Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: PARALLEL REALITIES Q: I understand that we all have infinite versions of ourselves . B: Yes, your talking about the concept of parallel realities? Q: Yes. B: Yes. Q: And, is each one of these selves, does each one have a autonomous, separate .... B: Yes, that is the nature of creation-that every point in creation sees itself as the center point of creation. Q: Is there any communication between those selves? B: Yes, many times you do not recognize the communication, sometimes it is experienced as bleed through inspiration and imaginations and things that suddenly dawn on you, but sometimes these things are actual bleed through from others parallel selves having certain experiences, some of which may simply strike you as interesting to try in your own reality, and vice versa. Q: Is the degree to which we have such a communication any different than the communication you would have with other past lives? B: In the general context no. It is all simply based on resonance identification and what piece of information has the frequency that is most germane for the frequency you are operating on at any particular moment. Q: When you speak of frequency vibration. B: Yes, vibration. Q: What is vibrating? B: What is vibrating? A number of different things, but you can simply, right now, sum it up as your collective energy. You have a particular signature collective vibration and that is what magnetizes anything of similar frequency to you and is translated as information or experience. Q: But the energy that's vibrating is vibrating in what sense? B: In relation to everything else, for that is the only way that there can be a vibration, is that, it has to be in relation to anything else, otherwise if there is nothing to relate to you would not know that there is a vibration, and there would not be. A vibration is simply a motion, an oscillation in relation to everything else. Does that make sense? Q: No, I mean I know what a vibration is, and a period, and an oscillation I'm just not sure how that applies to the general concept of an energy. B: Well again as a simplistic analogy, look at what you would call your visible spectrum of light. You understand that it's all the same basic type of electronic energy but that green is a different frequency of that electromagnetic energy than red. Q: Right. B: Well similarly, different parallel realities are all of a particular kind of energy expression or consciousness, but it is different because it is vibrating at a different pitch. That's why you don't perceive it because it is vibrating at a pitch that is simply not the pitch you are vibrating at and therefore whatever is not vibrating at your pitch is invisible to you, incapable of being processes and experienced by you until you come into more direct contact with it's particular frequency. Did that make any sense? Q: Well it's not getting to the question that I have about exactly what is vibrating, what the period is, but it doesn't matter right now.... B: Well there are different periods, ultimately it is simply all consciousness, but consciousness expresses itself in different dimensional realities domains as different types of energy. You could say it is simply light, if you want to put it that way, since that is one of the first manifestations of consciousness in physiological reality, and sense we are talking about the idea of different parallel physiological worlds then you can simply say what is vibrating is light at different pitches, different frequencies, different vectors. Q: Okay, I'd like to ask you more about the concept of the bleed through that we get from past lives and other selves. If there's a bleed through that is not like creative energy, but there is another self or a past life that's in jeopardy or is in fear, how do we deal with that kind of a energy to protect ourselves or...? B: It is...well, why do you first of all define that you must be protected? Because that in and of itself begets a particular frequency and the need for protection actually functions as a magnet to attract that which you are afraid you need protection from . So the idea, first of all, is not to think you need protection from it because that has the, in fact, opposite effect. Do you follow that? Q: I do and I didn't really mean protection so much as healing. B: All right, well again there are any number of ways you can interact with that energy and sometimes when you may, for example, experience a moment in your life where you may be, as you would say, under duress and all of a sudden perhaps, for some reason, you don't know why, you don't know how, you don't know where it comes from you simply find yourself suddenly feeling love, support or some kind of assurance that everything will be all right, that in fact may actually be coming from another parallel self-future, past alternative reality doesn't matter what the label is, that in fact may be coming from another aspect of the total self that is, in a sense, aware of the fact that other aspects may need assistance, and you thus then can pull yourself up by your own bootstrap's. You follow? Q: Yes, I do. B: So, you perform that function for other parallel realty selves, and other parallel reality selves, just to speak linearly, have performed that function for you, but it's all you of the greater sense, on the larger level Q: Right, you said that I had a parallel reality self that was involved with the Association and in the near future you might tell me more, describe more of the involvement, can you do that now? B: The involvement is as what you would call a type of functionary, in the sense of cataloging and amassing information about a variety of different kinds of interactions that go on between various kinds of civilizations for the purpose of allowing other individuals to know, to glean, to extract like a library from this concoction of information the subtleties and nuances that are important to understand with regard to conducting those interactions fluidly. Did that make sense to you? Q: Yes it does. B: Does that help you then? Q: It does, thank you very much. B: Thank you. 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