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Text: Living Your Philosophy Q: You teach us to not hate war but to love peace, and I really think that is my ideal, except I have an ex-wife and her lawyer coming after me day after day, for money, money, money. It is very difficult for me to turn the other cheek and love them for their teaching me a lesson - or whatever they are trying to do. And I would like some guidance from you as to what I can do to understand - to see the purpose of what they are trying to do to me. B: They are not trying to do anything to you. Do you love yourself for creating this situation? Q: On some level I do, yes. B: All right. Where would that level be? Q: On a philosophical level. B: A philosophical level? Q: I guess... yes. B: You guess? Q: I know. Yes, the philosophical level. B: All right. Can you tell me what is really the difference between the philosophical level and the physical level? Q: Paying the bills! (Laughing) B: Really!? Q: Eating! B: Oh really?! Are you sure? Q: I'm sure, yes. B: In other words you are saying that to be a philosopher requires none of this? Q: I don't follow. B: You are saying that the difference between the philosophical level and the physical level is that the physical level has to be concerned with the ideas of paying the bills and eating. And you are saying that the philosopher has to do none of this. Q: I think the philosopher, if he chooses to, can take a different avenue on which to live his life. Different from what I've seen and done. B: All right. Now in saying already that you have a philosophical level, does that not also mean that you are a philosopher? Q: Yes. B: Would you - in assuming therefore that this philosopher fellow can choose a different avenue - would you not like to be that philosopher? Q: I can choose not to be the philosopher, yes. B: Would you like to choose to be the philosopher? Q: Yes. B: Why would you? Q: (Silence) B: Why do you choose to assume that this philosopher fellow is somehow going to stay apart from you, the physical fellow? Why can you not be the philosopher that can make a different choice? Q: It doesn't seem to be my choice. I seem to be reacting to all the things that are happening around me. B: Yes, you are reacting. But understand that you created the situation to give yourself the opportunity to react to. Now, allow me to say first of all: nothing happens to you, it happens because of you. Recognize that every idea you create is an opportunity. When you allow yourself - when you allow yourself to allow the situation to serve the purpose for which you created it, rather than trying to get rid of it, you will then allow it to change, to transform into something else. First of all recognize that very blatantly, on the surface, it is an opportunity to realize that you can create for yourself the idea that you do not have to be attacked. It is an opportunity for you to realize that this is one way that you do not wish to exemplify in your life. Relax within the situation. First of all simply relax and realize that, simply, you have your part in creating this. All right. No big deal! No need to judge them. No need to judge yourself. Within judgment is where you become caught up in the reactions, because you are judging that what is going on is somehow not a part of your life as it "should" unfold. In making that assumption, in making that judgment, you are then interrupting your own path. You are not allowing what is happening to be a part, a valid part, of what you chose to experience to allow yourself to grow. Simply, very simply, when you allow what is occurring within your life to be a valid part of the path you have chosen to unfold, then you will only manifest positive effects from it because you will always allow your situations to transform into their positive aspects. It is only judgment of the situation that separates you from the idea and makes it seem that you are not in control, nor have created the idea; and thus brings about the negative effect of being separate from an idea which then seems to control you. Understand, you do not have ideas - but you have situations. Nothing happens to you. You are ideas. You are the situations. You are the events of your life. You are - you are the actions going on around you. They are pieces of you, projections of you, back to yourself. Allow yourself to be those ideas. Then you will understand that if they project from the center of you, you are in total control of them, because you are granting them equal validity with any other possibility that could manifest in your life. Only by granting equality to every situation in your life do you then give yourself the opportunity to choose among them. As long as you do not grant equality to every situation then there is an imbalance that keeps you stuck in the one you are not granting validity to. Because you have upset the balance of your energy, tipped the scale, and in that way you can not allow yourself to move from plateau to plateau because you are somehow feeling less, lower, than another idea you feel to be higher than the one you are experiencing. And thus you feel you must climb out of the situation to get there. Each and every situation in being allowed to be equal will simply put you in the position of being at the highest point, seeing every single plateau from the top, and knowing that if you prefer a plateau you can simply step over to that one. Not that the one you are on is any less than that - it is simply different. Are you following me? Q: Yes. Can I just ask about a point though? B: Yes. Q: I understand everything you're saying except for one key word. When you say learn to relax into the situation - is there a technique that you would recommend? B: There are many techniques. Understand that if you wish to use the terminology best, then you may understand that your own imagination, because it is key to your vibration, because it is you, will always afford you the "best" technique for anything you wish to do. How, in your imagination, do you visualize would be a good way for you to relax? Q: How do I visualize I could relax? B: Yes. Q: Well, I meditate now. B: Does that relax you? Q: Yes it does. B: Then by all means proceed with that. If you think of something else that you think would relax you also, go ahead and do that. Any tool that you create for yourself, any technique, will be as valid as you allow it to be. Understand that that is also another idea and must then share equal validity with every other idea. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: How do you feel? Q: I feel different. Thank you. B: Oh, thank you very much. It was your choice. Q: (Laughing) Thanks.

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