Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Responding To Others and Acting On Impulse Q: I would like to talk about everything being fundamentally neutral. B: Yes. Q: Isn't it true, say, in talking about manipulation that, suppose in the energy of people that I feel are being manipulative... B: Yes. Q: ... isn't it possible that the energy that's coming off this person, that what they are giving me, is negativity? B: But why do you have to accept it? Q: That's a good question. B: Understand: the only reason you would feel the negativity in your reality - not that you cannot recognize the negativity in theirs - but the only reason you would feel it in your reality is by accepting it and creating it in your reality. By believing their reality and making their reality your reality. It is simply an offering. Once again it is an opportunity for you to recognize that if they are offering you negativity, if you don't prefer it, then their offer of negativity has allowed you to align with what you know to be true for you, and what you know to not be true for you. So simply say: "I appreciate your offer of your negativity but it simply has nothing to do with my reality. Thank you very much, I'll be on my way." Q: Well, I want to, but my problem with that is... B: Problem? Q: Yes, its because my opinion doesn't seem to be worth... my statement doesn't seem to be as powerful. I feel that... B: Then you are only judging that it is not. Your "problem" - which is only a situation that you will not allow to change its shape - is simply that you judge yourself to be inferior. Why? Q: Another good question. (Laughing) B: Oh, thank you! (AUD: laughter) Q: I mean that they come on so strongly that it feels so intimidating to me. I feel like I buckle under, and then... B: But that is there for you to recognize that you have a belief that you aren't as powerful. If you do not prefer that experience then allow yourself to recognize that they are showing you that you can believe something else. Understand that the idea of being offered those negative experiences is not necessarily, and need not to be taken, as an indication that you are in fact powerless. But they are there to show you that if you believe you are powerless and don't prefer it, then you can choose to belief that you are equally powerful. Q: I don't trust that. B: Why not? Q: I don't know. B: May I ask you a question? Q: Please do. B: Thank you. Do you exist? Q: Yes. B: Are you sure? Q: Yes. (Laughing) B: All right. Did you have to do anything special in order to deserve to exist? Q: No. B: Then why should you assume that you have to do anything special in order to continue to exist? Q: (Sighs) B: Unconditional love is what you were created from. When All That Is created you, All That Is obviously thought you deserved to exist. What could be a more powerful backing than that? Why not give yourself the same respect that All That Is gives you in creating you. And simply assume that you obviously must be equal to every other creation, otherwise you wouldn't have been created. Well? Q: I do understand that. B: Oh, do you? Q: Yes, I do understand that, but I've mentioned to you before that I forget it. B: All right. Q: I forget, and sometimes I feel like there's this battle going on between me and them. B: All right. Maybe you enjoy it. Q: I don't enjoy it! B: Then don't do it. Q: Well it goes back to what you were saying about obstacles and trying to get around them. So it's a new notion to walk through them. B: Ah, very good! Then allow yourself to recognize that by incorporating the new notion, you are now a new you. And all of these scenarios that you are describing are scenarios that have to do with the you, you no longer are. So why bring them up to reinforce the you that you are now? They have nothing to do with you anymore. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: Recognize that in your society, very often this may be another notion that you allow yourselves to do to yourselves: reinforcing the you you are now, with the you you don't want to be. Not realizing that you are no longer that you. What has what you were, got to do with what you are? Nothing. Unless you choose to believe that it does. It is only your choice to believe that it does that allows you to experience the illusion that it does. The present is not a result of the past. Only you, in your reality, choose to believe there is a continuity. Q: Hhmm. B: Think about that for a moment. Q2: I have a question regarding your discussions on following your excitement. B: Yes. Q: Could you discuss the difference between following your excitement, the energy of the excitement, and living impulsively - doing things one might regret? B: Thank you. First of all recognize that the idea of following what excites you, is that you do so with integrity. Therefore in this way, many times you can understand that while in certain circumstances living "impulsively" may be the same thing as following your excitement, under other circumstances it may not be. Living impulsively may be "running from your integrity" as well. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: It may be the attempt to avoid responsibility for the creations in your life. It does not have to be, but it might be. Q: How do you tell the difference? B: Ah, thank you very much! (AUD: laughter) In this way, first of all, trust - fundamentally, foundationally - that you are eternal. Yes? Q: Yes. B: Therefore ultimately, really, no matter what you choose to do, you will always have time to choose something else; so therefore remove the pressure of "having to make the right decision." For if you allow yourself to relax and not worry about the idea of "having to make the right decision" then you will open your sights and expand your awareness, and you will have an innate understanding of what it means to function within integrity. Functioning within integrity is simply being willing to know you are responsible for all the situations you attract into your life - at least for your half of it, or your part of it. If you are willing to simply trust that you do in fact create your reality, completely, and are willing to understand that with any other individual you are co- creating that shared reality, completely, then you will understand that there is no need to run from anything. That being responsible for your reality means you are in control of it. And if you are responsible for anything you experience in your reality, then that means you can create anything you want in your reality, because you created this experience. So in that way, impulsiveness will never have to take on a negative characteristic, if you are always cognizant that there is never going to be anything that is going to occur in your life, that you will ever feel you will have to run away from. Do you follow me so far? Q: Yes. B: Therefore, you can allow yourself to trust that if you are excited, truly excited, about something that you have attracted into your life, you will also be cognizant of the fact that many times if you are acting on negative impulse you are not excited about something, but you are judging the excitement, and the feeling you actually have is anxiety. If you are acting on impulse and find yourself being anxious then you have a reflection that it is very probable that you are judging the situation from a negative point of view. Because excitement and anxiety are the same energy: one from a positive point of view and one from a judgmental point of view. So if you find that the situations that you attract into your life allow you to recognize a pattern of synchronicity where you are bringing yourself opportunities to act, and these opportunities present no anxiety and allow you to know that you do not need to struggle through them to make decisions, but that you will experience joy in the doing of these things, and you will not think twice about the idea of the impulse, then it is a probable reflection that you are functioning from your integrated point of view. Does that clarify it for you? Q: Even if you find out that you made a mistake? B: There are no mistakes. Q: Okay, suppose you're following the excitement and you begin to notice that you're feeling frightened. B: All right. Q: Is that a signal that you've taken the wrong path? B: No, for in this way, fear does not necessarily have to be the same type of anxiety. Allow yourself to recognize however, that if you do follow your excitement and you do find yourself fearing, then it may simply be that you are not trusting that you can follow your excitement. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: And again, the idea of making a so-called "mistake" is that it lets you know that perhaps the thing you have done is not the thing you prefer to do. But it has allowed you more delineation of the thing you do in fact, prefer. So it has served you, and in a sense it is not a mistake. And it may be something you will be able to share with someone else later on, as a part of the knowledge of your experience. Do you follow me? Q: Yes, I appreciate that. B: All right. Q1: Back to me again. B: Oh, all right. Which you are you now? (AUD: laughter) Q: Just a little bit different. B: Always, always, always, different - you always will be. Q: So everything moves me the way I want to be moved and I'm happy with that, but then I stop and I go... and well, I second-guess my trust. It seems to be an interruption. And you're saying that its not, that's it okay to second-guess it. That whatever happens... B: Yes, because then what purpose it may serve is to allow you to recognize that perhaps you don't prefer to second-guess it. Simply allow everything to be a part of the lesson, then you will not think that you are wasting your time. Q: Right, but then I seem vague. (Laughing) And I feel un-specific. B: What is wrong with that? Q: It doesn't seem to be powerful. B: That is because you are not in the habit of being a generalist. Recognize that with regard to your society, in our society, our majority action, our first inclination, is to be a generalist, and a specifist second. Whereas yours is to be a specifist first and a generalist second. Therefore you simply feel that there is more power in specificity. Whereas we recognize in our civilization that for us there is more power in the idea of being a generalist. Because in a sense, to our point of view, being a generalist lets you know that you are connected to more. Q: That's great! That is so great! (Laughing) B: All right, thank you. Then you are now also a generalist. Q: Thank you so much. B: You are welcome.

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