Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Shining Your Inner Light Q: Yes. Speaking of sleep, some of us have been very excited about the idea of lucid dreaming. In fact we were talking about it earlier. Would you explore a little bit of that, how we can more easily put ourselves into that state? And what is it about realizing that we're dreaming that we become so excited that we break the connection and come to our bodies? B: Many times when you create a certain type of excitement that you do not have the experience of feeling any other way, other than the way you have felt it in your body, you will not think that you can experience it in a non-physical sense. So when you create within you a vibration that you are only used to feeling in physical ways, you will snap yourself back to an environment that you think is necessary to experience it. It is simply habit; that is all. You can get over it. Allow yourself to recognize that you are living a dream right now, as we have discussed many times. And you can allow the physical dream to begin to blend with the non-physical dream. So that you always know that you are, at one and the same time, dreaming and also wide-awake. Allow yourself to know more and more that you are in control of the events in your physical reality, and it will leak into your dream reality to allow you to know you are in control of the events there. And that you have the ability at any given moment to determine what you will allow in your dream reality as an experience, and what you will not -- so that you will be able to determine your control over the dream reality, which will in turn reinforce your ability to know you have ultimate control over the physical dream as well. Know you are dreaming right now. Begin to create, as you are doing, the reality you prefer. That will leak over into the dream reality; the dream reality will leak over into the physical reality. And once again you will remove the idea; you will dissolve the idea, that the dream reality and the physical reality are two separate realities. Q: It is all one reality. B: All one reality. Q: Yes, I've been experiencing that more and more. B: You are lucidly dreaming now! Q: I got that. Thank you. B: Thank you very much. At. All right for you. Q: What part of I, am you? And what part of you, are me? B: All. 100% in both directions. But how you may specifically mean that can be taken in the following way: You are a multi-dimensional being. I am a multi-dimensional being. There are intersections wherein we overlap. Those intersections are determined by what it is you choose to experience yourself to be in this life. You say, "I will set up this scenario so that I can experience my personality, I can experience my consciousness in this way. If that scenario will overlap with other scenarios, then when I meet those standing wave patterns; when I meet those intersections, they will reinforce themselves to add to the momentum of the path I chose to be." You have common threads in you, common to us. We have threads in us that are common to you. When those threads cross, and when your consciousness, in moving along your thread, and our consciousness in moving along our thread, come together face to face, then we simply share that part of the total equation that we both separately are. Q: Got it. B: Thank you very much. Each and every one of you at this time: allow us to extend to you our appreciation and our unconditional love and gratitude in allowing us to experience the unique manifestation of consciousness that every one of you, individually and collectively, are. We thank you for this gift, for it allows us to see all the different ways that All That Is has of expressing itself within the vibrant and vital creation that it is. You are just as vibrant!! You are just as vital!! Give yourselves the benefit of the doubt -- if you choose to doubt at all. Allow yourselves to know that you are the light; you have the ability, together and individually, to represent the shining of the light of Infinite Creation through the prism that you chose to be. And when you let that inner light shine, it will dispel all shadows of a doubt in your life. The path that you are will be transparent, crystal clear. You have only to decide now, consciously, that you will begin to live as you prefer to live; that you will begin to live as the being you know is true for you. There is no one way; there are an infinite number of ways to express yourselves, and your connections and your relations to All That Is, to Infinite Creation. Once again: if there were only one-way, there would only be one person. Look around. You are all the different ways; we, with you -- all beings within creation -- are all the different ways Infinite Creation has of expressing itself within the creation it is. You are co-creators. Create the way you prefer to create. For create you always will -- whether it be positive or negative. So create the way you prefer. And once again, allow us to remind you: all you need to do, in whatever way works for you, is to wake up and dream. Each and every one of you is as powerful as you need to be to create anything you desire in life without having to hurt anyone else -- or yourselves -- in order to create it. That's how powerful you are! Wake up to that; dream the reality that you are. Pleasant dreams. AUD: Thank you. Good night.

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