiritual). Notice the description in anatomy as to how the lymph ducts carry the "water" of the blood. The land (tribe of Aser) contained some of the richest soil in Palestine, and minerals. Anna, who lived in the temple, watching for the coming of Christ was of this tribe. Nepthalim (wrestled), 5th son of Jacob, 2nd of Bilhah. There is not a word said about him personally in the Scriptures. See Exodus, Twelve Tribes. Evidently Nepthalim used his Opportunity to become all "Nerves", that is, "Impulses", instead of actualities or personal recognition. Notice, "Nepthali IS a hind let loose; he giveth goodly words." Jesus said, "Father, thy word is truth." So perhaps the Nerves give the words of truth the Opportunity to register and be carried to all parts of the Body. Manasses: There is no reason given for depriving Manasseh of his birthright, as there was in the case of his granduncle Esau. On leaving Egypt at the Exodus this was the least of the 12 tribes, but later increased so that he is honored with a first mention before Ephraim. The division of the tribe is one of the singular facts in the history of the Israelites (seekers) and seems to be at variance with the national feeling and laws. Some of this tribe were warriors and made extensive conquests. There is no account of this tribe separate from Ephraim, and it is likely that the two neighbors were spoken of as one people. It is interesting here to note that we have Manasses corresponding with Elimination in the Body; and evidently Manasses takes the place of Dan (Satan-Death), Eliminates Death and becomes Powerful. It is also interesting here to notice that Ephraim was given the birthright, yet Manasses is one of the 12 divisions of the body mentioned in Rev. Consequently, Ephraim must have to do with that 13th element again, or the Opening of the Woman - which becomes so necessary to the tribe of Manasses, in order to become Powerful through united strength to Eliminate Satan (Dan Serpent), or to undo the harm caused when "the Sons of God looked upon the Daughters of Men.", etc. Consequently, Woman spiritualized - as in Mary, the Mother of the Lord - gives Power to man and strength to overcome. Ephraim means "double fruitfulness"; he was the 2nd son of Joseph by his wife Asenath. Again the weakness of 2 unless made strong in the Triune. Joshua the son of Nun was of the tribe of Ephraim. Joseph disliked the idea of Jacob blessing Ephraim above his older brother Manasseh, yet Joseph himself chose the tribe of Ephraim for his channel of reappearance as Joshua. There was the earthly Power objecting to the spiritual Power; or man saying "Let me sit on the right hand," etc., not realizing yet it has to be merited. The portion of Ephraim in Canaan (lower country, bowed down) was elevated hilly, and having the plain of Sharon, a narrow strip on the West, Esdraelon on the North, and the Jordan valley on the East, in the center of the country. It was 55 miles from E. to W. and 70 miles from N. to S. The whole was called Mt. Ephraim. It had the "precious things of the earth, and the fullness thereof," as blessed by Moses. The finest and most fruitful of all the land. Afterward called Samaria. Its wealth and importance were increased by the presence of the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle at Shiloh within its borders. The people were jealous, and at enmity with the tribe of Judah from the time of David. If this does mean the Woman, can't you see the jealousy and warring with Juda through the gradual giving away of the Power into the hands of Juda for the Preservation? Very few attempts to conquer Ephraim were ever made, and Shalmaneser (see explanation below) only succeeded through the internal divisions of the kingdom of Samaria (watch mountain). Samaria is mentioned along with Shechem. (See Shechem Samaria). Shalmaneser [Ahlmaneser] (reverential towards fire), King of Assyria, took Samaria after a siege of 3 years, and carried Hoshea captive beyond the Euphrates, ending the kingdom of Israel. Notice the Fire under the MENTAL Influence. When Samaria (city on a hill, watch-mountain) is overcome, we rise to the MENTAL Influence with its attributes and are able to conquer the 12 major divisions of the body (12 tribes) through MIND over Matter. Judah (praise Jehovah), 4th son of Jacob by Leah (see 4 influences to body of man from his Source throughout). Judah was a leader in family matters from his youth up, and more is known of him than any other save Joseph. Reuben advised the brothers to throw Joseph into a pit, and Judah proposed the sale to the traders, both acting honorably to themselves, wishing to save the life of Joseph (Preservation, you see). Judah went before Jacob (Body) into Egypt (mystery). In the beginning the Soul has to Assimilate before it could build up a Body. Jacob (Body) honors Judah (Preservation) first in his blessings. It was from the line of Judah and Tamar that Jesus came. Here again we see a Woman playing such an important part in the PRESERVING of the strain. See Gen. 38. Nothing is given as to where Tamar came from, or from what family; yet what she did was counted to her for righteousness. Reuben (behold, a son), 1st son of Jacob and Leah. The tribe of Reuben was located, at their own request, on the East side of Jordan, and against the wishes of Moses. (Num. XXXII, 19.) Notice Jordan means "the descender", the watering place; largest river in Palestine. Notice how Perpetuation and Blood Circulation fit in with this, when we consider that the Blood in the Physical is the pattern of Water in the Spiritual - that from whence all comes. The children of Israel passed over Jordan, and were Perpetuated. Gad (troop), Jacob's 7th son, 1st born of Zilpah [Ailpah], brother to Aser (Life). The country given to the tribe was the center of the east of Jordan (Notice Reuben's choice, above). The most beautiful district in Syria (high); a high range of purple tinted mountains, cut down by deep ravines, partially clothed with forests of oak, sycamores, beech, figs, evergreen shrubs, etc. The climate is fine and soil fertile, affording the best pasturage. Notice the similarity between the location of Gad in the "center" and the glands of reproduction in the Body - the seat of the "tree of life", the Opportunity to retrace one's steps through Attracting and Constructing Spiritual Cells that will overcome the "troop" that has been Attracted by undesirables or non-essentials throughout the ages. It is noteworthy that the tribe of Gad was carried into captivity, and its cities inhabited by Ammonites (sons of my relatives). The Ammonites were descended from Lot. Women of the Ammonites were in Solomon's house. The last mention of them is in 1 Macc v 6 30-43 . Solomon means wisdom. So with Wisdom we will start spiritualizing our Cells and by the law of Attraction return to that from whence we came. Zabulon is the Light [ZAB'ULON. Gr. form of ZEBULUN (Matthew IV:13)], the haven in the Sea (Spiritual), from which we first began to Digest outside things and add all these Attributes. "Zabulon shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for an haven of ships; and his border shall be unto Zidon." Zidon means "fishing". The Jews never conquered the city, and so far failed of the promise. It is one great garden, filled with every kind of fruit-bearing trees, nourished by streams from Lebanon (white) - the white mountains of Palestine, on the north of the country given to the Israelites. Zabulon means "dwelling"; it is a city without foundation, a house not made with hands, whose Maker and Finisher is God. See Mat. 4: 13-14 ; Reading # 1462-1 - Gates of Zubar [?] in Temple Beautiful, Temple of Sacrifice in Egypt; later became in other languages known as Zebulun. The LIGHT of those activities made for greater purifying, enlightenment, in other lands. See Text of Reading #281-63, 3/06/43, which precedes this. GD's notes: Information historically on the 12 Tribes was taken from Smith's Bible Dictionary, A. J. Holman & Co., entered in the Office of the Library of Congress, at Washington, in the year 1878. See 281-63 Reports, Par. R6 below for GD's answer to a question about the source of this chart. 8/09/79 GD's note: A question was just now handed to me by Adelaide Crockett, A.R.E. Librarian, from Eleanor Giesse who is attending this 8/5-10/79 Conference Week: [1416 North Ave., Parma, Ohio 44134.] (Q) Re Chart prepared by Gladys D. Turner and Helen Ellington, p. 38 in << REVELATION>> book, what are the Cayce readings numbers as sources for this chart? Or how put together? (A) In 281-63, Par. 4-A on 3/06/43, Edgar Cayce was asked to comment on the chart, to give corrections and value of it as a key to the study of the Book of Revelation in relation to the human body. Without this question and Edgar Cayce's answer to it, the chart would never have been

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