Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: READING << 826-8>> M 35 (Lawyer, Protestant) This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 11th day of August, 1936, in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. [ 826 ], Active Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. L. B. and Hugh Lynn Cayce. Time and Place: 2:50 to 3:15 P. M. Eastern Standard Time. Washington, D.C. (Entity. You will consider this entity's mental and spiritual developments and their expression in the present life. You will answer the questions which he has presented regarding his activities.) TEXT EC: Yes, we have had the entity and those relations with the universe and universal forces, that are manifested and latent in the personalities of the present entity. Ready for questions. (Q) what was the exact hour and minute of my SOUL birth on a farm near Pattonsburg, Mo., on March 2, 1901? (A) Eleven p.m. Central Time as would be termed, on March 2, 1901; for this experience was two hours, lacking a few minutes, after the physical birth. (Q) What was the exact hour and minute of my physical birth? (A) Nine-twelve when the entity began its intake of elemental forces in breath. (Q) Should I change from my present position in the Bureau of Formal Cases of the Interstate Commerce Commission to the Bureau of Motor Carriers, and if so, should I transfer to the finance section, the rate section, or the field section of the Bureau of Motor Carriers? (A) When all of that which has been given is considered, and as we find the tend or trend of the entity in the present, if the choice is made by self for the transfer, the field division. In the individual cases in the Interstate Commerce Commission in the present, this change that is coming with the change of the activities through Administrations, we would find that these then would offer - while many changes will come about - an opportunity for expression. The choice should be made in self. But we would never work this out by those conditions in the experience as in the present, for we would find them adverse! (Q) Should I plan on getting outside of the Commission soon, and if so, what section of the United States would be best for me? (A) The middle or central section would be the best. (Q) Should an astrological horoscope be based on the time of physical birth or the time of soul birth? (A) On time of physical birth; for these are merely INCLINATIONS, and because of inclinations are not the influence of will. WILL is that factor of the spiritual forces or the gift, as it were, TO man, hu-man, as he came into material form, with which choice is made, see? Hence if astrological aspects are to be assumed, then physical. But these make for oft confusing experiences to those casting such charts and reading from that which has been the version of same. For as we have indicated, there are two, yea three phases or schools through which such information, such charts, such characters have been carried - the Egyptian, the Persian, the Indian. The Persian is a combination and the OLDER of all of these, and these are as logos (?), or as charts that have been set. That they have become as experiences in the activities of individuals, to be sure, is not disputed; but the world does not govern MAN, MAN governs the world! And the inclinations astrologically show whether man has or has not applied will! Then the inclinations are good, but they may be stumbling-stones if one submerges will to listen at inclinations! (Q) Where can the two books, "The Developing Mind," by DeWitt, and "Training of Children," by McDowell, be secured? [As in 5747-1 , Par. 8-A.] (A) These should come through publishers, or copies of same may be attained through the information as attained - one of Longmans, Green, and Co. - through the library. (Q) Must each soul continue to be reincarnated in the earth until it reaches perfection, or are some souls lost? (A) Can God lose itself, if God be God - or is it submerged, or is it as has been given, carried into the universal soul or consciousness? The SOUL is not lost; the INDIVIDUALITY of the soul that separates itself is lost. The reincarnation or the opportunities are continuous until the soul has of itself become an ENTITY in its whole or has submerged itself. (Q) If a soul fails to improve itself, what becomes of it? (A) That's why the reincarnation, why it reincarnates; that it MAY have the opportunity. Can the will of man continue to defy its Maker? (Q) What great change or the beginning of what change, if any, is to take place in the earth in the year 2,000 to 2,001 A.D.? (A) When there is a shifting of the poles. [See Ledger Dispatch & Star, 7/20/59, Cambridge, Mass. (Science Service) MAGNETIC DIP POLE DRIFTING. Also see A.R.E. EARTH CHANGES booklet, 4/61.] Or a new cycle begins. (Q) Was my sojourn under the name of Ernest Austen my last incarnation in the earth? (A) Last incarnation that deals with the urges within the entity in the present. (Q) If not, when was the most recent sojourn? (A) This applies in self as has been indicated. (Q) When was my last sojourn on another planet than the earth, and on what planet did it occur? (A) Read the information which has been given to thee through this channel. As given, these are a reverse of those as they are mentioned. It is not that a soul AS a body is in an environment that it lives upon a planet as one does in the earth, but that the consciousness which is befitting to the environ of the planet is in that environ, see? The occupation, as may be said, upon the Jupiterian plane could not of its nature be the same as that upon Venus, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, Earth, Mercury, Moon, Sun, or any of those. But each has its relative relationship to consciousness in its activity. Hence the sages of old, in the Persian, the Egyptian, the Indian, GAVE names then to the planetary influences according to that which to them appeared AS environmental! It would be much as saying how it was that the animal kingdom in its various divisions received names in the earth. How? These do not mean the same in the varied spheres, but their activity is such that names - as has been given - so confine that they make confusion; for names are setting metes and bounds - and to this edge and to that edge, which DOES NOT exist! any more than time, space or all - WHEN you consider that the SOUL is OF and THROUGH and part and portion of the all, see? Hence in its environ, in its activity, and from a little period in the earth, in man's seeking he finds an awareness in materiality, with all of those names or influences that have been named - each expressing an influence or an attitude or an environ or a sphere of consciousness. These are merely names, but they are ONE, see? Then these activities in various spheres are meeting, as in self, the needs for its SOUL-SAVING. For remember, these should not be forgotten, and that they should be compatible; for these are IMMUTABLE. "Like begets like." That sown in spirit, in mind, in materiality, must be reaped BY that soul in whatever sphere it is sown. The preparation of same in the mental, as the builder, makes for the various influences and forces. God IS, Spirit IS; the Soul IS an individualized portion that may materialize, that may become conscious as a companion for that which is, that I AM THAT I AM in ALL its spheres! And all spheres of activity in the earth, in the realms of WHATEVER environ, are for that preparation. That man may control in the earth a few of its influences is so infinitesimal to what eternity is, or to what space or time or any of the universal forces are, that the finite mind does not conceive. (Q) What sign of the zodiac was ascending at birth on my last sojourn in the earth previous to this sojourn? (A) Uranus. (Q) Have I had an incarnation on the planet Jupiter? (A) In that environ, yes. (Q) Is it possible to secure a reading regarding conditions and my sojourn, if any, on that planet? (A) If you can understand Jupiterian environs and languages, yes. (Q) Upon what planets other than the earth does human life exist? (A) None as human life in the earth. This has just been given. (Q) Is there a planet anciently known as Lilith or Vulcan? (A) Pluto and Vulcan are one and the same. No Lilith. Lilith is a personality. (Q) Do you have an further suggestions? (A) Look within self rather than without. For what has been the command to those that came into the earth? "Be fruitful, multiply, SUBDUE the earth." For these have been given thee as signs, as seasons, as those that make known into the heart of man, in the study of these, the GLORY that the Father hath prepared for man. To imply that they rule the earth is to imply, (or its teachers of same, is to imply) that they were set in motion and then have been forgotten! Is that thy experience? Then you are in a bad shape! We are through. Copy to Self Copy to Ass'n file BACKGROUND See 826-2 and succeeding life reading. 8/04/36 He submitted questions. REPORTS 8/12/36 EC's letter: "Understand you are making a special study of Astrology these days, have had some very - well not odd - but unusual - and that would not be the exact word - well some experiences with - well known or exceptional Astrologist, would like very much to talk with you on the subject, and tell you of some of them at least, they might be of interest to you as you are making a study of the subject. My birthdate is Mar. 18th, 1877 - my mother and Father say it was about 3 P.M. place is western Ky., Christian Co. Tho of the 37 astrological readings have had 19 say I could not possibly have been born at that time. All are different except on one thing. Wonder if your chart will show that. Will appreciate your working it out and will be glad to contribute to any expense you may incur. "But would like very much to have the opportunity to talk with you on the subject. Tho I have never read a book, on the subject, and the readings is the only source of information I have. "Let us hear often, and why can't you make it over a weekend..." 2/09/37 Miss [ 1336 ] obtained a Life Rdg. via his recommendation. 7/24/37 Letter to GD: "I had planned to come to the Congress for quite some time; but it happens that as an avocation, side line, or call it what you may, I deal in the stock market. During the week of the Congress, the market was at a crucial point, near a turning point, and it, I thought, would have been too much of a risk to get too far from Washington. As it turned out, I was right, and it would have been quite an expensive trip for me, had I gone. "Incidentally, my source of income will eventually, I believe, be principally the market. In fact, I have been studying it quite intensively for about eight years, and during this time I have read about 1,000 books on the subject, about all there are in the country on the subject. As I recall, you folks gave quite a series of readings relating to the market some years ago for some man in New York. I wonder if these readings would be available for me to see should I come to Virginia Beach. You understand that I do not care anything about any readings as to what the market may do in the future. I know that pretty well already. What I am interested in is going over the readings which have been given on this subject, with the possibility that some basis or plan of forecasting the market may have been set forth. Do you know whether such a plan or system may have been outlined in any reading or not?" 7/30/37 GD's letter: "Thanks for your explanatory letter of the 24th - you made it quite clear why you did not come to the Congress. I would call it real work, dealing in the stock market - and I cannot imagine anyone choosing that as an avocation. However, I suppose it is one of those many things that are absolutely necessary whether we like it or not. "Yes, since you have exhausted about every other source, I should think it would be wise for you to study what the Readings have said about such. We have about five hundred Readings dealing directly with the stock market, but they were given for an individual [ 900 ] from day to day on his psychic development which seemed to run in that line - through dreams, hunches, etc. But also it has been given through the Readings that to fully understand the stock market one must comprehend Numerology - from the spiritual angle. So that's a whole new field for you. We had a very lovely lady numerologist [Florence Evylinn Campbell] down from New York a short time ago; considered the best there is. The Readings have given also quite a bit on Numerology; outlining how to study it. So, I think you could profit considerably from going through these records we have. When you come we can put a card table in the room adjoining the office, and you can dig away to your heart's content - or perhaps it will be discontent by the time you have finished. Anyway, you can take a chance - to learn what is meant by what we call Chance." 12/29/37 [ 826 ]'s letter to HLC: Washington, D.C., ... St., N.W. Dear Hugh Lynn: With regard to our telephone conversation of yesterday, I decided I had better write to you in order to make perfectly clear what I want in the readings. In 1921, there was in existence in New York city, an organization known, I think, as the Bureau of Economic Research. The organization, or the man who was the organization, had a letter service through which to subscribers he advised them what the stock market was likely to do. He said that the methods he used were based on a pure mathematical formula. And he was very good, being able, in general, to say when supply in stocks were beginning to overcome demand, and vice versa. However, after a few months, he discontinued the service and presumably went out of business. It was my desire to see in a reading if we couldn't find out what the mathematical formula was which he used. At present, there is a man in New York City, who has a similar service, now in existence, and makes forecasts based on somewhat the same principles. He has written a book telling to some extent how he does it, but he has withheld the methods he uses to determine the supply and demand areas. If possible I would like to get a reading explaining the formula which he uses. Then there is another man in New York City who is a very successful speculator, not only in stocks but also in commodities. I would like to get a reading on the methods which he uses. I am not sure whether you folks would want to give a research reading of this kind or not. If it is done, it should be kept strictly secret that such a kind of reading was given. I would think. It may be that the reading on the operator in 1921 would be more desirable because of being a past event which is finished. As to that, I do not know. Well, you folks know what you think desirable to do. I have already learned how to forecast the long trend of the market, that is, a movement extending more than three months. The information which I seek would help me to get nearer the exact highs and lows of long moves, but particularly it would help in short swings in the market like those since October 19, 1937, and many which occur throughout the year. It is my opinion that in the work which I want to do, as well as that which you folks are striving for, it will be necessary for us to acquire money. It seems that if a man controls enough money, the whole world will listen to him, and the newspapers write what he says in large headlines. But if he merely has knowledge, nobody hears or listens to him. I have already learned enough about the long trend of the market, the movements over three months, that I believe without question in a few years, five or ten, I will acquire considerable fortune. But if in addition to this knowledge, I could secure the knowledge enabling me to forecast the short movements of a week to three months, this would probably double or more my power to acquire money. If we can get sufficient money, we won't have to depend upon men and organizations in high position to carry out our aims. That method, I am afraid, while probably effective over a long period of time, may be rather slow and uncertain. I hope all of you had a delightful Christmas, and will have a good New Year. If you decide to give the readings, I would like to get three together if I could and if the reading will give us any information. It is my intention to drive down there so that I can be there and ask questions. [ 826 ] 1/04/38 HLC's letter to [ 826 ]: Upon my return to the Beach after a few days absence I learned that you had talked with Miss Davis about your readings and definite plans made to try them. This is to confirm the dates for these readings. We are holding Monday morning and afternoon and Tuesday morning. The use of the two latter periods will depend upon the success and trend of the first reading. My father does not feel that you will be able to secure anything on the systems used by others but thinks you may be assisted to develop a system of your own. In any case he is willing to try the reading for you and I will be glad to work over the suggestions and questions with you. The question of the value and use of such information has arisen before with members of our old association. It is going to be necessary to take some stand on policy and I am glad that we may begin with you. Sincerely, Hugh Lynn Cayce 1/10/38 See 826-9 .

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