Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Philosophy and Imagination in Transformation B: All right, I'll say: how are you all this evening of your time as you create time to exist? AUD: Great. Fine. B: We will begin the idea of this interaction this evening of your time with the sharing of the remembrance of all the ideas and concepts and points of view and perspectives that we have discussed with you in what you call the past, and up to this point. Many of you will find that as you go about the idea of your so-called searching into the idea of your growth -- searching into the idea of your acceleration into spirituality, so to speak -- you may find yourself coming across many of these concepts again and again from different sources, as you call them. The idea simply is a reflection unto you that you are gathering together as a mass consciousness. And so, the idea of all consciousness that is communicating to you at this time can function in the idea of a mass reflection -- hearing on your part what seems to be similar information, yet coming from many different sources, many different facets, of the multidimensional crystal of All That Is. You will find that the information will, from time to time, seem to be different from different sources, but simply recognize that the information is simply altered in whatever form it needs to be to allow the individuals that are present -- according to the ideas, the beliefs and the structures that they perceive to be their reality -- to also understand the principles. For each and every one of you have many different points of view; and if you wish to understand the same idea, it is easier for you to understand it by hearing it in your own terms. So you will find that much of the information comes through many different individuals at different times, in different places, with different modalities, different terminologies. So that each and every individual who finds himself attracted to such information will understand it on his own terms, so that there can be the primary subconsciousness understanding that will allow there to be the blending of the society, as you are seeking to do. In this way, simply recognize that many of the ideas you will be discovering will allow you to come face to face with what you have for so long believed to be reality in your society, and allow you to examine an opportunity to decide for yourselves, to choose for yourselves, what will now be the reality you deem you will be living in this transformational age from third to fourth density, as you have called it -- old to new age awareness. As you form more and more recognition within your consciousness of what it is that defines for you the reality you wish to experience upon your planet, allow yourselves to recognize that because of the type of society you have created yourselves to be, many of you will be coming from the point of view, and from the perspective, of having created many habitual ways of looking at things. And these habits may be so ingrained that you may not even realize that you are hearing the new information through old ears. Simply recognize that the ideas that we are discussing and sharing with you, that we are allowed to reflect to you -- by your willingness to interact with us in this way -- are to many of you seemingly philosophical concepts that on the surface sound nice: "Well that's nice," you say, "but how do you apply it? How is it real? How do you allow it to mechanize and manifest itself into the real reality? Talking about it is nice; imagining it is nice, but what is the real reality?" Recognize that the ideas we are discussing as we have shared them with you many times, is that from our point of view, imagination, and what you refer to as philosophy, are to us solid reality. And we are, in the definition and description of the so-called philosophy, actually giving you the real mechanism. It is simply that you do not believe that the real mechanism to manifest something into your physical reality can be as simple as the way it sounds -- but it is. The idea simply is for you to recognize that what we are discussing are reflections of your imagination, which you are beginning to recognize is just as real as physical reality. And in fact, your physical reality is created from your imagination, even though you think it is so much more real than imagination. It is simply one fragment, one aspect, one perspective and point of view of your imagination, that you have decided to believe in with all your heart and all your soul. And so it seems so very much more solid than what you normally consider to be your imaginary reality -- but it is no different. What you are learning now is that it is no different; and that as soon as you allow yourselves to blend dream reality, imagination reality, and physical reality as different aspects of the same one reality, you will then find yourselves dissolving and removing the barriers, the separations, the judgments between those different ideas. You will not create them to be different levels, and you will literally live your dreams, living within your imagination all the time. Always dreaming, always being perfectly wide awake and aware at the same time. Are you all following along? AUD: Yes. Yes. B: Sharing!

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